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A Terraform module to create an AWS Elasticache Redis cluster


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Terraform module: AWS Elasticache Redis cluster

A Terraform module to create an AWS Elasticache Redis cluster.


module "redis_cluster" {
  source                  = ""
  name                    = "my-app-production"
  number_cache_clusters    = 3
  cloudwatch_create_alarms = true
  allowed_security_groups  = ["${}"]
  apply_immediately        = false
  node_type                = "cache.m3.medium"
  subnet_ids               = ["${module.vpc1.elasticache_subnets}"]
  vpc_id                   = "${module.vpc1.vpc_id}"

Documentation generation

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go get
terraform-docs md ./ | cat -s | tail -r | tail -n +2 | tail -r >


Name Description Type Default Required
allowed_security_groups A list of Security Group ID's to allow access to. string <list> no
apply_immediately Determines whether or not modifications are applied immediately, or during the maintenance window string true no
cloudwatch_alarm_actions Actions for cloudwatch alarms. e.g. an SNS topic list <list> no
cloudwatch_alarm_default_thresholds Override default thresholds for CloudWatch alarms. See cloudwatch_alarm_thresholds in for valid keys map <map> no
cloudwatch_create_alarms Whether to enable CloudWatch alarms string false no
create_resources Whether to create the Aurora cluster and related resources string true no
engine_version Redis engine verions string 4.0.10 no
maintenance_window When to perform maintenance string sun:02:30-sun:03:30 no
multi_az_enabled Specifies whether to enable Multi-AZ Support for the replication group. Applied only when number_cache_clusters is greater than 1. bool true no
name Name given resources string - yes
node_type Instance type to use string cache.t2.micro no
notification_topic_arn Notification topic ARN for the cluster string `` no
number_cache_clusters Number of nodes in the cluster string 1 no
parameter_group_family string redis4.0 no
parameters A map of parameters to modify in redis param group. map(string) {} no
port The port on which to accept connections string 6379 no
route53_record_appendix Will be appended to the route53 record. Only used if route53_zone_id is passed also string .redis no
route53_record_ttl TTL of route53 record. Only used if route53_zone_id is passed also string 60 no
route53_zone_id If specified a route53 record will be created string `` no
subnet_ids List of subnet IDs to use list - yes
tags A map of tags to add to all resources. map <map> no
vpc_id VPC ID string - yes


Name Description
id The ID replication group
port The port of the cluster
primary_endpoint_address The primary endpoint of the cluster
security_group_id The security group ID of the cluster