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Ocean-Protocol-Use-Cases 🌊⛵️

An open use case and pitch deck library to be used for outreach, awareness and early onboarding into the Ocean ecosystem.

Published Use Cases

🇪🇺 Gaia-X

Ocean Protocol already supports a wide range of functionalities the Gaia-X federated services aim to provide. Ocean Protocol might allow the Gaia-X community and emerging European data economy to save years of development and integration time. By applying open-source distributed ledger technology and smart contracts, Europe can accelerate the development of Gaia-X for all European citizens, businesses, scientists, and governments.

✳️ Federated Learning

While so far, the advance of AI has been paid with the privacy of the people on a global scale, data is typically kept in silos available to a few companies only. With Federated Learning on Ocean Protocol, society can benefit from faster progress in AI without compromising its privacy and losing control over its data. Instead of data that is kept in silos and available to few, data access can be monetized by anyone without intermediaries in a decentralized fashion. On the other hand, data consumers can improve their machine learning and prediction models with data being unlocked by Ocean Protocol.

🥾 Data Audit Trail

An immutable data audit trail enhances transparency for and trust of participants in an open data marketplace. DLT based marketplaces like Ocean Protocol enable that all transactions are verified, stored, and audited in an ordered, transparent, and trustless way, and hence enable a Data Exchange Logging Service (DELS) by design.

🔐 Privacy Preserving Data Marketplaces

Compute-to-Data on a decentralized marketplace like Ocean Market enables free, open, transparent, secure, and privacy-preserving data sharing and monetization, where data owners keep full control over their data.

About deltaDAO

deltaDAO is the first “Ocean Protocol” engineering, integration and consulting company, created, built, led, operated and owned by Ocean Protocol community members and supporters.

Our vision is to unite privacy-preserving technology, data economy pioneers and Web3 enthusiasts with diverse skill sets in a company that covers the full “Ocean Protocol” stack and expertise needed to offer professional enterprise integrations.

Our mission is to build towards a European data economy powered by “Ocean Protocol”. Open source, decentralized, GDPR-compliant and following in accordance with European values. We want to bring “Ocean Protocol” to European enterprises, research institutions and non-profit organizations.


📚 An open Ocean Protocol use case and pitch deck library







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