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Admin Deltastateonline edited this page Jun 5, 2016 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the victa.trimmer wiki!

This project is called Victa trimmer because I recently bought a Victa Line Trimmer. In the box which the trimmer came in was a list of accredited Victa repairers around Australia. I knew I would soon or later lose this list, which I think I already have but I decided to scan the list and save it on my one drive.

The victa website has its own Find Dealer feature, but it doesn't work if you don't know the exact postcode and for some reason, they have decided to use msn bing for mapping. One more thing is that the page reloads every time you choose to search.

So I decided implement a similar project, but this time use google maps instead to provide address auto completion. I also wanted to try my hands on some SPA technology and I found knockout js to be quite easy.

Since I only have access to LAMP hosting, the project was built using Lumen, which is a cut down version of Laravel. Lumen was only used to query the mysql database and return the results as json. It would have been possible to simply store the entire dataset as json on the web page itself.

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