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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Provides a fluent Api for searching for a file or files in a folder, subfolders or even in parent folders, matching a specified filename or pattern.

This example demonstates searching for instances of files called in the folder c:\dev\src or in any subfolders or parent folders of that folder:

    files: IStringList;


At least one folder MUST be specified or the search will not yield any results. If no filename is specified then the search will return all files (*.*).

Convenience methods are provided for specifying the current directory (CurrentDir) or to include folders on the environment PATH variable (OnPATH).

Re-Using Search Objects and COnfiguration

The Filename and all of the folder configuration methods support an optional aReplaceExisting parameter. This is FALSE by default, so that filenames or folders are added to the current search configuration. If TRUE is specified instead, then any current configuration is replaced by the configuration being added.

The Files and Folders yields similarly provide an optional aReplacingContents parameter that determines whether search results are added to the existing contents of a specified list, or will replace any existing content.

These optional paramters enable search objects to be re-used, for example when searching for different files in the same set of folders or for the same file(s) in different folders.

  // Seach for JPEG files in the current directory and sub-folders, yielding the results
  //  in a 'files' stringlist, replacing the contents each time the search is executed.

   search := FileSearch.Filename('*.jpg;*.jpeg')
              .Yielding.Files(files, TRUE);


  // Now repeat the same search but looking only for PNG files

   search.Filename('*.png', TRUE).Execute;

Filename Patterns

As illustrated above, a Filename may be specified to search for using wildcard patterns as required. For example, to search for mp4, mkv, avi and mov files in a folder d:\media and any subfolders.

Multiple filenames or patterns may be specified using a ; delimiter:

     movies: IStringList;


Recursive Search (Sub-Folders and Parent Folders)

The default behaviour of FileSearch is non-recursive. That is, it will return only files and folders in the specified folder(s) and not in any sub-folders.

To include sub-folders in the search include SubFolders before Executeing. Sub-folder searchs are conducted in ALL folders in turn. That is, if two folders are added to be searched, the first folder and subfolders are searched, before the second folder and subfolders are searched.

You may also include parent folders in the search, by calling ParentFolders. Parent folder searches do not include any sub-folders of those parent folders, irrespective of the SubFolders configuration.

Parent folders are searched only after all folders and sub-folders have been searched.

These methods may be called parameterless or with a boolean parameter to set the required behaviour. Calling the parameterless methods is equiavalent to passing TRUE to the parameterised method.

NOTE: When searching sub-folders or parent folders, the Folders yield will contain only those folders that match the specified filename pattern(s), not all folders that were searched.


There are four possible yields from a FileSearch:

  1. Count - yields the total count of files and folders that match the specified filename(s)
  2. Files - yields a stringlist of files that match the specified filename(s)
  3. Folders - yields a stringlist of folders that match the specified filename(s)
  4. Filename - yields the first filename (which may be a folder) that satisfies the file search

As many of these yields may be requested as required. Note that if only the Filename yield is requested, then the search will stop on the first filename or folder that satisfies the search.

Requesting multiple yields of the same type results in the last yield requested being honoured and the earlier yield ignored.

    filesA, filesB: IStringList;
    first: String;

     // first will contain the first matching file/folder
     // filesA will be NIL
     // filesB will contain all matching filenames

When specifiying Files and Folders yields, if an uninitialised interface reference (NIL) is provided then the search will create a stringlist for you, to hold the yield.

If you specify an existing stringlist, the yields will be added to current contents of that existing stringlist.

Fully Qualified Results (File path and Filename)

The results of a FileSearch will be formatted according to the following criteria:

  • If more than one Folder is configured, results are fully qualified
  • If ParentFolders or SubFolders are being searched, results are fully qualified
  • If only one folder is being searched with both ParentFolders and SubFolders not set or set FALSE, then results are NOT fully qualified (filename only, no path)

If you wish to guarantee fully qualified results you can include the FullyQualified call on the Yielding configuration:
