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[Decorators] Add maybe_coroutine decorator
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- Clean up callback hell by making more code inline
- Use async/await syntax as it has more modern niceties than inlineCallbacks
  - Also gets us closer if we want to transition to asyncio in the future
  - `await` is usable in places that `yield` is not. e.g. `return await thething` `func(await thething, 'otherparam')`
  - IDEs know async semantics of async/await syntax to help more than with `inlineCallbacks`
- `maybe_coroutine` decorator has nice property (over `ensureDeferred`) that when used in a chain of other coroutines, they won't be wrapped in deferreds on each level, and so traceback will show each `await` call leading to the error.
- All async functions wrapped in `maybe_coroutine` are 100% backwards compatible with a regular Deferred returning function. Whether called from a coroutine or not.
- Use Deferred type hints as strings since older versions of twisted
(<21.7) don't support generic Deferred type hinting.
  • Loading branch information
gazpachoking authored and cas-- committed Feb 6, 2022
1 parent bd88f78 commit b76f2c0
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Showing 2 changed files with 267 additions and 0 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions deluge/
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
import re
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, TypeVar

from twisted.internet import defer

def proxy(proxy_func):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,3 +162,54 @@ def depr_func(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)

return depr_func

class CoroutineDeferred(defer.Deferred):
"""Wraps a coroutine in a Deferred.
It will dynamically pass through the underlying coroutine without wrapping where apporpriate."""

def __init__(self, coro: Coroutine):
# Delay this import to make sure a reactor was installed first
from twisted.internet import reactor

self.coro = coro
self.awaited = None
self.activate_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.activate)

def __await__(self):
if self.awaited in [None, True]:
self.awaited = True
return self.coro.__await__()
# Already in deferred mode
return super().__await__()

def activate(self):
"""If the result wasn't awaited before the next context switch, we turn it into a deferred."""
if self.awaited is None:
self.awaited = False
d = defer.Deferred.fromCoroutine(self.coro)

def addCallbacks(self, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: N802
assert not self.awaited, 'Cannot add callbacks to an already awaited coroutine.'
return super().addCallbacks(*args, **kwargs)

_RetT = TypeVar('_RetT')

def maybe_coroutine(
f: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, _RetT]]
) -> 'Callable[..., defer.Deferred[_RetT]]':
"""Wraps a coroutine function to make it usable as a normal function that returns a Deferred."""

def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# Uncomment for quick testing to make sure CoroutineDeferred magic isn't at fault
# from twisted.internet.defer import ensureDeferred
# return ensureDeferred(f(*args, **kwargs))
return CoroutineDeferred(f(*args, **kwargs))

return wrapper
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions deluge/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
# This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with
# the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
# See LICENSE for more details.
import pytest
import pytest_twisted
import twisted.python.failure
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, task
from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred

from deluge.decorators import maybe_coroutine

def inline_func():
result = yield task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda: 'function_result')
return result

def inline_error():
raise Exception('function_error')

async def coro_func():
result = await task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda: 'function_result')
return result

async def coro_error():
raise Exception('function_error')

def coro_func_from_inline():
result = yield coro_func()
return result

def coro_error_from_inline():
result = yield coro_error()
return result

async def coro_func_from_coro():
return await coro_func()

async def coro_error_from_coro():
return await coro_error()

async def inline_func_from_coro():
return await inline_func()

async def inline_error_from_coro():
return await inline_error()

def test_standard_twisted():
"""Sanity check that twisted tests work how we expect.
Not really testing deluge code at all.
result = yield inline_func()
assert result == 'function_result'

with pytest.raises(Exception, match='function_error'):
yield inline_error()

def test_from_inline(function):
"""Test our coroutines wrapped with maybe_coroutine as if they returned plain twisted deferreds."""
result = yield function()
assert result == 'function_result'

def cb(result):
assert result == 'function_result'

d = function()
yield d

def test_error_from_inline(function):
"""Test our coroutines wrapped with maybe_coroutine as if they returned plain twisted deferreds that raise."""
with pytest.raises(Exception, match='function_error'):
yield function()

def eb(result):
assert isinstance(result, twisted.python.failure.Failure)
assert result.getErrorMessage() == 'function_error'

d = function()
yield d

async def test_from_coro(function):
"""Test our coroutines wrapped with maybe_coroutine work from another coroutine."""
result = await function()
assert result == 'function_result'

async def test_error_from_coro(function):
"""Test our coroutines wrapped with maybe_coroutine work from another coroutine with errors."""
with pytest.raises(Exception, match='function_error'):
await function()

async def test_tracebacks_preserved():
with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc:
await coro_error_from_coro()
traceback_lines = [
'await coro_error_from_coro()',
'return await coro_error()',
"raise Exception('function_error')",
# If each coroutine got wrapped with ensureDeferred, the traceback will be mangled
# verify the coroutines passed through by checking the traceback.
for expected, actual in zip(traceback_lines, exc.traceback):
assert expected in str(actual)

async def test_maybe_deferred_coroutine():
result = await maybeDeferred(coro_func)
assert result == 'function_result'

async def test_callback_before_await():
def cb(res):
assert res == 'function_result'
return res

d = coro_func()
result = await d
assert result == 'function_result'

async def test_callback_after_await():
"""If it has already been used as a coroutine, can't be retroactively turned into a Deferred.
This limitation could be fixed, but the extra complication doesn't feel worth it.

def cb(res):

d = coro_func()
await d
with pytest.raises(
Exception, match='Cannot add callbacks to an already awaited coroutine'

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