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David Emanuel Santiago edited this page Nov 3, 2019 · 15 revisions

The goal of this page is to show how to achieve the goal of Lift Cup without any extra software required (besides the torrent client and NewsUP)

This page assumes that:

<PATH_TO_NEWSUP> is a valid path to newsup. Example: /path/to/

This assumes that the downloaded torrent contains the following structure:

|- File 1
|- File 2
\- File 3

If newsup is correctly configured, then the instructions written here are sufficient.

NewsUP is extremely configurable and it's possible to configure rTorrent to invoke NewsUP when a torrent finishes downloading.


Just add to your settings file:

method.set_key =,uploadit,"execute.capture={<PATH_TO_NEWSUP>,-f,$d.base_path=}"

Create the following bash script, and name it

<PATH_TO_NEWSUP> -file $torrentpath

Open Preferences and go to Plugins. Make sure that you have the Execute plugin installed and enabled.

Go to Preferences -> execute.

Add a new command ( for the Event "Torrent Complete".

Go to tools -> options to open the options window.

Select the Transfers option. Scroll down, and select "Execute an external application when a transfer finishes". Set the value to:

<PATH_TO_NEWSUP> -file "%R"

  1. Shutdown the client
  2. Go to ~/.config/transmission
  3. Edit the file settings.json and change the options:

"script-torrent-done-enabled": true,

"script-torrent-done-filename": "~/.config/transmission/"

  1. Create the file "~/.config/transmission/" with the following content:


set -xv

xterm -e "newsup -f $TR_TORRENT_DIR/$TR_TORRENT_NAME ; echo "Press Enter to close"; read "

Note: Change the newsup to point to the executable where you installed it.

  1. Add executable permissions to the file:

chmod +x ~/.config/transmission/

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