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Depth-averaged gas-particles model

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Shallow water model for multiphase flow (gas+particles) with density of gas temperature-dependent.

Before compiling the code, please be sure that the following libraries are installed on your system:

  • liblapack-dev
  • libopenblas-dev

To compile:

touch README



To compile the code with OpenMP add the following flag in src/Makefile:

  1. with gfortran: -fopenmp
  2. with intel: -qopenmp


make install

The executable is copied in the bin folder.

Several examples can be found in the EXAMPLES folder.

Docker container

If you do not have a compiler on your system, there is a Docker container with the executable of the latest version of the model at the following link:

If you have docker installed on your computer, you can download the container from the commant line with:

docker pull demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2


Create a folder for your simulation with all the input files and then run the container with:

docker run -v $PWD:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 run

If your simulation produced .asc output files, you can post-process those files to have .png files with:

docker run -v $PWD:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 plot_overlay

If your simulation produced .p_2d output files, you can post-process those files to have a netCDF4 file with:

docker run -v $PWD:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 p2d_to_netcdf


Create a folder for your simulation with all the input files and then run the container with:

docker run -v %cd%:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 run

If your simulation produced .asc output files, you can post-process those files to have .png files with:

docker run -v %cd%:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 plot_overlay

If your simulation produced .p_2d output files, you can post-process those files to have a netCDF4 file with:

docker run -v %cd%:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 p2d_to_netcdf


Create a folder for your simulation with all the input files and then run the container with:

docker run -v ${PWD}:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 run

If your simulation produced .asc output files, you can post-process those files to have .png files with:

docker run -v ${PWD}:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 plot_overlay

If your simulation produced .p_2d output files, you can post-process those files to have a netCDF4 file with:

docker run -v ${PWD}:/home/user_sw/SW_RUNS -i -t demichie/imex_sflow2d_v2 p2d_to_netcdf