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1522 lines (1228 loc) · 87.1 KB

BMC Helix ITSM integration enables customers to manage service request, incident, change request, task, problem investigation, known error and work order tickets. This integration was integrated and tested with version 22.1.05 of BmcITSM

Configure BMC Helix ITSM on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for BMC Helix ITSM.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Parameter Description Required
    Server URL For Example: https://localhost:8008 True
    User Name True
    Password True
    Maximum Number of Incidents per Fetch Default is 50. Maximum is 200. False
    First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). False
    Ticket Type The type of the tickets to fetch. False
    Ticket Status The status of the tickets to fetch. Since each ticket type has its own unique set of statuses, select only statuses that match the selected ticket type(s). False
    Ticket Impact The impact of the tickets to fetch. False
    Ticket Urgency The urgency of the tickets to fetch. False
    Fetch by Query Search query to fetch tickets. For example: Status = "Draft" AND Impact = "1-Extensive/Widespread". The query is used in addition to the existing parameters. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. False
    Incident Mirroring Direction Choose the direction to mirror the incident: Incoming (from BMC Helix ITSM to Cortex XSOAR), Outgoing (from Cortex XSOAR to BMC Helix ITSM), or Incoming and Outgoing (from/to Cortex XSOAR and BMC Helix ITSM). False
    Close Mirrored XSOAR Incident When selected, closing the BMC Helix ITSM ticket is mirrored in Cortex XSOAR. False
    Close Mirrored BMC Helix ITSM Ticket When selected, closing the Cortex XSOAR incident is mirrored in BMC Helix ITSM. False
    Use system proxy settings False
    Trust any certificate (not secure) False
    Incident type False
    Fetch incidents False
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Retrieves a list of user profiles from BMC Helix ITSM. The records are retrieved by the query argument or by the filtering arguments. When using filtering arguments, each one defines a 'LIKE' operation and an 'AND' operator is used between them. To see the entire JSON then you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
user_ids A comma-separated list of user IDs. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
query The query to search by. For example: Status = "Draft" AND Impact = "1-Extensive/Widespread". The query is used in addition to the existing arguments. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
first_name The user first name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
last_name The user first name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
company The user company name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
department The user department name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
organization The user organization name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.User.Id String The user ID.
BmcITSM.User.FirstName String The user first name.
BmcITSM.User.LastName String The user last name.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-user-list limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "User": [
                "Company": "Calbro Services",
                "Department": null,
                "FirstName": "App",
                "Id": "PPL000000000005",
                "LastName": "Admin",
                "Organization": null,
                "Region": "Americas",
                "Site": "Headquarters, Building 1.31",
                "SiteGroup": "United States"
                "Company": "Calbro Services",
                "Department": null,
                "FirstName": "Orchestration",
                "Id": "PPL000000000012",
                "LastName": "Admin",
                "Organization": null,
                "Region": "Americas",
                "Site": "Headquarters, Building 1.31",
                "SiteGroup": "United States"

Human Readable Output

List Users.

Showing 2 records out of 12.

Id First Name Last Name Company Department Site Group Region Site Organization
PPL000000000005 App Admin Calbro Services United States Americas Headquarters, Building 1.31
PPL000000000012 Orchestration Admin Calbro Services United States Americas Headquarters, Building 1.31


Retrieves a list of companies from BMC Helix ITSM. The records are retrieved by the query argument or by the filtering arguments. When using filtering arguments, each one defines a 'LIKE' operation and an 'AND' operator is used between them. To see the entire JSON then you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
company_ids A comma-separated list of company ID. Filtering argument. Optional
query The query to search by. For example: Status = "Draft" AND Impact = "1-Extensive/Widespread". The query is used in addition to the existing arguments. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
company The user company name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
company_type The user company type. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.Company.Id String The company ID.
BmcITSM.Company.Name String The company name.
BmcITSM.Company.Type String The company type.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-company-list limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "Company": [
                "Id": "CPY000000000015",
                "Name": "- Global -",
                "Type": "- System -"
                "Id": "CPY000000000016",
                "Name": "Adobe Systems",
                "Type": "Manufacturer"

Human Readable Output

List Companies.

Showing 2 records out of 28.

Id Name Type
CPY000000000015 - Global - - System -
CPY000000000016 Adobe Systems Manufacturer


Retrieves a list of service request definitions. The records are retrieved by the query argument or by the filtering arguments. When using filtering arguments, each one defines a 'LIKE' operation and an 'AND' operator is used between them. To see the entire JSON then you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
srd_ids A comma-separated list of service request definition IDs. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
query The query to search by. For example: Status = "Draft" AND Impact = "1-Extensive/Widespread". The query is used in addition to the existing arguments. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
description The service request ticket definition description. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.ServiceRequestDefinition.Id String The service request ticket definition ID.
BmcITSM.ServiceRequestDefinition.Description String The service request ticket definition description.
BmcITSM.ServiceRequestDefinition.InstanceID String The service request ticket instance ID. Used for creating service requests.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-service-request-definition-list limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "ServiceRequestDefinition": [
                "Description": "Other request to facilities that isn't specifically listed.",
                "Id": "000000000000382|000000000000382",
                "InstanceID": "SRGAA5V0GENAWAO6U31IO5YO03KYL3"
                "Description": "Request to order new office equipment",
                "Id": "000000000000381|000000000000381",
                "InstanceID": "SRGAA5V0GENAWAO6U2OFO5YNN0K4Y6"

Human Readable Output

List service request definitions.

Showing 2 records out of 157.

Id Description Instance ID
000000000000382|000000000000382 Other request to facilities that isn't specifically listed. SRGAA5V0GENAWAO6U31IO5YO03KYL3
000000000000381|000000000000381 Request to order new office equipment SRGAA5V0GENAWAO6U2OFO5YNN0K4Y6


Retrieves a list of BMC Helix ITSM tickets. The records are retrieved by the query argument or by the filtering arguments. When using filtering arguments, each one defines a 'LIKE' operation and an 'AND' operator is used between them. To see the entire JSON then you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ticket_type The type of tickets to search for. Possible values are: service request, incident, task, change request, problem investigation, known error, work order. Required
query The query to search by. For example: Status = "Draft" AND Impact = "1-Extensive/Widespread". The query is used in addition to the existing arguments. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
ticket_ids A comma-separated list of ticket request IDs. Used as a filtering argument. Use Display ID for work order type. Optional
status The status of the tickets to fetch. Since each ticket type has its own unique set of statuses, select only statuses that match the selected ticket type(s). Possible values are: Draft, In Cart, In Review, Submitted, Pending, Waiting Approval, Planning, In Progress, Completed, Rejected, Cancelled, Closed, New, Assigned, Resolved, Request For Authorization, Request For Change, Planning In Progress, Scheduled For Review, Scheduled For Approval, Scheduled, Implementation In Progress, Staged, Work In Progress, Waiting, Bypassed, Under Review, Under Investigation, Scheduled For Correction, Assigned To Vendor, No Action Planned, Corrected. Optional
impact The ticket impact. Used as a filtering argument. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
urgency The ticket urgency. Used as a filtering argument. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
priority The ticket priority. Used as a filtering argument. Possible values are: Critical, High, Medium, Low. Optional
risk_level The ticket risk level. Used as a filtering argument. Possible values are: Risk Level 1, Risk Level 2, Risk Level 3, Risk Level 4. Optional
change_type The ticket change type level. Relevant only for ticket type change requests. Used as a filtering argument. Possible values are: Project, Change, Release, Asset Configuration, Asset Management, Asset Lease, Purchase Requisition, Asset Maintenance. Optional
summary The ticket summary. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.Ticket.RequestID String The ticket ID.
BmcITSM.Ticket.DisplayID String The ticket request number.
BmcITSM.Ticket.InstanceId String The ticket instance ID.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Type String The ticket type.
BmcITSM.Ticket.TargetDate Date The ticket target date in UTC.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Status String The ticket status.
BmcITSM.Ticket.StatusReason String The ticket status reason.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Submitter String The ticket submitter.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Priority String The ticket priority.
BmcITSM.Ticket.RiskLevel String The ticket risk level.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Impact String The ticket impact.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Urgency String The ticket urgency.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Requester Unknown The ticket requester info.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Customer Unknown The ticket customer info.
BmcITSM.Ticket.assignee Unknown The ticket assignee info.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Summary String The ticket summary.
BmcITSM.Ticket.Details String The ticket details.
BmcITSM.Ticket.CreateDate Date The ticket create date time in UTC.
BmcITSM.Ticket.LastModifiedDate Date The ticket last update date time in UTC.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-ticket-list ticket_type="service request" limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "Ticket": [
                "Assignee": {
                    "AssignedGroup": null,
                    "FullName": "Mary Mann",
                    "Group": "Backoffice Support",
                    "SupportCompany": "Calbro Services",
                    "SupportOrganization": "IT Support"
                "CreateDate": "2022-06-29T14:38:36",
                "Customer": {
                    "Company": "Calbro Services",
                    "Department": null,
                    "E-mail": null,
                    "FirstName": "App",
                    "LastName": "Admin",
                    "Organization": null,
                    "PhoneNumber": "###"
                "Details": null,
                "DisplayID": "REQ000000000398",
                "Impact": "1-Extensive/Widespread",
                "InstanceId": "AGGAI7ZXDK9WFAR4IUA2R3J3RVIB6Q",
                "LastModifiedDate": "2022-07-11T07:27:05",
                "Priority": null,
                "Request Type": "Standard",
                "RequestID": "000000000000396",
                "Requester": {
                    "Company": "Calbro Services",
                    "FirstName": "App",
                    "LastName": "Admin",
                    "Region": "Americas",
                    "Site": "Headquarters, Building 1.31",
                    "SiteGroup": "United States"
                "Status": "Planning",
                "StatusReason": null,
                "Submitter": "appadmin",
                "Summary": "Add user access to network",
                "TargetDate": null,
                "Type": "service request",
                "Urgency": "2-High"
                "Assignee": {
                    "AssignedGroup": null,
                    "FullName": "Bob Baxter",
                    "Group": "Backoffice Support",
                    "SupportCompany": "Calbro Services",
                    "SupportOrganization": "IT Support"
                "CreateDate": "2022-06-29T14:38:36",
                "Customer": {
                    "Company": "Calbro Services",
                    "Department": null,
                    "E-mail": null,
                    "FirstName": "App",
                    "LastName": "Admin",
                    "Organization": null,
                    "PhoneNumber": "###"
                "Details": null,
                "DisplayID": "REQ000000000400",
                "Impact": "1-Extensive/Widespread",
                "InstanceId": "AGGAI7ZXDK9WFAR4IUA2R3J3RVIB6W",
                "LastModifiedDate": "2022-07-11T07:27:05",
                "Priority": null,
                "Request Type": "Standard",
                "RequestID": "000000000000398",
                "Requester": {
                    "Company": "Calbro Services",
                    "FirstName": "App",
                    "LastName": "Admin",
                    "Region": "Americas",
                    "Site": "Headquarters, Building 1.31",
                    "SiteGroup": "United States"
                "Status": "Planning",
                "StatusReason": null,
                "Submitter": "appadmin",
                "Summary": "Add SAP printer",
                "TargetDate": null,
                "Type": "service request",
                "Urgency": "2-High"

Human Readable Output

List Tickets.

Showing 2 records out of 227.

Type Request ID Display ID Summary Status Urgency Impact Create Date Last Modified Date
service request 000000000000396 REQ000000000398 Add user access to network Planning 2-High 1-Extensive/Widespread 2022-06-29T14:38:36 2022-07-11T07:27:05
service request 000000000000398 REQ000000000400 Add SAP printer Planning 2-High 1-Extensive/Widespread 2022-06-29T14:38:36 2022-07-11T07:27:05


Creates a new service request ticket. A service request ticket is the request record that is generated from the service request definition to manage and track the execution. To create it, you need to provide the srd_instance_id argument, which can be retrieved by by executing the bmc-itsm-service-request-definition-list command and extracting the instanceID field. User and company arguments can be retrieved by executing the bmc-itsm-user-list and bmc-itsm-company-list. To see the entire JSON, you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
srd_instance_id The instance ID of the service request ticket. It can be retrieved by executing bmc-itsm-service-request-definition-list command. Required
first_name The requester first name. By default it is determined by the logged in user. If provided, login_id, first_name, and last_name arguments must be provided together. Optional
last_name The requester last name. By default it is determined by the logged in user. If provided, login_id, first_name, and last_name arguments must be provided together. Optional
login_id The requester login ID. By default it is determined by the logged in user. If provided, login_id, first_name, and last_name arguments must be provided together. Optional
summary The service request ticket summary. Optional
status The service request ticket status. Possible values are: Draft, In Cart, In Review, Submitted, Pending, Waiting Approval, Planning, In Progress, Completed, Rejected, Cancelled, Closed. Optional
urgency The ticket urgency. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
impact The ticket impact. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee, or any other custom field. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.ServiceRequest.RequestID String The service request ticket unique request ID.
BmcITSM.ServiceRequest.DisplayID String The service request ticket request number.
BmcITSM.ServiceRequest.CreateDate Date The service request ticket create date time in UTC.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-service-request-create service_request_definition_id=SRGAA5V0GENAWAO6ZQWYO6EBWDOUAU

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "Task": {
            "CreateDate": "2022-07-27T08:44:43",
            "DisplayID": "REQ000000000513",
            "RequestID": "000000000000513"

Human Readable Output

Task ticket successfully Created.

Create Date Display ID Request ID
2022-07-27T08:44:43 TAS000000000413 TAS000000000413


Updates the details of a service request ticket for a given request ID. User and company related arguments can be retrieved by executing the bmc-itsm-user-list and bmc-itsm-company-list commands.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ticket_request_id The unique identifier of the service request ticket to update. Required
customer_first_name The customer first name. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
customer_last_name The customer last name. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
status The service request ticket status. Possible values are: Draft, In Cart, In Review, Submitted, Pending, Waiting Approval, Planning, In Progress, Completed, Rejected, Cancelled, Closed. Optional
urgency The ticket request urgency. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
impact Incident Request impact. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
status_reason The reason for updating the status. Required only if status argument is provided. Possible values are: Review, Need More Information, Approval, System Error, With Issues, Automatically Closed, Successful, By User, By Provider, System, Cancelled, Reopen By User. Optional
location_company The company associated with the service request process. Optional
region The region associated with the company location. Optional
site_group The site group associated with the region. Optional
site The site associated with the site group. Optional
assignee The full name of the employee the ticket will be assigned to. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee, or any other custom field. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-service-request-update service_request_id=000000000000259 status=Cancelled status_reason=Cancelled

Human Readable Output

Service Request: 000000000000259 was successfully updated.


Update incident ticket.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ticket_request_id The ID of the incident ticket to update. Required
first_name The customer first name the incident ticket is for. Optional
last_name The customer last name the incident ticket is for. Optional
summary The incident ticket summary. Optional
service_type The type of the incident ticket. Possible values are: User Service Restoration, User Service Request, Infrastructure Restoration, Infrastructure Event, Security Incident. Optional
urgency The ticket urgency. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
impact The ticket impact. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
status The incident ticket status. Possible values are: New, Assigned, In Progress, Pending, Resolved, Closed, Cancelled. Optional
reported_source The incident ticket reported source. Possible values are: Direct Input, Email,External Escalation, Fax, Self Service, Systems Management, Phone, Voice Mail, Walk In, Web, Other, BMC Impact Manager Event. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee, or any other custom field. Possible values are: The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value".Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee, or any other custom field.. Optional
detailed_description The incident ticket summary. Optional
company The company associated with the requester. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
assigned_support_company The company for the assignee’s support organization. It makes up the first tier of the assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assigned_support_organization The organization for the assignee’s support organization. It makes up the second tier of the assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assigned_group The group for the assignee’s support organization. It makes up the third tier of the assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assignee The full name of the employee the ticket will be assigned to. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
assignee_login_id The login ID of the assignee. The assignee and assignee_login_id arguments must be provided together. Optional
region The region, which makes up the second tier of the customer’s business organization data structure. Optional
site_group The site group associated with the region. Optional
site The site associated with the site group. Optional
status_reason The reason for updating the ticket status. Required when status is provided. Possible values are: Infrastructure Change Created, Local Site Action Required, Purchase Order Approval, Registration Approval, Supplier Delivery, Support Contact Hold, Third Party Vendor Action Reqd, Client Action Required, Infrastructure Change Request, Future Enhancement, Pending Original Incident, Client Hold, Monitoring Incident, Customer Follow-Up Required, Temporary Corrective Action, No Further Action Required, Resolved by Original Incident, Automated Resolution Reported, No longer a Causal CI, Pending Causal Incident Resolution, Resolved by Causal Incident. Optional
resolution The ticket resolution description. Required when status is provided. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-incident-update request_id=INC000000000532 assignee="Mary Mann" assignee_login_id=Mary impact="2-Significant/Large" urgency="1-Critical"

Human Readable Output

Incident: INC000000000532 was successfully updated.


Deletes a ticket by its request ID. Only admin users can perform this command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ticket_ids A comma-separated list of ticket request IDs to delete. Required
ticket_type The type of the tickets to delete. Possible values are: incident, task, change request, problem investigation, known error, work order. Required

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-ticket-delete ticket_ids=TAS000000000260 ticket_type=task

Human Readable Output

task TAS000000000260 was deleted successfully


Creates a new incident ticket. An incident is any event that is not part of the standard operation of a service and that causes an interruption to or a reduction in the quality of that service.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
first_name The customer first name the incident ticket is for. Required
last_name The customer last name the incident ticket is for. Required
template_instance_id The instance ID of the template to use. Required only when the ticket attributes should be based on the template's fields. The instance ID can be retrieved by executing the bmc-itsm-incident-template-list command. Optional
summary The incident ticket summary. Required when the template_instance_id argument is not provided. Optional
service_type The type of the incident ticket. Required when the template_instance_id argument is not provided. Possible values are: User Service Restoration, User Service Request, Infrastructure Restoration, Infrastructure Event, Security Incident. Optional
urgency The ticket urgency. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Required
impact The ticket impact. Required when the creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Required
status Incident status. Possible values are: New, Assigned, In Progress, Pending, Resolved, Closed, Cancelled. Required
reported_source The incident ticket reported source. Required when the template_instance_id argument is not provided. Possible values are: Direct Input, Email,External Escalation, Fax, Self Service, Systems Management, Phone, Voice Mail, Walk In, Web, Other, BMC Impact Manager Event. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee, or any other custom field. Possible values are: The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value".Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee, or any other custom field.. Optional
details The incident ticket detailed description. Optional
company The company associated with the requester. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
assigned_support_company The company for the assignee’s support organization. It makes up the first tier of the assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assigned_support_organization The organization for the assignee’s support organization. It makes up the second tier of the assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assigned_group The group for the assignee’s support organization. It makes up the third tier of the assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assignee The full name of the employee the ticket will be assigned to. The assignee and assignee_login_id arguments must be provided together. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
assignee_login_id The login ID of the assignee. The assignee and assignee_login_id arguments must be provided together. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
region The region associated with the company. Optional
site_group The site group associated with the region. Optional
site The site associated with the site group. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.Incident.RequestID String The incident ticket request ID.
BmcITSM.Incident.DisplayID String The incident ticket display ID.
BmcITSM.Incident.CreateDate Date The incident ticket create date time in UTC.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-incident-create first_name=Allen last_name=Allbrook impact="1-Extensive/Widespread" status=Assigned urgency="1-Critical" template_instance_id=AG00123F73CF5EKnsTSQ5rvrAAZfQA

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "Incident": {
            "CreateDate": "2022-07-27T08:44:51",
            "DisplayID": "INC000000000505",
            "RequestID": "INC000000000606"

Human Readable Output

Incident ticket successfully Created

Create Date Display ID Request ID
2022-07-27T08:44:51 INC000000000505 INC000000000606


Creates a change request ticket in BMC Helix ITSM. The ticket is created by using a template or from scratch.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
first_name The requester first name. Required
last_name The requester last name. Required
customer_first_name The customer first name. Optional
customer_last_name The customer last name. Optional
summary The change request ticket title. Required when the template ID argument is not provided. Optional
template_id The instance ID of the template to use. Required only when the ticket attributes should be based on the template's fields. The ID can be retrieved by executing the bmc-itsm-change-request-template-list command. Optional
change_type The change request ticket type. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: Project, Change, Release, Asset Configuration, Asset Management, Asset Lease, Purchase Requisition, Asset Maintenance. Optional
change_timing The class of the change request ticket which best describes your scenario. Possible values are: Emergency, Expedited, Latent, Normal, No Impact, Standard. Optional
impact The change request ticket impact. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
urgency The change request ticket urgency. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
risk_level The change request ticket risk level. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: Risk Level 1, Risk Level 2, Risk Level 3, Risk Level 4, Risk Level 5. Optional
status The change request ticket status. Required when the ticket creation is without a template. Possible values are: Request For Authorization, Request For Change, Planning In Progress, Scheduled For Review, Scheduled For Approval, Scheduled, Implementation In Progress, Pending, Rejected, Completed, Closed, Cancelled. Optional
location_company The company associated with the change request process. Required when template ID argument is not provided. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee, or any other custom field. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.ChangeRequest.RequestID String The change request ticket unique request ID.
BmcITSM.ChangeRequest.DisplayID String The change request ticket request number.
BmcITSM.ChangeRequest.CreateDate Date The change request ticket create date time.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-change-request-create template_id=AG00123F73CF5EK3sTSQTb3rAAbfQA first_name=Allen last_name=Allbrook summary="Change request for README"

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "ChangeRequest": {
            "CreateDate": "2022-07-27T08:44:24",
            "DisplayID": "CRQ000000000404",
            "RequestID": "CRQ000000000406"

Human Readable Output

Change Request ticket successfully Created

Create Date Display ID Request ID
2022-07-27T08:44:24 CRQ000000000404 CRQ000000000406


Updates the details of change request ticket for the specified request ID.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ticket_request_id The ID of the change request ticket to update. Required
first_name The customer first name the change request ticket is for. Optional
last_name The customer last name the change request ticket is for. Optional
summary The change request ticket summary. Optional
change_type The change request ticket type. Possible values are: Project, Change, Release, Asset Configuration, Asset Management, Asset Lease, Purchase Requisition, Asset Maintenance. Optional
change_timing The class of the change request ticket which best describes your scenario. Possible values are: Emergency, Expedited, Latent, Normal, No Impact, Standard. Optional
impact The change request ticket impact. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
urgency The change request ticket urgency. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
risk_level The change request ticket risk level. Possible values are: Risk Level 1, Risk Level 2, Risk Level 3, Risk Level 4, Risk Level 5. Optional
status The change request ticket status. Possible values are: Request For Authorization, Request For Change, Planning In Progress, Scheduled For Review, Scheduled For Approval, Scheduled, Implementation In Progress, Pending, Rejected, Completed, Closed, Cancelled. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee, or any other custom field. Optional
company The company associated with the requester. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
organization The organization associated with the requester. Optional
department The department associated with the requester. Optional
location_company The company associated with the change request process. Optional
region The region associated with the company location. Optional
site_group The site group associated with the region. Optional
site The site associated with the site group. Optional
support_organization The second tier of the change manager’s support organization data structure. Optional
support_group_name The third tier of the change manager’s support organization data structure. Optional
status_reason The reason for updating the ticket status. Required when status is provided. Possible values are: No Longer Required, Funding Not Available, To Be Re-Scheduled, Resources Not Available, Successful, Successful with Issues, Unsuccessful, Backed Out, Final Review Complete, Final Review Required, Additional Coding Required, Insufficient Task Data, In Verification, In Rollout, Insufficient Change Data, Schedule Conflicts, In Development, In Test, In Build, In Rollback, In Documentation, Vendor Purchase, Support Group Communication, Task Review, Miscellaneous, Future Enhancement, Manager Intervention, Accepted, Assigned, Built, On Hold. Optional
details The change request ticket details. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-change-request-update reuqest_id=CRQ000000000313 status="Request For Authorization" details="more details" status_reason=Accepted

Human Readable Output

Incident: CRQ000000000313 was successfully updated.


Creates a new task ticket. By splitting cases into individual tasks (assignments), you can focus on one assignment at a time to resolve cases more efficiently. Task ticket type can be attached only to the following ticket types: change request, incident, problem investigation, known error and work order.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
template_id The instance ID of the template to use. The ID can be retrieved by executing the bmc-itsm-task-template-list command. Optional
summary The task ticket summary. Required
details The task ticket detailed description. Required
root_ticket_type The parent ticket type. Possible values are: change request, incident, problem investigation, known error, work order. Required
root_request_id The request ID of the parent ticket. Can be found in the context output of the bmc-itsm-ticket-list command. Use Display ID for work orders. Required
customer_company The name of the customer company. Optional
root_request_name The display name of the parent ticket in the task ticket. If not provided, the parent ticket displayID is displayed. Optional
root_request_mode The parent ticket request mode. Possible values are: Real, Simulation. Default is Real. Optional
status The task status. Possible values are: Staged, Assigned, Pending, Work In Progress, Waiting, Closed, Bypassed. Required
task_type Whether the task is manual or automatic. Possible values are: Automatic, Manual. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assignee or any other custom field. Possible values are: The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value".Possible fields: Assignee or any other custom field.. Optional
priority The task ticket priority. Possible values are: Critical, High, Medium, Low. Required
location_company The company associated with the task process. Required
support_company The technical support team associated with the company. Optional
assigned_support_organization The organization for the task's support organization. It makes up the second tier of the task’s support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and support_company should be provided together. Optional
assigned_support_group The group for the task's support organization. It makes up the third tier of the task's support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and support_company should be provided together. Optional
impact The task ticket impact. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
urgency The task ticket urgency. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
assignee The full name of the employee the ticket will be assigned to. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
scedulded_start_date The task ticket scheduled future start date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional
scedulded_end_date The task ticket scheduled future end date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.Task.RequestID String The task ticket unique Request ID.
BmcITSM.Task.DisplayID String The task ticket request display ID.
BmcITSM.Task.CreateDate Date The task ticket creation date time in UTC.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-task-create location_company="Calbro Services" details="Details" priority=Critical root_request_id=PBI000000000322 root_request_name=error root_ticket_type="problem investigation" status=Assigned summary="Summary task" assigned_support_group="Service Desk" assigned_support_organization="IT Support" support_company="Calbro Services" task_type=Manual assignee="Francie Stafford" scedulded_end_date="in 10 days" scedulded_start_date="in 2 days"

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "Task": {
            "CreateDate": "2022-07-27T08:44:43",
            "DisplayID": "TAS000000000413",
            "RequestID": "TAS000000000413"

Human Readable Output

Task ticket successfully Created.

Create Date Display ID Request ID
2022-07-27T08:44:43 TAS000000000413 TAS000000000413


Updates the task ticket.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ticket_request_id The ID of the task ticket to update. Required
summary The task ticket summary. Optional
details The task ticket detailed description. Optional
priority The task ticket priority. Possible values are: Critical, High, Medium, Low. Optional
customer_company The name of the customer company. Optional
status The task ticket status. Possible values are: Staged, Assigned, Pending, Work In Progress, Waiting, Closed, Bypassed. Optional
status_reason The reason for changing the ticket status. Required when the status is changed. Possible values are: Success, Failed, Cancelled, Assignment, Staging in Progress, Staging Complete, Acknowledgment, Another Task, Task Rule, Completion, Error. Optional
company The company associated with the requester. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
location_company The company associated with the task process. Optional
support_company The technical support team associated with the company. Optional
assignee The full name of the employee the ticket is assigned to. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
assigned_support_organization The organization for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the second tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and assigned_support_company should be provided together. Optional
assigned_group The group for the problem assignee's support organization. It makes up the third tier of the problem assignee's support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and support_company should be provided together. Optional
task_type The task ticket type. Possible values are: Automatic, Manual. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assignee or any other custom field. Possible values are: The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value".Possible fields: Assignee or any other custom field.. Optional
scedulded_start_date The task ticket scheduled future start date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional
scedulded_end_date The task ticket scheduled future end date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-task-update task_id=TAS000000000305 company=test priority=High status="Work In Progress" status_reason="Task Rule" summary="Updated summary for demo" details="Updated details for demo"

Human Readable Output

Task: TAS000000000305 was successfully updated.


Creates a problem investigation ticket.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
first_name The customer first name the ticket request is for. Required
last_name The customer last name the ticket request is for. Required
status The problem investigation ticket status. Possible values are: Draft, Under Review, Request for Authorization, Assigned, Under Investigation, Pending, Completed, Rejected, Closed, Cancelled. Required
investigation_driver The problem investigation ticket driver. Possible values are: High Impact Incident, Re-Occurring Incidents, Non-Routine Incident, Other. Required
summary The problem investigation ticket summary. Required
details The detailed description on the problem investigation ticket. Optional
impact The problem investigation ticket impact. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Required
urgency The problem investigation ticket urgency. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Required
target_resolution_date The future resolution date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional
company The company associated with the requester. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
region The region of the problem investigation location. The arguments region, site_group, and site should be provided together. Optional
site_group The site group of the problem investigation location. The arguments region, site_group, and site should be provided together. Optional
site The site of the problem investigation location. The arguments region, site_group, and site should be provided together. Optional
assignee The full name of the employee the ticket will be assigned to. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
assignee_pbm_mgr The full name of the employee the ticket will be assigned to as the problem coordinator. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
assigned_group_pbm_mgr The group for the problem coordinator’s support organization, which makes up the third tier of the problem coordinator’s support organization data structure. The arguments support_organization_pbm_mgr, assigned_group_pbm_mgr, and support_company_pbm_mgr should be provided together. Optional
support_company_pbm_mgr The company for the problem coordinator’s support organization, which makes up the first tier of the problem coordinator’s support organization data structure. The arguments support_organization_pbm_mgr, assigned_group_pbm_mgr, and support_company_pbm_mgr should be provided together. Optional
support_organization_pbm_mgr The organization for the problem coordinator’s support organization, which makes up the second tier of the problem coordinator’s support organization data structure. The arguments support_organization_pbm_mgr, assigned_group_pbm_mgr, and support_company_pbm_mgr should be provided together. Optional
assigned_support_company The company for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the first tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and assigned_support_company should be provided together. Optional
assigned_support_organization The organization for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the second tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and assigned_support_company should be provided together. Optional
assigned_group The group for the problem assignee's support organization. It makes up the third tier of the problem assignee's support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and support_company should be provided together. Optional
investigation_justification The justification for the ticket creation. Optional
temporary_workaround The problem workaround. Optional
resolution The ticket resolution. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee or any other custom field. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.ProblemInvestigation.RequestID String The problem investigation ticket unique Request ID.
BmcITSM.ProblemInvestigation.DisplayID String The problem investigation ticket display ID.
BmcITSM.ProblemInvestigation.CreateDate Date The problem investigation ticket creation date time in UTC.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-problem-investigation-create first_name=Allen last_name=Allbrook summary=Test-create-prob urgency="1-Critical" impact="4-Minor/Localized" details="Problem details" status=Assigned target_resolution_date="in 3 days" assigned_support_company="Calbro Services" assigned_support_organization="IT Support" assigned_group="Backoffice Support" investigation_driver="High Impact Incident"

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "ProblemInvestigation": {
            "CreateDate": "2022-07-27T08:44:33",
            "DisplayID": "PBI000000000404",
            "RequestID": "PBI000000000404"

Human Readable Output

Problem Investigation ticket successfully Created

Create Date Display ID Request ID
2022-07-27T08:44:33 PBI000000000404 PBI000000000404


Updates The problem investigation ticket type.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ticket_request_id The problem investigation ticket request ID. Required
status The problem investigation ticket status. Possible values are: Draft, Under Review, Request for Authorization, Assigned, Under Investigation, Pending, Completed, Rejected, Closed, Cancelled. Optional
investigation_driver The problem investigation ticket driver. Possible values are: High Impact Incident, Re-Occuring Incidents, Non-Routine Incident, Other. Optional
summary The problem investigation ticket summary. Optional
impact The problem investigation ticket impact. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
urgency The problem investigation ticket urgency. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
target_resolution_date The problem investigation ticket target resolution date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional
details The problem investigation ticket detailed description. Optional
company The company associated with the requester. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
region The region of the problem investigation location. The arguments region, site_group, and site should be provided together. Optional
site_group The site group of the problem investigation location. The arguments region, site_group, and site should be provided together. Optional
site The site of the problem investigation location.The arguments region, site_group, and site should be provided together. Optional
assigned_to The technical support person the ticket is assigned to. Optional
assigned_group_pbm_mgr The group for the problem coordinator’s support organization, which makes up the third tier of the problem coordinator’s support organization data structure. The arguments support_organization_pbm_mgr, assigned_group_pbm_mgr, and support_company_pbm_mgr should be provided together. Optional
support_company_pbm_mgr The company for the problem coordinator’s support organization, which makes up the first tier of the problem coordinator’s support organization data structure. The arguments support_organization_pbm_mgr, assigned_group_pbm_mgr, and support_company_pbm_mgr should be provided together. Optional
support_organization_pbm_mgr The organization for the problem coordinator’s support organization, which makes up the second tier of the problem coordinator’s support organization data structure. The arguments support_organization_pbm_mgr, assigned_group_pbm_mgr, and support_company_pbm_mgr should be provided together. Optional
assigned_support_company The company for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the first tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and assigned_support_company should be provided together. Optional
assigned_support_organization The organization for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the second tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and assigned_support_company should be provided together. Optional
assigned_group The group for the problem assignee's support organization. It makes up the third tier of the problem assignee's support organization data structure. The arguments assigned_support_organization, assigned_group, and support_company should be provided together. Optional
investigation_justification The justification for the ticket creation. Optional
temporary_workaround The problem workaround. Optional
resolution The ticket resolution. Optional
status_reason The reason for changing the status. Required when the status argument is provided. Possible values are: Publish, Reject, Not Applicable. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-problem-investigation-update problem_investigation_id=PBI000000000322 details="updated problem details" status="Under Investigation" status_reason=Publish

Human Readable Output

Problem Investigation: PBI000000000322 was successfully updated.


Create known error ticket.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
status The known error ticket status. Possible values are: Assigned, Scheduled For Correction, Assigned To Vendor, No Action Planned, Corrected, Closed, Cancelled. Required
summary The known error ticket summary. Required
details The known error ticket Detailed description. Required
impact The known error ticket impact. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Required
urgency The known error ticket urgency. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Required
view_access Whether if the ticket is for internal view or public view. Possible values are: Public, Internal. Required
company Company associated with the Requester. Required
target_resolution_date Known error resolution date. Future resolution date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Required
resolution Ticket resolution. Optional
assigned_group_pbm_mgr It makes up the third tier of the Problem Coordinator’s Support Organization data structure. Optional
support_company_pbm_mgr the Company for the Problem Coordinator’s Support Organization. It makes up the first tier of it. Optional
support_organization_pbm_mgr It makes up the second tier of the Problem Coordinator’s Support Organization data structure. Optional
assigned_support_company The company for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the first tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assigned_support_organization The organization for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the second tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assigned_group The group for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the third tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
investigation_justification The justification for the ticket creation. Optional
assignee The full name of the staff member to whom the ticket will be assigned to. It can be retrieved by using the 'bmc-itsm-user-list' command. Optional
assignee_pbm_mgr The full name of the staff member to whom the ticket will be assign to as the problem coordinator. It can be retrieved by using the 'bmc-itsm-user-list' command. Optional
temporary_workaround Error workaround. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee or any other custom field. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.KnownError.RequestID String Known Error unique Request ID.
BmcITSM.KnownError.DisplayID String KnownError Display ID.
BmcITSM.KnownError.CreateDate Date KnownError Create time in UTC.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-known-error-create summary="New Error API" details="New Error API Details" target_resolution_date=" in 5 days" company="Calbro Services" resolution="error resolution" investigation_justification=look assignee="Bob Baxter" assigned_support_company="Calbro Services" assigned_support_organization="IT Support" assigned_group="Backoffice Support" impact="2-Significant/Large" status=Assigned urgency="2-High" view_access=Internal

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "KnownError": {
            "CreateDate": "2022-07-27T08:44:37",
            "DisplayID": "PKE000000000303",
            "RequestID": "PKE000000000303"

Human Readable Output

Known Error ticket successfully Created

Create Date Display ID Request ID
2022-07-27T08:44:37 PKE000000000303 PKE000000000303


Update Known Error ticket type.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ticket_request_id The known error ticket request ID. Required
status The known error ticket status. Possible values are: Assigned, Scheduled For Correction, Assigned To Vendor, No Action Planned, Corrected, Closed, Cancelled. Optional
summary The known error ticket summary. Optional
details The known error ticket detailed description. Optional
impact The known error ticket impact. Possible values are: 1-Extensive/Widespread, 2-Significant/Large, 3-Moderate/Limited, 4-Minor/Localized. Optional
urgency The known error ticket urgency. Possible values are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low. Optional
view_access The known error ticket internal access. Possible values are: Public, Internal. Optional
company Company associated with the Requester. By default is determined by the logged in user. Optional
target_resolution_date Known error resolution date. Future resolution date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional
resolution Ticket resolution. Optional
assigned_group_pbm_mgr It makes up the third tier of the Problem Coordinator’s Support Organization data structure. Optional
support_company_pbm_mgr the Company for the Problem Coordinator’s Support Organization. It makes up the first tier of it. Optional
support_organization_pbm_mgr It makes up the second tier of the Problem Coordinator’s Support Organization data structure. Optional
assigned_support_company The company for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the first tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assigned_support_organization The organization for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the second tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
assigned_group The group for the problem assignee’s support organization. It makes up the third tier of the problem assignee’s support organization data structure. Optional
temporary_workaround Error workaround. Optional
status_reason The reason for changing the status. Required when the status is provided. Possible values are: Duplicate, No Longer Applicable, Pending PIR, Funding Not Available, Pending Infrastructure Change, Pending Third Party Vendor. Optional
assignee The full name of the employee the ticket will be assigned to. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
assignee_pbm_mgr The full name of the employee the ticket will be assign to as the problem coordinator. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Possible fields: Assigned Group, Assignee or any other custom field. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-known-error-update known_error_id=PKE000000000226 impact="2-Significant/Large" details="UPDATED KNOWN ERROR DETAILS" resolution="Updated resolution" temporary_workaround="Updated workaround" summary="Updated summary" status="Assigned To Vendor" status_reason="Pending PIR" target_resolution_date="In 20 days"

Human Readable Output

Known Error: PKE000000000226 was successfully updated.


Lists all change requests ticket templates. Useful for creating change request tickets. The records are retrieved by the query argument or by the filtering arguments. When using filtering arguments, each one defines a 'LIKE' operation and an 'AND' operator is used between them. To see the entire JSON then you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
template_ids A comma-separated list of change request template IDs. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
query The query to search by. For example: Status = "Draft" AND Impact = "1-Extensive/Widespread". The query is used in addition to the existing arguments. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
description The change request ticket description. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.ChangeRequestTemplate.Id String The change request ticket template ID.
BmcITSM.ChangeRequestTemplate.Description String The change request ticket template description.
BmcITSM.ChangeRequestTemplate.InstanceID String The change request ticket template instance ID. Useful for creating change request tickets.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-change-request-template-list limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "ChangeRequestTemplate": [
                "Description": "Add New Employee",
                "Id": "CTP000000000002",
                "InstanceID": "AG00123F73CF5EK3sTSQD73rAAa_QA"
                "Description": "Configure new computer",
                "Id": "CTP000000000003",
                "InstanceID": "AG00123F73CF5EK3sTSQTb3rAAbfQA"

Human Readable Output

List change request templates.

Showing 2 records out of 13.

Id Description Instance ID
CTP000000000002 Add New Employee AG00123F73CF5EK3sTSQD73rAAa_QA
CTP000000000003 Configure new computer AG00123F73CF5EK3sTSQTb3rAAbfQA


Lists all incident requests ticket templates. Useful for create incident tickets. The records are retrieved by the query argument or by the filtering arguments. When using filtering arguments, each one defines a 'LIKE' operation and an 'AND' operator is used between them. To see the entire JSON then you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
query The query to search by. For example: Status = "Draft" AND Impact = "1-Extensive/Widespread". The query is used in addition to the existing arguments. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
description The incident ticket template description. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
template_ids A comma-separated list of incident template IDs. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.IncidentTemplate.Id String The incident ticket template ID.
BmcITSM.IncidentTemplate.Description String The incident ticket template description.
BmcITSM.IncidentTemplate.InstanceID String The incident ticket template ID. Useful for creating change request tickets.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-incident-template-list limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "IncidentTemplate": [
                "Description": "Email Password Reset",
                "Id": "HTP000000000001",
                "InstanceID": "AG00123F73CF5EKnsTSQSrvrAAYvQA"
                "Description": "Email Service is Down",
                "Id": "HTP000000000002",
                "InstanceID": "AG00123F73CF5EKnsTSQ5rvrAAZfQA"

Human Readable Output

List incident templates.

Showing 2 records out of 2.

Id Description Instance ID
HTP000000000001 Email Password Reset AG00123F73CF5EKnsTSQSrvrAAYvQA
HTP000000000002 Email Service is Down AG00123F73CF5EKnsTSQ5rvrAAZfQA


Lists all task ticket templates. Useful for creating task tickets. The records are retrieved by the query argument or by the filtering arguments. When using filtering arguments, each one defines a 'LIKE' operation and an 'AND' operator is used between them. To see the entire JSON then you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
query The query to search by. For example: Status = "Draft" AND Impact = "1-Extensive/Widespread". The query is used in addition to the existing arguments. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
template_ids A comma-separated list of task template IDs. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
task_name The task ticket template name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.TaskTemplate.Id String The task ticket template ID.
BmcITSM.TaskTemplate.TaskName String The task template name.
BmcITSM.TaskTemplate.InstanceID String The task ticket template ID. Useful for creating change request tickets.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-task-template-list limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "TaskTemplate": [
                "Id": "14",
                "InstanceID": "TM00123F73CF5EK3sTSQ877rAAhfQA",
                "TaskName": "Backup System"
                "Id": "13",
                "InstanceID": "TM001143D417CBD_bDQwojSFAA9qQA",
                "TaskName": "Check Approval automatically"

Human Readable Output

List task templates.

Showing 2 records out of 25.

Id Task Name Instance ID
14 Backup System TM00123F73CF5EK3sTSQ877rAAhfQA
13 Check Approval automatically TM001143D417CBD_bDQwojSFAA9qQA


Returns the list of fields for an incident type.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.


Gets remote data from a remote incident. This method does not update the current incident, and should be used for debugging purposes.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
id The ticket ID. Required
lastUpdate Retrieves entries that were created after lastUpdate. Required

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.


Gets the list of incidents that were modified since the last update time. Note that this method is here for debugging purposes. The get-modified-remote-data command is used as part of a Mirroring feature, which is available in Cortex XSOAR from version 6.1.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
lastUpdate A date string in local time representing the last time the incident was updated. The incident is only returned if it was modified after the last update time. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.


Lists all support groups. Useful for getting possible (Company, Support Organization, Support Group) triplets.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
company Company name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
support_organization Support organization name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
support_group Support group name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.SupportGroup.SupportGroupID String The support group ID.
BmcITSM.SupportGroup.Company String The support company.
BmcITSM.SupportGroup.SupportOrganization String The support organization.
BmcITSM.SupportGroup.SupportGroupName String The support group.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-support-group-list limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "SupportGroup": [
                "Company": "Apex Global",
                "SupportGroupID": "APX990000000029",
                "SupportGroupName": "Apex Global - Facilities",
                "SupportOrganization": "Facilities Support"
                "Company": "Calbro Services",
                "SupportGroupID": "SGP000000000110",
                "SupportGroupName": "Application Development / Deployment",
                "SupportOrganization": "Application Support"

Human Readable Output

List support groups.

Showing 2 records out of 15.

Support Group ID Company Support Organization Support Group Name
APX990000000029 Apex Global Facilities Support Apex Global - Facilities
SGP000000000110 Calbro Services Application Support Application Development / Deployment


Lists all work order templates. Useful for creating work orders. The records are retrieved by the query argument or by the filtering arguments. When using filtering arguments, each one defines a 'LIKE' operation and an 'AND' operator is used between them. To see the entire JSON, you can use the raw_response=true at the end of the command.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
query The query to search by. For example, query="Company like "BMCOpsMonitoring"". The query is used in addition to the existing arguments. See the BMC documentation for building search qualifications. Optional
limit The maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50. Optional
page_size The maximum number of records to retrieve per page. Optional
page The page number of the results to retrieve. Optional
template_ids A comma-separated list of work order template GUIDs. Used as a filtering argument. Optional
template_name The work order template name. Used as a filtering argument. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.WorkOrderTemplate.Id String The work order template ID.
BmcITSM.WorkOrderTemplate.Name String The work order template name.
BmcITSM.WorkOrderTemplate.GUID String The work order template GUID.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-work-order-template-list limit=2

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "WorkOrderTemplate": [
                "Id": "000000000000002",
                "Name": "Share Folder Access"
                "Id": "000000000000003",
                "Name": "New Share Folder Access"

Human Readable Output

List work order templates.

Showing 2 records out of 9.

Id Name GUID
000000000000002 Share Folder Access IDGCWH5RDMNSBARVRM5ERVRM5EKP11
000000000000003 New Share Folder Access IDGCWH5RDMNSBARVRNNGRVRNNGKY0X


Creates a new work order ticket.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
template_guid The instance GUID of the template to use. The GUID can be retrieved by executing the bmc-itsm-work-order-template-list command. Optional
first_name Requester first name. Optional
last_name Requester last name. Optional
customer_first_name Customer first name. Required
customer_last_name Customer last name. Required
customer_company Customer company. Required
customer_person_id Customer person ID. Use it when customer first and last name pair is not unique. Optional
summary The work order summary. Required
detailed_description The work order ticket detailed description. Required
status The work order status. Possible values are: Assigned, Pending, Waiting Approval, Planning, In Progress, Completed, Rejected, Cancelled, Closed. Required
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Example: additional_fields="Support Company=Calbro Services;Support Organization=IT Support;Support Group Name=Service Desk;Request Assignee=Scully Agent". Optional
priority The work order ticket priority. Possible values are: Critical, High, Medium, Low. Required
work_order_type The work order ticket type. Possible values are: General, Project. Optional
location_company The company associated with the task process. Required
scedulded_start_date The work order ticket scheduled future start date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional
scedulded_end_date The work order ticket scheduled future end date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
BmcITSM.WorkOrder.RequestID String The work order ticket unique Request ID.
BmcITSM.WorkOrder.DisplayID String The work order ticket unique Display ID.
BmcITSM.WorkOrder.CreateDate Date The work order ticket creation date time in UTC.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-work-order-create customer_company="Calbro Services" customer_first_name="Scully" customer_last_name="Agent" detailed_description="Easy peasy work order" location_company="Calbro Services" priority=Low status=Pending summary="Easy peasy work order. No, really." customer_person_id=PPL000000000607 additional_fields="Support Company=Calbro Services;Support Organization=IT Support;Support Group Name=Service Desk;Request Assignee=Scully Agent"

Context Example

    "BmcITSM": {
        "WorkOrder": {
            "CreateDate": "2024-02-07T08:08:23",
            "DisplayID": "WO0000000001002",
            "RequestID": "WO0000000000702"

Human Readable Output

Work order ticket successfully created.

Create Date Display ID Request ID
2024-02-07T08:08:23 WO0000000001002 WO0000000000702


Updates the work order ticket.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
request_id The ID of the work order ticket to update. Required
summary The work order ticket summary. Optional
detailed_description The work order ticket detailed description. Optional
priority The work order ticket priority. Possible values are: Critical, High, Medium, Low. Optional
status The work order ticket status. Possible values are: Assigned, Pending, Waiting Approval, Planning, In Progress, Completed, Rejected, Cancelled, Closed. Optional
status_reason The reason for changing the ticket status. Possible values are: Initial Status, Awaiting Request Assignee, Client Hold, Client Additional Information Requested, Client Action Required, Support Contact Hold, Local Site Action Required, Purchase Order Approval, Supplier Delivery, Third Party Vendor Action Required, Infrastructure Change, Work not started, Successful, Successful with Issues, Cancelled by Requester, Cancelled by Support, Customer Close, System Close, System Close with Issues. Optional
company The company associated with the requester. By default it is determined by the logged in user. Optional
location_company The company associated with the work order process. Optional
assignee The full name of the employee the work order is assigned to. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-user-list command. Optional
support_organization The organization for the problem assignee's support organization. It makes up the second tier of the problem assignee's support organization data structure. The arguments support_organization, support_group should be provided together. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-support-group-list command. Optional
support_group The group for the problem assignee's support group. It makes up the third tier of the problem assignee's support organization data structure. The arguments support_organization, support_group should be provided together. It can be retrieved by using the bmc-itsm-support-group-list command. Optional
work_order_type The work order ticket type. Possible values are: General, Project. Optional
additional_fields The fields which are not present in the current argument list can be added here in the format "fieldname1=value;fieldname2=value". Example: additional_fields="Support Company=Calbro Services;Support Organization=IT Support;Support Group Name=Service Desk;Request Assignee=Scully Agent". Optional
scedulded_start_date The work order ticket scheduled future start date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional
scedulded_end_date The work order ticket scheduled future end date. For example, in 12 hours, in 7 days. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!bmc-itsm-work-order-update request_id=WO0000000000701 summary="Updated summary" status="In Progress" support_organization="IT Support" support_group="Service Desk"

Human Readable Output

Work Order: WO0000000000701 was successfully updated.

Incident Mirroring

You can enable incident mirroring between Cortex XSOAR incidents and BMC Helix ITSM corresponding events (available from Cortex XSOAR version 6.0.0). To set up the mirroring:

  1. Enable Fetching incidents in your instance configuration.

  2. In the Mirroring Direction integration parameter, select in which direction the incidents should be mirrored:

    Option Description
    None Turns off incident mirroring.
    Incoming Any changes in BMC Helix ITSM events (mirroring incoming fields) will be reflected in Cortex XSOAR incidents.
    Outgoing Any changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents will be reflected in BMC Helix ITSM events (outgoing mirrored fields).
    Incoming And Outgoing Changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents and BMC Helix ITSM events will be reflected in both directions.
  3. Optional: Check the Close Mirrored XSOAR Incident integration parameter to close the Cortex XSOAR incident when the corresponding event is closed in BMC Helix ITSM.

Newly fetched incidents will be mirrored in the chosen direction. However, this selection does not affect existing incidents. Important Note: To ensure the mirroring works as expected, mappers are required, both for incoming and outgoing, to map the expected fields in Cortex XSOAR and BMC Helix ITSM.