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File metadata and controls

2816 lines (2249 loc) · 125 KB

The Cortex Core IR integration uses the Cortex API for detection and response, by natively integrating network, endpoint, and cloud data to stop sophisticated attacks.

Configure Investigation & Response on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Investigation & Response.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Parameter Description Required
    Incident type False
    Server URL (copy URL from Core - click ? to see more info.) False
    API Key ID False
    API Key False
    HTTP Timeout The timeout of the HTTP requests sent to Cortex API (in seconds). False
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Isolates the specified endpoint.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the triggered incident. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
endpoint_id The endpoint ID (string) to isolate. Retrieve the string from the core-get-endpoints command. Required
suppress_disconnected_endpoint_error Suppress an error when trying to isolate a disconnected endpoint. When set to false, an error is returned. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.Isolation.endpoint_id String The endpoint ID.


Reverses the isolation of an endpoint.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the triggered incident. Optional
endpoint_id The endpoint ID (string) to reverse the isolation. Retrieve it from the core-get-endpoints command. Required
suppress_disconnected_endpoint_error Suppress an error when trying to unisolate a disconnected endpoint. When set to false, an error is be returned. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.UnIsolation.endpoint_id String Isolates the specified endpoint.


Gets a list of endpoints, according to the passed filters. If there are no filters, all endpoints are returned. Filtering by multiple fields will be concatenated using AND condition (OR is not supported). Maximum result set size is 100. Offset is the zero-based number of endpoint from the start of the result set (start by counting from 0).

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpoint_id_list A comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Optional
dist_name A comma-separated list of distribution package names or installation package names.
Example: dist_name1,dist_name2.
ip_list A comma-separated list of private IP addresses.
public_ip_list A comma-separated list of public IP addresses that correlate to the last IPv4 address from which the Cortex XDR agent connected (know as Last Origin IP).
group_name The group name to which the agent belongs.
Example: group_name1,group_name2.
platform The endpoint platform. Valid values are: "windows", "linux", "macos", or "android". . Possible values are: windows, linux, macos, android. Optional
alias_name A comma-separated list of alias names.
Examples: alias_name1,alias_name2.
isolate Specifies whether the endpoint was isolated or unisolated. Possible values are: isolated, unisolated. Optional
hostname Hostname
Example: hostname1,hostname2.
first_seen_gte All the agents that were first seen after {first_seen_gte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
first_seen_lte All the agents that were first seen before {first_seen_lte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
last_seen_gte All the agents that were last seen before {last_seen_gte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
last_seen_lte All the agents that were last seen before {last_seen_lte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
page Page number (for pagination). The default is 0 (the first page). Default is 0. Optional
limit Maximum number of endpoints to return per page. The default and maximum is 30. Default is 30. Optional
sort_by Specifies whether to sort endpoints by the first time or last time they were seen. Can be "first_seen" or "last_seen". Possible values are: first_seen, last_seen. Optional
sort_order The order by which to sort results. Can be "asc" (ascending) or "desc" ( descending). Default set to asc. Possible values are: asc, desc. Default is asc. Optional
status A comma-separated list of endpoints statuses to filter. Possible values are: connected, disconnected, lost, uninstalled. Optional
username The usernames to query for, accepts a single user, or comma-separated list of usernames. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.Endpoint.endpoint_id String The endpoint ID.
Core.Endpoint.endpoint_name String The endpoint name.
Core.Endpoint.endpoint_type String The endpoint type.
Core.Endpoint.endpoint_status String The status of the endpoint.
Core.Endpoint.os_type String The endpoint OS type.
Core.Endpoint.ip Unknown A list of IP addresses.
Core.Endpoint.users Unknown A list of users.
Core.Endpoint.domain String The endpoint domain.
Core.Endpoint.alias String The endpoint's aliases.
Core.Endpoint.first_seen Unknown First seen date/time in Epoch (milliseconds).
Core.Endpoint.last_seen Date Last seen date/time in Epoch (milliseconds).
Core.Endpoint.content_version String Content version.
Core.Endpoint.installation_package String Installation package.
Core.Endpoint.active_directory String Active directory.
Core.Endpoint.install_date Date Install date in Epoch (milliseconds).
Core.Endpoint.endpoint_version String Endpoint version.
Core.Endpoint.is_isolated String Whether the endpoint is isolated.
Core.Endpoint.group_name String The name of the group to which the endpoint belongs.
Endpoint.Hostname String The hostname that is mapped to this endpoint.
Endpoint.ID String The unique ID within the tool retrieving the endpoint.
Endpoint.IPAddress String The IP address of the endpoint.
Endpoint.Domain String The domain of the endpoint.
Endpoint.OS String The endpoint's operation system.
Account.Username String The username in the relevant system.
Account.Domain String The domain of the account.
Endpoint.Status String The endpoint's status.
Endpoint.IsIsolated String The endpoint's isolation status.
Endpoint.MACAddress String The endpoint's MAC address.
Endpoint.Vendor String The integration name of the endpoint vendor.

Command example

!core-get-endpoints isolate="unisolated" first_seen_gte="3 month" page="0" limit="30" sort_order="asc"

Context Example

  "Account": [
      "Domain": "",
      "Username": ""
  "Core": {
    "Endpoint": [
        "active_directory": null,
        "alias": "",
        "content_release_timestamp": 1643023344000,
        "content_version": "360-81029",
        "domain": "",
        "endpoint_id": "87ae5fc622604ea4809dd28f01c436d0",
        "endpoint_name": "dummy_new_name2",
        "endpoint_status": "DISCONNECTED",
        "endpoint_type": "AGENT_TYPE_SERVER",
        "endpoint_version": "",
        "first_seen": 1642943216960,
        "group_name": [],
        "install_date": 1642943217006,
        "installation_package": "",
        "ip": [
        "is_isolated": "AGENT_UNISOLATED",
        "isolated_date": null,
        "last_content_update_time": 1643026320796,
        "last_seen": 1643026320166,
        "operational_status": "PROTECTED",
        "operational_status_description": null,
        "os_type": "AGENT_OS_WINDOWS",
        "os_version": "1.1.1",
        "scan_status": "SCAN_STATUS_NONE",
        "users": [

Human Readable Output


active_directory alias content_release_timestamp content_version domain endpoint_id endpoint_name endpoint_status endpoint_type endpoint_version first_seen group_name install_date installation_package ip is_isolated isolated_date last_content_update_time last_seen operational_status operational_status_description os_type os_version scan_status users
1643023344000 360-81029 87ae5fc622604ea4809dd28f01c436d0 dummy_new_name2 DISCONNECTED AGENT_TYPE_SERVER 1642943216960 1642943217006 HOLODECK_1 AGENT_UNISOLATED 1643026320796 1643026320166 PROTECTED AGENT_OS_WINDOWS 1.1.1. SCAN_STATUS_NONE


Gets a list of all the agent versions to use for creating a distribution list.

Base Command



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output

Path Type Description Unknown A list of Windows agent versions.
Core.DistributionVersions.linux Unknown A list of Linux agent versions.
Core.DistributionVersions.macos Unknown A list of Mac agent versions.

Command example


Context Example

    "Core": {
        "DistributionVersions": {
            "container": [
            "linux": [
            "macos": [
            "windows": [

Human Readable Output










Creates an installation package. This is an asynchronous call that returns the distribution ID. This does not mean that the creation succeeded. To confirm that the package has been created, check the status of the distribution by running the Get Distribution Status API.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
name A string representing the name of the installation package. Required
platform String, valid values are:
• windows
• linux
• macos
• android. Possible values are: windows, linux, macos, android.
package_type A string representing the type of package to create.
standalone - An installation for a new agent
upgrade - An upgrade of an agent from ESM. Possible values are: standalone, upgrade.
agent_version agent_version returned from core-get-distribution-versions. Not required for Android platfoms. Required
description Information about the package. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description String The installation package ID. String The name of the installation package.
Core.Distribution.platform String The installation OS.
Core.Distribution.agent_version String Agent version.
Core.Distribution.description String Information about the package.

Command example

!core-create-distribution agent_version= name="dist_1" package_type=standalone platform=linux description="some description"

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "Distribution": {
            "agent_version": "",
            "description": "some description",
            "id": "52c0e7988a024cbab32d4cd888e44dfb",
            "name": "dist_1",
            "package_type": "standalone",
            "platform": "linux"

Human Readable Output

Distribution 52c0e7988a024cbab32d4cd888e44dfb created successfully


Gets the distribution URL for downloading the installation package.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
distribution_id The ID of the installation package.
Copy the distribution_id from the "id" field on Endpoints > Agent Installation page.
package_type The installation package type. Valid
values are:
• upgrade
• sh - For Linux
• rpm - For Linux
• deb - For Linux
• pkg - For Mac
• x86 - For Windows
• x64 - For Windows. Possible values are: upgrade, sh, rpm, deb, pkg, x86, x64.

Context Output

Path Type Description String Distribution ID.
Core.Distribution.url String URL for downloading the installation package.


Gets the status of the installation package.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
distribution_ids Status of distribution IDs, in a comma-separated list. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description String Distribution ID.
Core.Distribution.status String Installation package status.


Gets management logs. You can filter by multiple fields, which will be concatenated using the AND condition (OR is not supported). Maximum result set size is 100. Offset is the zero-based number of management logs from the start of the result set (start by counting from 0).

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
email User’s email address. Optional
sub_type The audit log subtype. Optional
result Result type. Possible values are: SUCCESS, FAIL, PARTIAL. Optional
timestamp_gte Return logs when the timestamp is after 'log_time_after'.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
timestamp_lte Return logs when the timestamp is before the 'log_time_after'.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
page Page number (for pagination). The default is 0 (the first page). Default is 0. Optional
limit Maximum number of audit logs to return per page. The default and maximum is 30. Default is 30. Optional
sort_by Specifies the field by which to sort the results. By default the sort is defined as creation-time and descending. Can be "type", "sub_type", "result", or "timestamp". Possible values are: type, sub_type, result, timestamp. Optional
sort_order The sort order. Can be "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending). Default set to "desc". Possible values are: asc, desc. Default is desc. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_ID Number Audit log ID.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_OWNER_NAME String Audit owner name.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_OWNER_EMAIL String Audit owner email address.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_ASSET_JSON String Asset JSON.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_ASSET_NAMES String Audit asset names.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_HOSTNAME String Host name.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_RESULT String Audit result.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_REASON String Audit reason.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_DESCRIPTION String Description of the audit.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_ENTITY String Audit entity (e.g., AUTH, DISTRIBUTIONS).
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_ENTITY_SUBTYPE String Entity subtype (e.g., Login, Create).
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_CASE_ID Number Audit case ID.
Core.AuditManagementLogs.AUDIT_INSERT_TIME Date Log's insert time.

Command example

!core-get-audit-management-logs result=SUCCESS type=DISTRIBUTIONS limit=2 timestamp_gte="3 month"

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "AuditManagementLogs": [
                "AUDIT_ASSET_JSON": null,
                "AUDIT_ASSET_NAMES": "",
                "AUDIT_CASE_ID": null,
                "AUDIT_DESCRIPTION": "Created a Windows Standalone installer installation package 'HOLODECK_3' with agent version",
                "AUDIT_ENTITY": "DISTRIBUTIONS",
                "AUDIT_ENTITY_SUBTYPE": "Create",
                "AUDIT_HOSTNAME": null,
                "AUDIT_ID": 1002,
                "AUDIT_INSERT_TIME": 1636017216034,
                "AUDIT_OWNER_EMAIL": "",
                "AUDIT_OWNER_NAME": "",
                "AUDIT_REASON": null,
                "AUDIT_RESULT": "SUCCESS",
                "AUDIT_SESSION_ID": null,
                "AUDIT_SEVERITY": "SEV_010_INFO"

Human Readable Output

Audit Management Logs

1002 SUCCESS Created a Windows Standalone installer installation package 'HOLODECK_3' with agent version Moo DISTRIBUTIONS Create 1636017216034
1001 SUCCESS Edited installation package 'HOLODECK_1' Moo DISTRIBUTIONS Edit 1636017119505


Gets agent event reports. You can filter by multiple fields, which will be concatenated using the AND condition (OR is not supported). Maximum result set size is 100. Offset is the zero-based number of reports from the start of the result set (start by counting from 0).

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpoint_ids A comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Optional
endpoint_names A comma-separated list of endpoint names. Optional
type The report type. Can be "Installation", "Policy", "Action", "Agent Service", "Agent Modules", or "Agent Status". Possible values are: Installation, Policy, Action, Agent Service, Agent Modules, Agent Status. Optional
sub_type The report subtype. Possible values are: Install, Uninstall, Upgrade, Local Configuration, Content Update, Policy Update, Process Exception, Hash Exception, Scan, File Retrieval, File Scan, Terminate Process, Isolate, Cancel Isolation, Payload Execution, Quarantine, Restore, Stop, Start, Module Initialization, Local Analysis Model, Local Analysis Feature Extraction, Fully Protected, OS Incompatible, Software Incompatible, Kernel Driver Initialization, Kernel Extension Initialization, Proxy Communication, Quota Exceeded, Minimal Content, Reboot Eequired, Missing Disc Access. Optional
result The result type. Can be "Success" or "Fail". If not passed, returns all event reports. Possible values are: Success, Fail. Optional
timestamp_gte Return logs that their timestamp is greater than 'log_time_after'.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
timestamp_lte Return logs for which the timestamp is before the 'timestamp_lte'.

Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
page Page number (for pagination). The default is 0 (the first page). Default is 0. Optional
limit The maximum number of reports to return. Default and maximum is 30. Default is 30. Optional
sort_by The field by which to sort results. Can be "type", "category", "trapsversion", "timestamp", or "domain"). Possible values are: type, category, trapsversion, timestamp, domain. Optional
sort_order The sort order. Can be "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending). Default is "asc". Possible values are: asc, desc. Default is asc. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.AuditAgentReports.ENDPOINTID String Endpoint ID.
Core.AuditAgentReports.ENDPOINTNAME String Endpoint name.
Core.AuditAgentReports.DOMAIN String Agent domain.
Core.AuditAgentReports.TRAPSVERSION String Traps version.
Core.AuditAgentReports.RECEIVEDTIME Date Received time in Epoch time.
Core.AuditAgentReports.TIMESTAMP Date Timestamp in Epoch time.
Core.AuditAgentReports.CATEGORY String Report category (e.g., Audit).
Core.AuditAgentReports.TYPE String Report type (e.g., Action, Policy).
Core.AuditAgentReports.SUBTYPE String Report subtype (e.g., Fully Protected,Policy Update,Cancel Isolation).
Core.AuditAgentReports.RESULT String Report result.
Core.AuditAgentReports.REASON String Report reason.
Core.AuditAgentReports.DESCRIPTION String Agent report description.
Endpoint.ID String The unique ID within the tool retrieving the endpoint.
Endpoint.Hostname String The hostname that is mapped to this endpoint.
Endpoint.Domain String The domain of the endpoint.

Command example

!core-get-audit-agent-reports result=Success timestamp_gte="100 days" endpoint_ids=ea303670c76e4ad09600c8b346f7c804 type=Policy limit=2


Block lists requested files which have not already been block listed or added to allow lists.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the triggered incident. Optional
hash_list String that represents a list of hashed files you want to block list. Must be a valid SHA256 hash. Required
comment String that represents additional information regarding the action. Optional
detailed_response Choose either regular response or detailed response. Default value = false, regular response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.blocklist.added_hashes Number Added fileHash to blocklist
Core.blocklist.excluded_hashes Number Added fileHash to blocklist

Command example

!core-blocklist-files hash_list=11d69fb388ff59e5ba6ca217ca04ecde6a38fa8fb306aa5f1b72e22bb7c3a252

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "blocklist": {
            "added_hashes": {
                "fileHash": [

Human Readable Output

Blocklist Files

Added _ Hashes


Adds requested files to allow list if they are not already on block list or allow list.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the triggered incident. Optional
hash_list String that represents a list of hashed files you want to add to allow lists. Must be a valid SHA256 hash. Required
comment String that represents additional information regarding the action. Optional
detailed_response Choose either regular response or detailed response. Default value = false, regular response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.allowlist.added_hashes Number Added fileHash to allowlist
Core.allowlist.excluded_hashes Number Added fileHash to allowlist

Command example

!core-allowlist-files hash_list=11d69fb388ff59e5ba6ca217ca04ecde6a38fa8fb306aa5f1b72e22bb7c3a252

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "allowlist": {
            "added_hashes": {
                "fileHash": [

Human Readable Output

Allowlist Files

Added _ Hashes


Quarantines a file on selected endpoints. You can select up to 1000 endpoints.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the triggered incident. Optional
endpoint_id_list List of endpoint IDs. Required
file_path String that represents the path of the file you want to quarantine. Required
file_hash String that represents the file’s hash. Must be a valid SHA256 hash. Required
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.


Retrieves the quarantine status for a selected file.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpoint_id String that represents the endpoint ID. Required
file_hash String that represents the file hash. Must be a valid SHA256 hash. Required
file_path String that represents the file path. Required

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!core-get-quarantine-status endpoint_id=f8a2f58846b542579c12090652e79f3d file_hash=55f8718109829bf506b09d8af615b9f107a266e19f7a311039d1035f180b22d4 file_path=/home/ec2-user/test_file.txt

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "quarantineFiles": {
            "status": {
                "endpointId": "f8a2f58846b542579c12090652e79f3d",
                "fileHash": "55f8718109829bf506b09d8af615b9f107a266e19f7a311039d1035f180b22d4",
                "filePath": "/home/ec2-user/test_file.txt",
                "status": false

Human Readable Output

Quarantine files status

Status Endpoint Id File Path File Hash
false f8a2f58846b542579c12090652e79f3d /home/ec2-user/test_file.txt 55f8718109829bf506b09d8af615b9f107a266e19f7a311039d1035f180b22d4


Restores a quarantined file on requested endpoints.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
file_hash String that represents the file in hash. Must be a valid SHA256 hash. Required
endpoint_id String that represents the endpoint ID. If you do not enter a specific endpoint ID, the request will run restore on all endpoints which relate to the quarantined file you defined. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.


Runs a scan on a selected endpoint. To scan all endpoints, run this command with argument all=true. Note that scanning all the endpoints may cause performance issues and latency.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the triggered incident. Optional
endpoint_id_list List of endpoint IDs. Optional
dist_name Name of the distribution list. Optional
gte_first_seen Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Optional
gte_last_seen Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Optional
lte_first_seen Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Optional
lte_last_seen Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Optional
ip_list List of IP addresses. Optional
group_name Name of the endpoint group. Optional
platform Type of operating system. Possible values are: windows, linux, macos, android. Optional
alias Endpoint alias name. Optional
isolate Choose if an endpoint has been isolated. Select "isolated" or "unisolated". Possible values are: isolated, unisolated. Optional
hostname Name of the host. Optional
all Choose whether to scan all of the endpoints or not. Default is false. Scanning all of the endpoints may cause performance issues and latency. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.endpointScan.actionId Number The action ID of the scan request.
Core.endpointScan.aborted Boolean Was the scan aborted.


Cancel the selected endpoints scan. A scan can only be cancelled if the selected endpoints are Pending or In Progress. To scan all endpoints, run the command with the argument all=true. Note that scanning all of the endpoints may cause performance issues and latency.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
endpoint_id_list List of endpoint IDs. Optional
dist_name Name of the distribution list. Optional
gte_first_seen Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Optional
gte_last_seen Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Optional
lte_first_seen Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Optional
lte_last_seen Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Optional
ip_list List of IP addresses. Optional
group_name Name of the endpoint group. Optional
platform Type of operating system. Possible values are: windows, linux, macos, android. Optional
alias Endpoint alias name. Optional
isolate Choose whether an endpoint has been isolated. Select "isolated" or "unisolated". Possible values are: isolated, unisolated. Optional
hostname Name of the host. Optional
all Whether to scan all of the endpoints or not. Default is false. Note that scanning all of the endpoints may cause performance issues and latency. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.endpointScan.actionId Unknown The action id of the abort scan request.
Core.endpointScan.aborted Boolean Was the scan cancelled.


Gets the policy name for a specific endpoint.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpoint_id The endpoint ID. Retrieve by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.Policy string The policy allocated with the endpoint.
Core.Policy.policy_name string Name of the policy allocated with the endpoint.
Core.Policy.endpoint_id string Endpoint ID.


Gets a list of scripts available in the scripts library.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
script_name A comma-separated list of the script names. Optional
description A comma-separated list of the script descriptions. Optional
created_by A comma-separated list of the users who created the script. Optional
limit The maximum number of scripts returned to the War Room. Default is 50. Optional
offset (Int) Offset in the data set. Default is 0. Optional
windows_supported Choose to run the script on a Windows operating system. Possible values are: true, false. Optional
linux_supported Choose to run the script on a Linux operating system. Possible values are: true, false. Optional
macos_supported Choose to run the script on a Mac operating system. Possible values are: true, false. Optional
is_high_risk Choose if the script has a high-risk outcome. Possible values are: true, false. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.Scripts Unknown The scripts command results.
Core.Scripts.script_id Unknown Script ID. string Name of the script.
Core.Scripts.description string Description of the script.
Core.Scripts.modification_date Unknown Timestamp of when the script was last modified.
Core.Scripts.created_by string Name of the user who created the script.
Core.Scripts.windows_supported boolean Choose to run the script on a Windows operating system.
Core.Scripts.linux_supported boolean Choose to run the script on a Linux operating system.
Core.Scripts.macos_supported boolean Choose to run the script on a Mac operating system.
Core.Scripts.is_high_risk boolean Choose if the script has a high-risk outcome.
Core.Scripts.script_uid string Globally Unique Identifier of the script, used to identify the script when executing.

Command example

!core-get-scripts created_by="Palo Alto Networks" is_high_risk=true

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "Scripts": [
                "created_by": "Palo Alto Networks",
                "description": "Delete a file by path",
                "is_high_risk": true,
                "linux_supported": true,
                "macos_supported": true,
                "modification_date": "2021-05-04T14:33:48",
                "modification_date_timestamp": 1620138828748,
                "name": "delete_file",
                "script_id": 1,
                "script_uid": "548023b6e4a01ec51a495ba6e5d2a15d",
                "windows_supported": true
                "created_by": "Palo Alto Networks",
                "description": "Execute list of shell commands",
                "is_high_risk": true,
                "linux_supported": true,
                "macos_supported": true,
                "modification_date": "2022-01-05T10:14:14",
                "modification_date_timestamp": 1641377654469,
                "name": "execute_commands",
                "script_id": 2,
                "script_uid": "a6f7683c8e217d85bd3c398f0d3fb6bf",
                "windows_supported": true
                "created_by": "Palo Alto Networks",
                "description": "Kill all processes with a CPU usage higher than specified",
                "is_high_risk": true,
                "linux_supported": true,
                "macos_supported": true,
                "modification_date": "2022-01-05T10:14:14",
                "modification_date_timestamp": 1641377654480,
                "name": "process_kill_cpu",
                "script_id": 6,
                "script_uid": "3d928a24f61cd3c1116544900c424098",
                "windows_supported": true
                "created_by": "Palo Alto Networks",
                "description": "Kill all processes with a RAM usage higher than specified",
                "is_high_risk": true,
                "linux_supported": true,
                "macos_supported": true,
                "modification_date": "2021-05-04T14:33:48",
                "modification_date_timestamp": 1620138828795,
                "name": "process_kill_mem",
                "script_id": 7,
                "script_uid": "87d4547df6d4882a3c006ec58c3b8bf4",
                "windows_supported": true
                "created_by": "Palo Alto Networks",
                "description": "Kill processes by name",
                "is_high_risk": true,
                "linux_supported": true,
                "macos_supported": true,
                "modification_date": "2021-05-04T14:33:48",
                "modification_date_timestamp": 1620138828803,
                "name": "process_kill_name",
                "script_id": 8,
                "script_uid": "fd0a544a99a9421222b4f57a11839481",
                "windows_supported": true
                "created_by": "Palo Alto Networks",
                "description": "Delete registry value or delete registry key with all its values",
                "is_high_risk": true,
                "linux_supported": false,
                "macos_supported": false,
                "modification_date": "2021-05-04T14:33:48",
                "modification_date_timestamp": 1620138828812,
                "name": "registry_delete",
                "script_id": 9,
                "script_uid": "ad36488a20cdbdd1604ec4bec9da5c41",
                "windows_supported": true
                "created_by": "Palo Alto Networks",
                "description": "Set registry value",
                "is_high_risk": true,
                "linux_supported": false,
                "macos_supported": false,
                "modification_date": "2021-05-04T14:33:48",
                "modification_date_timestamp": 1620138828829,
                "name": "registry_set",
                "script_id": 11,
                "script_uid": "896392a13b2ef0ae75b3f2396125037d",
                "windows_supported": true

Human Readable Output


Name Description Script Uid Modification Date Created By Windows Supported Linux Supported Macos Supported Is High Risk
delete_file Delete a file by path 548023b6e4a01ec51a495ba6e5d2a15d 2021-05-04T14:33:48 Palo Alto Networks true true true true
execute_commands Execute list of shell commands a6f7683c8e217d85bd3c398f0d3fb6bf 2022-01-05T10:14:14 Palo Alto Networks true true true true
process_kill_cpu Kill all processes with a CPU usage higher than specified 3d928a24f61cd3c1116544900c424098 2022-01-05T10:14:14 Palo Alto Networks true true true true
process_kill_mem Kill all processes with a RAM usage higher than specified 87d4547df6d4882a3c006ec58c3b8bf4 2021-05-04T14:33:48 Palo Alto Networks true true true true
process_kill_name Kill processes by name fd0a544a99a9421222b4f57a11839481 2021-05-04T14:33:48 Palo Alto Networks true true true true
registry_delete Delete registry value or delete registry key with all its values ad36488a20cdbdd1604ec4bec9da5c41 2021-05-04T14:33:48 Palo Alto Networks true false false true
registry_set Set registry value 896392a13b2ef0ae75b3f2396125037d 2021-05-04T14:33:48 Palo Alto Networks true false false true


Deletes selected endpoints in the Cortex app. You can delete up to 1000 endpoints.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. You can retrieve the endpoint IDs from the core-get-endpoints command. Required

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.


Gets a list of device control violations filtered by selected fields. You can retrieve up to 100 violations.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. You can retrieve the endpoint IDs from the core-get-endpoints command. Optional
type Type of violation. Possible values are: "cd-rom", "disk drive", "floppy disk", and "portable device". Possible values are: cd-rom, disk drive, floppy disk, portable device. Optional
timestamp_gte Timestamp of the violation. Violations that are greater than or equal to this timestamp will be returned. Values can be in either ISO date format, relative time, or epoch timestamp. For example: "2019-10-21T23:45:00" (ISO date format), "3 days ago" (relative time) 1579039377301 (epoch time). Optional
timestamp_lte Timestamp of the violation. Violations that are less than or equal to this timestamp will be returned. Values can be in either ISO date format, relative time, or epoch timestamp. For example: "2019-10-21T23:45:00" (ISO date format), "3 days ago" (relative time) 1579039377301 (epoch time). Optional
ip_list Comma-separated list of IP addresses. Optional
vendor Name of the vendor. Optional
vendor_id Vendor ID. Optional
product Name of the product. Optional
product_id Product ID. Optional
serial Serial number. Optional
hostname Hostname. Optional
violation_id_list Comma-separated list of violation IDs. Optional
username Username. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.EndpointViolations Unknown Endpoint violations command results.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations Unknown A list of violations.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.os_type string Type of the operating system.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.hostname string Hostname of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.username string Username of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.ip string IP address of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.timestamp number Timestamp of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.violation_id number Violation ID.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.type string Type of violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.vendor_id string Vendor ID of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.vendor string Name of the vendor of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.product_id string Product ID of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.product string Name of the product of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.serial string Serial number of the violation.
Core.EndpointViolations.violations.endpoint_id string Endpoint ID of the violation.

Command example

!core-get-endpoint-device-control-violations violation_id_list=100,90,80

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "EndpointViolations": null

Human Readable Output

Endpoint Device Control Violation

No entries.


Retrieves files from selected endpoints. You can retrieve up to 20 files, from no more than 10 endpoints. At least one endpoint ID and one file path are necessary in order to run the command. After running this command, you can use the core-action-status-get command with returned action_id, to check the action status.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Required
windows_file_paths A comma-separated list of file paths on the Windows platform. Optional
linux_file_paths A comma-separated list of file paths on the Linux platform. Optional
mac_file_paths A comma-separated list of file paths on the Mac platform. Optional
generic_file_path A comma-separated list of file paths in any platform. Can be used instead of the mac/windows/linux file paths. The order of the files path list must be parellel to the endpoints list order, therefore, the first file path in the list is related to the first endpoint and so on. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.RetrievedFiles.action_id string ID of the action to retrieve files from selected endpoints.


View the file retrieved by the core-retrieve-files command according to the action ID. Before running this command, you can use the core-action-status-get command to check if this action completed successfully.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
action_id Action ID retrieved from the core-retrieve-files command. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
File Unknown The file details command results.
File.Name String The full file name (including the file extension).
File.EntryID String The ID for locating the file in the War Room.
File.Size Number The size of the file in bytes.
File.MD5 String The MD5 hash of the file.
File.SHA1 String The SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256 String The SHA256 hash of the file.
File.SHA512 String The SHA512 hash of the file.
File.Extension String The file extension. For example: "xls".
File.Type String The file type, as determined by libmagic (same as displayed in file entries).

Command example

!core-retrieve-file-details action_id=1763

Human Readable Output

Action id : 1763

Retrieved 0 files from 0 endpoints. To get the exact action status run the core-action-status-get command


Gets the full definition of a specific script in the scripts library.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
script_uid Unique identifier of the script, returned by the core-get-scripts command. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptMetadata Unknown The script metadata command results.
Core.ScriptMetadata.script_id number Script ID. string Script name.
Core.ScriptMetadata.description string Script description.
Core.ScriptMetadata.modification_date unknown Timestamp of when the script was last modified.
Core.ScriptMetadata.created_by string Name of the user who created the script.
Core.ScriptMetadata.is_high_risk boolean Whether the script has a high-risk outcome.
Core.ScriptMetadata.windows_supported boolean Choose to run the script on a Windows operating system.
Core.ScriptMetadata.linux_supported boolean Choose to run the script on a Linux operating system.
Core.ScriptMetadata.macos_supported boolean Choose to run the script on a Mac operating system.
Core.ScriptMetadata.entry_point string Name of the entry point selected for the script. An empty string indicates the script defined as just run.
Core.ScriptMetadata.script_input string Name and type for the specified entry point.
Core.ScriptMetadata.script_output_type string Type of the output.
Core.ScriptMetadata.script_output_dictionary_definitions Unknown If the script_output_type is a dictionary, an array with friendly name, name, and type for each output.

Command example

!core-get-script-metadata script_uid=43973479d389f2ac7e99b6db88eaee40

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "ScriptMetadata": {
            "created_by": "Palo Alto Networks",
            "description": "List all directories under path",
            "entry_point": "run",
            "is_high_risk": false,
            "linux_supported": true,
            "macos_supported": true,
            "modification_date": 1620138828771,
            "name": "list_directories",
            "script_id": 4,
            "script_input": [
                    "name": "path",
                    "type": "string"
                    "name": "number_of_levels",
                    "type": "number"
            "script_output_dictionary_definitions": null,
            "script_output_type": "string_list",
            "script_uid": "43973479d389f2ac7e99b6db88eaee40",
            "windows_supported": true

Human Readable Output

Script Metadata

Created By Description Entry Point Is High Risk Linux Supported Macos Supported Modification Date Modification Date Timestamp Name Script Id Script Input Script Output Type Script Uid Windows Supported
Palo Alto Networks List all directories under path run false true true 2021-05-04T14:33:48 1620138828771 list_directories 4 {'name': 'path', 'type': 'string'},
{'name': 'number_of_levels', 'type': 'number'}
string_list 43973479d389f2ac7e99b6db88eaee40 true


Gets the code of a specific script in the script library.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
script_uid Unique identifier of the script, returned by the core-get-scripts command. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptCode Unknown The script code command results.
Core.ScriptCode.code string The code of a specific script in the script library.
Core.ScriptCode.script_uid string Unique identifier of the script.

Command example

!core-get-script-code script_uid=548023b6e4a01ec51a495ba6e5d2a15d

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "ScriptCode": {
            "code": "import os\nimport sys\nimport traceback\n\n\ndef run(file_path):\n    path = os.path.expanduser(file_path)\n    path = os.path.expandvars(path)\n    if os.path.isabs(path):\n        try:\n            os.remove(path)\n        except IOError:\n            sys.stderr.write(f\"File not accessible: {path}\")\n            return False\n        except Exception as e:\n            sys.stderr.write(f\"Exception occured: {traceback.format_exc()}\")\n            return False\n    return True\n",
            "script_uid": "548023b6e4a01ec51a495ba6e5d2a15d"

Human Readable Output

Script code:

import sys
import traceback

def run(file_path):
   path = os.path.expanduser(file_path)
   path = os.path.expandvars(path)
   if os.path.isabs(path):
       except IOError:
           sys.stderr.write(f"File not accessible: {path}")
           return False
       except Exception as e:
           sys.stderr.write(f"Exception occured: {traceback.format_exc()}")
           return False
   return True


Retrieves the status of the requested actions according to the action ID.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
action_id The action ID of the selected request. After performing an action, you will receive an action ID. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.GetActionStatus Unknown The action status command results.
Core.GetActionStatus.endpoint_id string Endpoint ID.
Core.GetActionStatus.status string The status of the specific endpoint ID.
Core.GetActionStatus.action_id number The specified action ID.

Command example

!core-action-status-get action_id="1819"

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "GetActionStatus": null

Human Readable Output

Get Action Status

No entries.

core-run-script (Deprecated)

Deprecated. Use core-script-run instead.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required
script_uid Unique identifier of the script. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-scripts command. Required
parameters Dictionary contains the parameter name as key and its value for this execution as the value. For example, {"param1":"param1_value","param2":"param2_value"}. Optional
timeout The timeout in seconds for this execution. Default is 600. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptRun.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptRun.endpoints_count Number Number of endpoints the action was initiated on.


Initiates a new endpoint script execution action using the provided snippet code.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. it. Optional
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required
snippet_code Section of a script you want to initiate on an endpoint, for example, print("7"). Required
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptRun.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptRun.endpoints_count Number Number of endpoints the action was initiated on.


Retrieves the status of a script execution action.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
action_id Action IDs retrieved from the core-run-script command. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptStatus.general_status String General status of the action, considering the status of all the endpoints.
Core.ScriptStatus.error_message String Error message regarding permissions for running APIs or the action doesn’t exist.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_timeout Number Number of endpoints in "timeout" status.
Core.ScriptStatus.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_pending_abort Number Number of endpoints in "pending abort" status.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_pending Number Number of endpoints in "pending" status.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_in_progress Number Number of endpoints in "in progress" status.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_failed Number Number of endpoints in "failed" status.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_expired Number Number of endpoints in "expired" status.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_completed_successfully Number Number of endpoints in "completed successfully" status.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_canceled Number Number of endpoints in "canceled" status.
Core.ScriptStatus.endpoints_aborted Number Number of endpoints in "aborted" status.


Retrieve the results of a script execution action.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
action_id Action IDs retrieved from the core-run-script command. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptResult.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptResult.results.retrieved_files Number Number of successfully retrieved files.
Core.ScriptResult.results.endpoint_ip_address String Endpoint IP address.
Core.ScriptResult.results.endpoint_name String Number of successfully retrieved files.
Core.ScriptResult.results.failed_files Number Number of files failed to retrieve.
Core.ScriptResult.results.endpoint_status String Endpoint status.
Core.ScriptResult.results.domain String Domain to which the endpoint belongs.
Core.ScriptResult.results.endpoint_id String Endpoint ID.
Core.ScriptResult.results.execution_status String Execution status of this endpoint.
Core.ScriptResult.results.return_value String Value returned by the script in case the type is not a dictionary.
Core.ScriptResult.results.standard_output String The STDOUT and the STDERR logged by the script during the execution.
Core.ScriptResult.results.retention_date Date Timestamp in which the retrieved files will be deleted from the server.
Core.ScriptResult.results.command String The command that was executed by the script.
Core.ScriptResult.results.command_output Array The output of the command executed by the script.


Gets the files retrieved from a specific endpoint during a script execution.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
action_id Action ID retrieved from the core-run-script command. Required
endpoint_id Endpoint ID. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
File.Size String The size of the file.
File.SHA1 String The SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256 String The SHA256 hash of the file.
File.SHA512 String The SHA512 hash of the file.
File.Name String The name of the file.
File.SSDeep String The SSDeep hash of the file.
File.EntryID String EntryID of the file
File.Info String Information about the file.
File.Type String The file type.
File.MD5 String The MD5 hash of the file.
File.Extension String The extension of the file.


Initiate a new endpoint script execution of shell commands.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Link the response action to triggered incident. Optional
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required
commands Comma-separated list of shell commands to execute. Required
timeout The timeout in seconds for this execution. Default is 600. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptRun.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptRun.endpoints_count Number Number of endpoints the action was initiated on.


Initiates a new endpoint script execution to delete the specified file.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required
file_path Paths of the files to delete, in a comma-separated list. Paths of the files to check for existence. All of the given file paths will run on all of the endpoints. Required
timeout The timeout in seconds for this execution. Default is 600. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptRun.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptRun.endpoints_count Number Number of endpoints the action was initiated on.


Initiates a new endpoint script execution to check if file exists.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required
file_path Paths of the files to check for existence, in a comma-separated list. All of the given file paths will run on all of the endpoints. Required
timeout The timeout in seconds for this execution. Default is 600. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptRun.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptRun.endpoints_count Number Number of endpoints the action was initiated on.


Initiates a new endpoint script execution kill process.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
endpoint_ids Comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required
process_name Names of processes to kill. Will kill all of the given processes on all of the endpoints. Required
timeout The timeout in seconds for this execution. Default is 600. Optional
action_id For polling use. Optional
interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Optional
timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptRun.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptRun.endpoints_count Number Number of endpoints the action was initiated on.


Returns information about an endpoint.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
id The endpoint ID. Optional
ip The endpoint IP address. Optional
hostname The endpoint hostname. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Endpoint.Hostname String The endpoint's hostname.
Endpoint.OS String The endpoint's operation system.
Endpoint.IPAddress String The endpoint's IP address.
Endpoint.ID String The endpoint's ID.
Endpoint.Status String The endpoint's status.
Endpoint.IsIsolated String The endpoint's isolation status.
Endpoint.MACAddress String The endpoint's MAC address.
Endpoint.Vendor String The integration name of the endpoint vendor.


Reports to WildFire about incorrect hash verdict through Cortex.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
file_hash String that represents the file’s hash. Must be a valid SHA256 hash. Required
new_verdict The new verdict of the file. 0 - benign, 1 - malware. Possible values are: 0, 1. Required
reason String that represents the reason of the report. Required
email User’s email address. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.WildFire.file_hash Number String that represents the file’s hash.
Core.WildFire.new_verdict Number The new verdict of the file.


Removes requested files from allow list.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
hash_list String that represents a list of hashed files you want to add to allow list. Must be a valid SHA256 hash. Required
comment String that represents additional information regarding the action. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.allowlist.removed_hashes Number Removed file hash

Command example

!core-remove-allowlist-files hash_list=11d69fb388ff59e5ba6ca217ca04ecde6a38fa8fb306aa5f1b72e22bb7c3a252

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "allowlist": [
                "removed_hashes": "11d69fb388ff59e5ba6ca217ca04ecde6a38fa8fb306aa5f1b72e22bb7c3a252"

Human Readable Output

Allowlist Files Removed

Removed _ Hashes


Removes requested files from block list.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Links the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
hash_list String that represents a list of hashed files you want to add to allow list. Must be a valid SHA256 hash. Required
comment String that represents additional information regarding the action. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.blocklist.removed_hashes Number Removed fileHash from blocklist

Command example

!core-remove-blocklist-files hash_list=11d69fb388ff59e5ba6ca217ca04ecde6a38fa8fb306aa5f1b72e22bb7c3a252

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "blocklist": [
                "removed_hashes": "11d69fb388ff59e5ba6ca217ca04ecde6a38fa8fb306aa5f1b72e22bb7c3a252"

Human Readable Output

Blocklist Files Removed

Removed _ Hashes


Adds alert exclusion rule based on filterObject.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
name Name of the exclusion. Required
filterObject Filter object for the exclusion. example: {"filter":{"AND":[{"SEARCH_FIELD":"alert_category","SEARCH_TYPE":"NEQ","SEARCH_VALUE":"Phishing"}]}}. Required
comment String that represents additional information regarding the action. Optional
status Status of exclusion. default value = ENABLED. Possible values are: ENABLED, DISABLED. Default is ENABLED. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.exclusion.rule_id Number Added exclusion rule id

Command example

!core-add-exclusion filterObject={\"filter\":{\"AND\":[{\"SEARCH_FIELD\":\"alert_category\",\"SEARCH_TYPE\":\"NEQ\",\"SEARCH_VALUE\":\"Phishing\"}]}} name=test1

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "exclusion": {
            "rule_id": 45

Human Readable Output

Add Exclusion



Delete an alert exclusion rule based on rule ID.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
alert_exclusion_id The desired alert_exclusion_id to be removed. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.deletedExclusion.rule_id Number Deleted exclusion rule id

Command example

!core-delete-exclusion alert_exclusion_id=36

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "deletedExclusion": {
            "rule_id": null

Human Readable Output

Successfully deleted the following exclusion: 36


Get a list of the alerts exclusion.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
tenant_ID Links the response action to the tenant that triggered it. Optional
filterObject Filter object for the exclusion. Example: {"filter":{"AND":[{"SEARCH_FIELD":"alert_category","SEARCH_TYPE":"NEQ","SEARCH_VALUE":"Phishing"}]}}. Optional
limit Limit for the response. You will get the first "limit" exclusions. Default value is 20. Default is 20. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_ID Number
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_NAME String
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_INDICATOR_TEXT.pretty_name String
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_INDICATOR_TEXT.data_type Unknown
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_INDICATOR_TEXT.render_type String
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_INDICATOR_TEXT.entity_map Unknown
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_INDICATOR_TEXT.dml_type Unknown
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_HITS Number
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_USER String
Core.exclusion.ALERT_WHITELIST_STATUS String

Command example

!core-get-exclusion filterObject={\"filter\":{\"AND\":[{\"SEARCH_FIELD\":\"ALERT_WHITELIST_COMMENT\",\"SEARCH_TYPE\":\"NEQ\",\"SEARCH_VALUE\":\"Phishing\"}]}}

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "exclusion": [
                "ALERT_WHITELIST_COMMENT": "",
                "ALERT_WHITELIST_HITS": 0,
                "ALERT_WHITELIST_ID": 45,
                "ALERT_WHITELIST_INDICATOR": {
                    "filter": {
                        "AND": [
                                "SEARCH_FIELD": "alert_category",
                                "SEARCH_TYPE": "NEQ",
                                "SEARCH_VALUE": "Phishing"
                        "data_type": "TEXT",
                        "dml_type": null,
                        "entity_map": null,
                        "pretty_name": "category",
                        "render_type": "attribute"
                        "data_type": null,
                        "entity_map": null,
                        "pretty_name": "!=",
                        "render_type": "operator"
                        "data_type": null,
                        "entity_map": null,
                        "pretty_name": "Phishing",
                        "render_type": "value"
                "ALERT_WHITELIST_MODIFY_TIME": 1645102011552,
                "ALERT_WHITELIST_NAME": "test1",
                "ALERT_WHITELIST_PRETTY_USER": "Public API - 3",
                "ALERT_WHITELIST_USER": "N/A"

Human Readable Output


DISABLED 0 45 filter: {"AND": [{"SEARCH_FIELD": "alert_category", "SEARCH_TYPE": "NEQ", "SEARCH_VALUE": "Phishing"}]} {'pretty_name': 'category', 'data_type': 'TEXT', 'render_type': 'attribute', 'entity_map': None, 'dml_type': None},
{'pretty_name': '!=', 'data_type': None, 'render_type': 'operator', 'entity_map': None},
{'pretty_name': 'Phishing', 'data_type': None, 'render_type': 'value', 'entity_map': None}
0 1645102011552 test1 Public API - 3 ENABLED N/A


Returns information about each alert ID.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
alert_ids A comma-separated list of alert IDs. Required
events_from_decider_format Whether to return events_from_decider context output as a dictionary (the raw API response) or as a list (improved for playbook automation) - relevant only when filter_alert_fields is set to False. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.OriginalAlert.event._time String The timestamp of the occurence of the event.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.vendor String Vendor name.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.event_timestamp Number Event timestamp.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.event_type Number Event type (static 500).
Core.OriginalAlert.event.cloud_provider String The cloud provider - GCP, AZURE, or AWS.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.project String The project in which the event occurred.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.cloud_provider_event_id String The ID given to the event by the cloud provider, if the ID exists.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.cloud_correlation_id String The ID the cloud provider is using to aggregate events that are part of the same general event.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.operation_name_orig String The name of the operation that occurred, as supplied by the cloud provider.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.operation_name String The normalized name of the operation performed by the event.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_orig String Contains the original identity related fields as provided by the cloud provider.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_name String The name of the identity that initiated the action.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_uuid String Same as identity_name but also contains the UUID of the identity if it exists.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_type String An enum representing the type of the identity.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_sub_type String An enum representing the sub-type of the identity, respective to its identity_type.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_invoked_by_name String The name of the identity that invoked the action as it appears in the log.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_invoked_by_uuid String The UUID of the identity that invoked the action as it appears in the log.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_invoked_by_type String An enum that represents the type of identity event that invoked the action.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.identity_invoked_by_sub_type String An enum that represents the respective sub_type of the type of identity (identity_type) that has invoked the action.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.operation_status String Status of whether the operation has succeed or failed, if provided.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.operation_status_orig String The operation status code as it appears in the log, including lookup from code number to code name.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.operation_status_orig_code String The operation status code as it appears in the log.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.operation_status_reason_provided String Description of the error, if the log record indicates an error and the cloud provider supplied the reason.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.resource_type String The normalized type of the service that emitted the log row.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.resource_type_orig String The type of the service that omitted the log as provided by the cloud provider.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.resource_sub_type String The sub-type respective to the resource_type field, normalized across all cloud providers.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.resource_sub_type_orig String The sub-type of the service that emitted this log row as provided by the cloud provider.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.region String The cloud region of the resource that emitted the log. String The availability zone of the resource that emitted the log.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.referenced_resource String The cloud resource referenced in the audit log.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.referenced_resource_name String Same as referenced_resource but provides only the substring that represents the resource name instead of the full asset ID.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.referenced_resources_count Number The number of extracted resources referenced in this audit log.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.user_agent String The user agent provided in the call to the API of the cloud provider.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.caller_ip String The IP of the caller that performed the action in the log.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.caller_ip_geolocation String The geolocation associated with the caller_ip's value.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.caller_ip_asn Number The ASN of the caller_ip's value.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.caller_project String The project of the caller entity.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.raw_log Unknown The raw log that is being normalized.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.log_name String The name of the log that contains the log row.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.caller_ip_asn_org String The organization associated with the ASN of the caller_ip's value.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.event_base_id String Event base ID.
Core.OriginalAlert.event.ingestion_time String Ingestion time.


Returns dynamic analysis of each alert ID.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
alert_ids A comma-separated list of alert IDs. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.DynamicAnalysis.causalityId String String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.factName String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.timestamp Date
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.eventId String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.user_presence String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.shellcode_address String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.tid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.parent_pid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_sign String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.sync_action String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_remote_session String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.peb String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.process_image_path String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.command_line String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.scanned_buffer_crc32_stacktrace_allocation_base_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.page_base_shellcode_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.os_sig_status String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_info_legal_copyright String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.user_name String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_heavens_gate String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_impersonated String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.os_parent_instance_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_info_internal_name String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.stack_trace String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_injected String String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.thread_context_eip_image_path String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.image_path_sha256 String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.montepi_err String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_info_company_name String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_info_original_name String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.instance_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.yara_file_scan_result String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_obj_flags String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.should_obfuscate String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_size String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_info_is_dot_net String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.call_region_shellcode_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.allocation_base_shellcode_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.signer_name String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.original_command_line String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.yara_rules_results_stacktrace_page_base_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.rpc_interface_uuid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.rpc_interface_minor_version String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.telem String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_trusted_signer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.thread_context_eip String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.requested_parent_instance_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_cgo String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.parent_cid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.enabled_privileges Date
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.peb32 String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_embedded_sign String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.rpc_function_opnum String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.parent_thread_instance_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.remote_causality_actor_ip String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.canonized_process_image_path String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.scanned_buffer_crc32_stacktrace_call_region_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.yara_rules_results_stacktrace_allocation_base_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.entry_point_rva String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_stack_pivot String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.os_parent_pid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.image_path_md5 String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.causality_actor_type String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.timestamp String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.is_in_transaction String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.cid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.integrity_level String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.actor_type String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_info_description String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.chisq_prob String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.parent_tid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.rpc_interface_major_version String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.dse_internal String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.telem_bit_mask String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.process_image_name String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.parent_instance_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.entropy String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.call_region_base_address String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.yara_rules_results_stacktrace_call_region_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.scanned_buffer_crc32_stacktrace_page_base_buffer String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.image_base String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.sync_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.effective_user_sid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.requested_parent_pid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.event_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.rpc_protocol String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.processIdx Number
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.instanceId String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.scriptblock_text String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.script_path String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.actor_pid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.actor_instance_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.actor_thread_instance_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.etw_event_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.actor_tid String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.suspicious_strings String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.suspicious_strings_context String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.content_version String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.script_hash String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.dotnet_callstack String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.hook_type String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.appdomain_id String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.ps_assembly_version String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.original_length String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.invoke_expression_count String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.file_path String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.content String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.edr_assembly_version String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.expression_tree_scan_result String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.content_length String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.local_analysis_verdict String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.clr_version String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.powershell_version String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.script_source String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.prio String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.internals.attributes.build_timestamp Date
Core.DynamicAnalysis.potentialPreventionActionOverride Boolean
Core.DynamicAnalysis.isBiocRule Boolean
Core.DynamicAnalysis.biocId Number
Core.DynamicAnalysis.additionalData String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.biocRuleName String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.reachedMaxActivationsPerRule Boolean
Core.DynamicAnalysis.syncActionStatus Number
Core.DynamicAnalysis.spawnerImagePath String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.spawnerCmdline String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.spawnerSigner String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.osSpawnerImagePath String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.osSpawnerCmdline String
Core.DynamicAnalysis.osSpawnerSigner String


Get the prevalence of a file, identified by sha256.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
sha256 The sha256 of a file. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.AnalyticsPrevalence.Hash.value Boolean Whether the hash is prevalent or not. Number The global prevalence of the hash. Number The local prevalence of the hash. Number The prevalence of the hash.


Get the prevalence of an ip, identified by ip_address.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
ip_address The IP address. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.AnalyticsPrevalence.Ip.value Boolean Whether the IP address is prevalent or not. Number The global prevalence of the IP. Number The local prevalence of the IP. Number The prevalence of the IP.


Get the prevalence of a domain, identified by domain_name.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
domain_name The domain name. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.AnalyticsPrevalence.Domain.value Boolean Whether the domain is prevalent or not. Number The global prevalence of the domain. Number The local prevalence of the domain. Number The prevalence of the domain.


Get the prevalence of a process, identified by process_name.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
process_name The process name. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.AnalyticsPrevalence.Process.value Boolean Whether the process is prevalent or not. Number The global prevalence of the process. Number The local prevalence of the process. Number The prevalence of the process.


Get the prevalence of a registry_path, identified by key_name, value_name.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
key_name The key name of a registry path. Required
value_name The value name of a registry path. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.AnalyticsPrevalence.Registry.value Boolean Whether the registry is prevalent or not. Number The global prevalence of the registry. Number The local prevalence of the registry. Number The prevalence of the registry.


Get the prevalence of a process_command_line, identified by process_command_line.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
process_command_line The process command line. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.AnalyticsPrevalence.Cmd.value Boolean Whether the CMD is prevalent or not. Number The global prevalence of the CMD. Number The local prevalence of the CDM. Number The prevalence of the Cmd.


Add a tag to one or more endpoints.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpoint_ids A comma-separated list of tenant IDs of the endpoint(s) for which you want to assign the tag. Required
tag The tag name to assign to the endpoint(s). Required
endpoint_id_list A comma-separated list of endpoint IDs to filter by them. Optional
dist_name A comma-separated list of distribution package names or installation package names.
Example: dist_name1,dist_name2.
ip_list A comma-separated list of IP addresses.
group_name A comma-separated list of group names to which the agent belongs.
Example: group_name1,group_name2.
platform The endpoint platform. Possible values are: windows, linux, macos, android. Optional
alias_name A comma-separated list of alias names.
Examples: alias_name1,alias_name2.
isolate Specifies whether the endpoint was isolated or unisolated. Possible values are: isolated, unisolated. Optional
hostname A comma-separated list of hostnames.
Example: hostname1,hostname2.
first_seen_gte All the agents that were first seen after {first_seen_gte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
first_seen_lte All the agents that were first seen before {first_seen_lte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
last_seen_gte All the agents that were last seen before {last_seen_gte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
last_seen_lte All the agents that were last seen before {last_seen_lte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
status The status of the endpoint to filter. Possible values are: connected, disconnected, lost, uninstalled. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!core-add-endpoint-tag endpoint_ids=1234 tag=test

Human Readable Output

Successfully added tag test to endpoint(s) ['1234']


Remove a tag from one or more endpoints.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpoint_ids A comma-separated list of tenant IDs of the endpoint(s) for which you want to remove the tag. Required
tag The tag name to remove from the endpoint(s). Required
endpoint_id_list A comma-separated list of endpoint IDs to filter by them. Optional
dist_name A comma-separated list of distribution package names or installation package names.
Example: dist_name1,dist_name2.
ip_list A comma-separated list of IP addresses.
group_name A comma-separated list of group names to which the agent belongs.
Example: group_name1,group_name2.
platform The endpoint platform. Possible values are: windows, linux, macos, android. Optional
alias_name A comma-separated list of alias names.
Examples: alias_name1,alias_name2.
isolate Specifies whether the endpoint was isolated or unisolated. Possible values are: isolated, unisolated. Optional
hostname A comma-separated list of hostnames.
Example: hostname1,hostname2.
first_seen_gte All the agents that were first seen after {first_seen_gte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
first_seen_lte All the agents that were first seen before {first_seen_lte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
last_seen_gte All the agents that were last seen before {last_seen_gte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
last_seen_lte All the agents that were last seen before {last_seen_lte}.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
status The status of the endpoint to filter. Possible values are: connected, disconnected, lost, uninstalled. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!core-remove-endpoint-tag endpoint_ids=1234 tag=test

Human Readable Output

Successfully removed tag test from endpoint(s) ['1234']


Gets a list of endpoints according to the passed filters, and changes their alias name. Filtering by multiple fields will be concatenated using the AND condition (OR is not supported).

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
status The status of the endpoint to use as a filter. Possible values are: connected, disconnected. Optional
endpoint_id_list A comma-separated list of endpoint IDs to use as a filter. Optional
dist_name A comma-separated list of distribution package names or installation package names to use as a filter.
Example: dist_name1,dist_name2.
ip_list A comma-separated list of IP addresses to use as a filter.
group_name A comma-separated list of group names to which the agent belongs to use as a filter.
Example: group_name1,group_name2.
platform The endpoint platform to use as a filter. Possible values are: windows, linux, macos, android. Optional
alias_name A comma-separated list of alias names to use as a filter.
Examples: alias_name1,alias_name2.
isolate Specifies whether the endpoint was isolated or unisolated to use as a filter. Possible values are: isolated, unisolated. Note: This argument returns only the first endpoint that matches. Optional
hostname A comma-separated list of hostnames to use as a filter.
Example: hostname1,hostname2.
first_seen_gte All the agents that were first seen after {first_seen_gte} to use as a filter.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
first_seen_lte All the agents that were first seen before {first_seen_lte} to use as a filter.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
last_seen_gte All the agents that were last seen after {last_seen_gte} to use as a filter.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
last_seen_lte All the agents that were last seen before {last_seen_lte} to use as a filter.
Supported values:
1579039377301 (time in milliseconds)
"3 days" (relative date)
"2019-10-21T23:45:00" (date).
username The usernames to query for to use as a filter. Accepts a single user, or comma-separated list of usernames. Optional
new_alias_name The alias name to change to. Note: If you send an empty field, (e.g new_alias_name="") the current alias name is deleted. Required
scan_status The scan status of the endpoint to use as a filter. Possible values are: none, pending, in_progress, canceled, aborted, pending_cancellation, success, error. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command example

!core-endpoint-alias-change new_alias_name=test scan_status=success ip_list=

Human Readable Output

The endpoint alias was changed successfully. Note: If there is no error in the process, then this is the output even when the specific endpoint does not exist.


Retrieve a list of the current users in the environment. Required license: Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint, Cortex XDR Pro, or Cortex XDR Pro per TB.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.User.user_email string Email address of the user
Core.User.user_first_name string First name of the user
Core.User.user_last_name string Last name of the user.
Core.User.role_name string Role name associated with the user.
Core.User.last_logged_in Number Timestamp of when the user last logged in.
Core.User.user_type string Type of user.
Core.User.groups array Name of user groups associated with the user, if applicable.
Core.User.scope array Name of scope associated with the user, if applicable.

Command example


Context Example

    "dummy": {
        "User": [
                "groups": [],
                "last_logged_in": 1648158415051,
                "role_name": "dummy",
                "scope": [],
                "user_email": "",
                "user_first_name": "dummy",
                "user_last_name": "dummy",
                "user_type": "dummy"
                "groups": [],
                "last_logged_in": null,
                "role_name": "dummy",
                "scope": [],
                "user_email": "",
                "user_first_name": "dummy",
                "user_last_name": "dummy",
                "user_type": "dummy"

Human Readable Output


First Name Groups Last Name Role Type User email
dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy
dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy


Retrieve the risk score of a specific user or list of users with the highest risk score in the environment along with the reason affecting each score. Required license: Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint, Cortex XDR Pro, or Cortex XDR Pro per TB.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
user_id Unique ID of a specific user.
User ID could be either of the foo/dummy format, or just dummy.
limit Limit the number of users that will appear in the list. (Use limit when no specific host is requested.). Default is 50. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.RiskyUser.type String Form of identification element. String Identification value of the type field.
Core.RiskyUser.score Number The score assigned to the user. created String Date when the incident was created.
Core.RiskyUser.reasons.description String Description of the incident.
Core.RiskyUser.reasons.severity String The severity of the incident
Core.RiskyUser.reasons.status String The incident status
Core.RiskyUser.reasons.points Number The score.

Command example

!core-list-risky-users user_id=dummy

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "RiskyUser": {
            "id": "dummy",
            "reasons": [],
            "score": 0,
            "type": "user"

Human Readable Output

Risky Users

User ID Score Description
dummy 0


Retrieve the risk score of a specific host or list of hosts with the highest risk score in the environment along with the reason affecting each score. Required license: Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint, Cortex XDR Pro, or Cortex XDR Pro per TB.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
host_id The host name of a specific host. Optional
limit Limit the number of hosts that will appear in the list. By default, the limit is 50 hosts.(Use limit when no specific host is requested.). Default is 50. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.RiskyHost.type String Form of identification element. String Identification value of the type field.
Core.RiskyHost.score Number The score assigned to the host. created String Date when the incident was created.
Core.RiskyHost.reasons.description String Description of the incident.
Core.RiskyHost.reasons.severity String The severity of the incident
Core.RiskyHost.reasons.status String The incident status
Core.RiskyHost.reasons.points Number The score.

Command example

!core-list-risky-hosts host_id=dummy

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "RiskyHost": {
            "id": "dummy",
            "reasons": [],
            "score": 0,
            "type": "dummy"

Human Readable Output

Risky Hosts

Host ID Score Description
dummy 0


Retrieve a list of the current user emails associated with one or more user groups in the environment. Required license: Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint, Cortex XDR Pro, or Cortex XDR Pro per TB.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
group_names A comma-separated list of one or more user group names for which you want the associated users. Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.UserGroup.group_name String Name of the user group.
Core.UserGroup.description String Description of the user group, if available.
Core.UserGroup.pretty_name String Name of the user group as it appears in the management console.
Core.UserGroup.insert_time Number Timestamp of when the user group was created.
Core.UserGroup.update_time Number Timestamp of when the user group was last updated.
Core.UserGroup.user_email array List of email addresses belonging to the users associated with the user group.
Core.UserGroup.source String Type of user group.

Command example

!core-list-user-groups group_names=test

Context Example

    "Core": {
        "UserGroup": {
            "description": "test",
            "group_name": "test",
            "insert_time": 1684746187678,
            "pretty_name": null,
            "source": "Custom",
            "update_time": 1684746209062,
            "user_email": [

Human Readable Output


Group Name Group Description User email
test test for demo


Returns a list of incidents, which you can filter by a list of incident IDs (max. 100), the time the incident was last modified, and the time the incident was created. If you pass multiple filtering arguments, they will be concatenated using the AND condition. The OR condition is not supported.

Required Permissions

Required Permissions For API call: Alerts And Incidents --> View Builtin Roles with this permission includes: "Investigator", "Responder", "Privileged Investigator", "Privileged Responder", "Viewer", and "Instance Admin".

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
lte_creation_time A date in the format 2019-12-31T23:59:00. Only incidents that were created on or before the specified date/time will be retrieved. Optional
gte_creation_time A date in the format 2019-12-31T23:59:00. Only incidents that were created on or after the specified date/time will be retrieved. Optional
lte_modification_time Filters returned incidents that were created on or before the specified date/time, in the format 2019-12-31T23:59:00. Optional
gte_modification_time Filters returned incidents that were modified on or after the specified date/time, in the format 2019-12-31T23:59:00. Optional
incident_id_list An array or CSV string of incident IDs. Optional
since_creation_time Filters returned incidents that were created on or after the specified date/time range, for example, 1 month, 2 days, 1 hour, and so on. Optional
since_modification_time Filters returned incidents that were modified on or after the specified date/time range, for example, 1 month, 2 days, 1 hour, and so on. Optional
sort_by_modification_time Sorts returned incidents by the date/time that the incident was last modified ("asc" - ascending, "desc" - descending). Possible values are: asc, desc. Optional
sort_by_creation_time Sorts returned incidents by the date/time that the incident was created ("asc" - ascending, "desc" - descending). Possible values are: asc, desc. Optional
page Page number (for pagination). The default is 0 (the first page). Default is 0. Optional
limit Maximum number of incidents to return per page. The default and maximum is 100. Default is 100. Optional
status Filters only incidents in the specified status. The options are: new, under_investigation, resolved_known_issue, resolved_false_positive, resolved_true_positive resolved_security_testing, resolved_other, resolved_auto. Optional
starred Whether the incident is starred (Boolean value: true or false). Possible values are: true, false. Optional
starred_incidents_fetch_window Starred fetch window timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). Default is 3 days. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.Incident.incident_id String Unique ID assigned to each returned incident.
Core.Incident.manual_severity String Incident severity assigned by the user. This does not affect the calculated severity. Can be "low", "medium", "high"
Core.Incident.manual_description String Incident description provided by the user.
Core.Incident.assigned_user_mail String Email address of the assigned user.
Core.Incident.high_severity_alert_count String Number of alerts with the severity HIGH.
Core.Incident.host_count number Number of hosts involved in the incident.
Core.Incident.xdr_url String A link to the incident view on Cortex XDR or XSIAM.
Core.Incident.assigned_user_pretty_name String Full name of the user assigned to the incident.
Core.Incident.alert_count number Total number of alerts in the incident.
Core.Incident.med_severity_alert_count number Number of alerts with the severity MEDIUM.
Core.Incident.user_count number Number of users involved in the incident.
Core.Incident.severity String Calculated severity of the incident. Valid values are:

| | Core.Incident.low_severity_alert_count | String | Number of alerts with the severity LOW. | | Core.Incident.status | String | Current status of the incident. Valid values are: "new","under_investigation","resolved_known_issue","resolved_duplicate","resolved_false_positive","resolved_true_positive","resolved_security_testing" or "resolved_other". | | Core.Incident.description | String | Dynamic calculated description of the incident. | | Core.Incident.resolve_comment | String | Comments entered by the user when the incident was resolved. | | Core.Incident.notes | String | Comments entered by the user regarding the incident. | | Core.Incident.creation_time | date | Date and time the incident was created on Cortex XDR or XSIAM. | | Core.Incident.detection_time | date | Date and time that the first alert occurred in the incident. | | Core.Incident.modification_time | date | Date and time that the incident was last modified. |

Command Example

!core-get-incidents gte_creation_time=2010-10-10T00:00:00 limit=3 sort_by_creation_time=desc

Context Example
    "Core.Incident": [
            "host_count": 1, 
            "incident_id": "4", 
            "manual_severity": "medium", 
            "description": "5 'This alert from content  TestXDRPlaybook' alerts detected by Checkpoint - SandBlast  ", 
            "severity": "medium", 
            "modification_time": 1579290004178, 
            "assigned_user_pretty_name": null, 
            "notes": null, 
            "creation_time": 1577276587937, 
            "alert_count": 5, 
            "med_severity_alert_count": 1, 
            "detection_time": null, 
            "assigned_user_mail": null, 
            "resolve_comment": "This issue was solved in Incident number 192304", 
            "status": "new", 
            "user_count": 1, 
            "xdr_url": "", 
            "starred": false, 
            "low_severity_alert_count": 0, 
            "high_severity_alert_count": 4, 
            "manual_description": null
            "host_count": 1, 
            "incident_id": "3", 
            "manual_severity": "medium", 
            "description": "'test 1' generated by Virus Total - Firewall", 
            "severity": "medium", 
            "modification_time": 1579237974014, 
            "assigned_user_pretty_name": "", 
            "notes": null, 
            "creation_time": 1576100096594, 
            "alert_count": 1, 
            "med_severity_alert_count": 0, 
            "detection_time": null, 
            "assigned_user_mail": "", 
            "resolve_comment": null, 
            "status": "new", 
            "user_count": 1, 
            "xdr_url": "", 
            "starred": false, 
            "low_severity_alert_count": 0, 
            "high_severity_alert_count": 1, 
            "manual_description": null
            "host_count": 1, 
            "incident_id": "2", 
            "manual_severity": "high", 
            "description": "'Alert Name Example 333' along with 1 other alert generated by Virus Total - VPN & Firewall-3 and Checkpoint - SandBlast", 
            "severity": "high", 
            "modification_time": 1579288790259, 
            "assigned_user_pretty_name": null, 
            "notes": null, 
            "creation_time": 1576062816474, 
            "alert_count": 2, 
            "med_severity_alert_count": 0, 
            "detection_time": null, 
            "assigned_user_mail": null, 
            "resolve_comment": null, 
            "status": "under_investigation", 
            "user_count": 1, 
            "xdr_url": "", 
            "starred": false, 
            "low_severity_alert_count": 0, 
            "high_severity_alert_count": 2, 
            "manual_description": null
Human Readable Output


alert_count assigned_user_mail assigned_user_pretty_name creation_time description detection_time high_severity_alert_count host_count incident_id low_severity_alert_count manual_description manual_severity med_severity_alert_count modification_time notes resolve_comment severity starred status user_count xdr_url
5 1577276587937 5 'This alert from content TestXDRPlaybook' alerts detected by Checkpoint - SandBlast 4 1 4 0 medium 1 1579290004178 This issue was solved in Incident number 192304 medium false new 1
1 1576100096594 'test 1' generated by Virus Total - Firewall 1 1 3 0 medium 0 1579237974014 medium false new 1
2 1576062816474 'Alert Name Example 333' along with 1 other alert generated by Virus Total - VPN & Firewall-3 and Checkpoint - SandBlast 2 1 2 0 high 0 1579288790259 high false under_investigation 1


Initiates a new endpoint script execution action using a script from the script library and returns the results.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
incident_id Allows linking the response action to the incident that triggered it. Optional
endpoint_ids A comma-separated list of endpoint IDs. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-endpoints command. Required
script_uid Unique identifier of the script. Can be retrieved by running the core-get-scripts command. Required
parameters Dictionary containing the parameter name as key and its value for this execution as the value. For example, {"param1":"param1_value","param2":"param2_value"}. Optional
timeout The timeout in seconds for this execution. Default is 600. Optional
polling_interval_in_seconds Interval in seconds between each poll. Default is 10. Optional
polling_timeout_in_seconds Polling timeout in seconds. Default is 600. Optional
action_id The action ID for polling use. Optional
hide_polling_output Whether to hide the polling result (automatically filled by polling). Optional
is_core Is the command being called from a core pack. Default is True. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
Core.ScriptResult.action_id Number ID of the action initiated.
Core.ScriptResult.results.retrieved_files Number Number of successfully retrieved files.
Core.ScriptResult.results.endpoint_ip_address String Endpoint IP address.
Core.ScriptResult.results.endpoint_name String Name of successfully retrieved files.
Core.ScriptResult.results.failed_files Number Number of files failed to be retrieved.
Core.ScriptResult.results.endpoint_status String Endpoint status.
Core.ScriptResult.results.domain String Domain to which the endpoint belongs.
Core.ScriptResult.results.endpoint_id String Endpoint ID.
Core.ScriptResult.results.execution_status String Execution status of this endpoint.
Core.ScriptResult.results.return_value String Value returned by the script in case the type is not a dictionary.
Core.ScriptResult.results.standard_output String The STDOUT and the STDERR logged by the script during the execution.
Core.ScriptResult.results.retention_date Date Timestamp in which the retrieved files will be deleted from the server.

Command example

!core-script-run endpoint_ids=111 script_uid=111 polling_timeout_in_seconds=1200 timeout=1200

Context Example
    "Core.ScriptResult": [
            "action_id": 1, 
            "results": [
                    "retrieved_files" : 0,
                    "_return_value": [],
                    "standard_output": ""
                    "domain" : "222",
                    "endpoint_id" : "111",
                    "endpoint_ip_address" : [""],
                    "command" : "_return_value",
                    "retention_date" : NULL,
                    "command_output" : [],
                    "endpoint_name" : "test",
                    "failed_files" : 0,
                    "execution_status" : "COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY",
                    "endpoint_status" : "STATUS_010_CONNECTED"
    "Core.ScriptRun": [
            "action_id": 1,
            "endpoints_count": 1,
            "status": 1
Human Readable Output

Script Execution Results

_return_value domain endpoint_id endpoint_ip_address endpoint_name endpoint_status execution_status failed_files retention_date retrieved_files standard_output