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Proactive threat hunting pack latest (#28853)
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* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Script Test

* Readme fix

* dependencies fix

* Readme fix

* Indicator Layout Fix

* playbook fix

* Playbook fixes

* Release-note fix

* Release-note fix

* vix validation

* Resolve conflicts

* Resolve conflicts

* Resolve conflicts

* Resolve conflicts

* Resolve conflicts

* Add no indicator unittest

* Add no indicator unittest

* Add no indicator unittest

* Add no indicator unittest

* Add no indicator unittest

* Add no indicator unittest

* Fix readme

* Script review fixes

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.2.

* Wizard Trial

* delete wizard

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.0.8.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.3.

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Update Packs/MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection/Playbooks/playbook-MDE_-_Search_And_Block_Software.yml

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>

* fix docker image

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.90.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.91.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.92.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.93.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.0.9.

* Bump pack from version FeedLOLBAS to 1.0.7.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.94.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.4.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.0.10.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.95.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.5.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.0.11.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.96.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.6.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.1.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.97.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.2.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.98.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.7.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.3.99.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.3.

* Bump pack from version FeedLOLBAS to 1.0.8.

* Docker

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.8.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.9.

* Bump pack from version CommonTypes to 3.3.85.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.4.

* fixes

* fixes

* fixes

* fixes

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.2.

* Bump pack from version CommonTypes to 3.3.86.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.5.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.3.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.4.

* Bump pack from version CommonTypes to 3.3.87.

* Bump pack from version CommonTypes to 3.3.88.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.6.

* updated docker

* fix

* fix

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.7.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.8.

* Add ons

* input fix

* FieldToPackIgnore

* add fromversion

* Cheat Sheet Fix

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.10.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.5.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.11.

* Bump pack from version FeedLOLBAS to 1.0.9.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.6.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.9.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.12.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.7.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.1.10.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.8.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.9.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.10.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.13.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.11.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.12.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.2.1.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.2.2.

* Bump pack from version FeedLOLBAS to 1.0.10.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.14.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.15.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.13.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.14.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.2.3.

* Bump pack from version MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection to 1.16.16.

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 5.2.4.

* Review Fixes

* Review Fixes

* bump

* fix

* Fixes

* fix README

* bump

* fix

* fixes

* fix

* fix

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.18.

* fix

* fix rn

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.19.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.20.

* fix

* rn

* Bump pack from version CortexXDR to 6.0.2.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.21.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.22.

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.23.

* add video

* Bump pack from version CommonPlaybooks to 2.4.24.

* udpatedockerimage


Co-authored-by: Content Bot <>
Co-authored-by: ShirleyDenkberg <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Nov 19, 2023
1 parent 928386a commit f36e7fd
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Showing 97 changed files with 14,657 additions and 43 deletions.

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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
This playbook will search a file or process activity of a software by a given image file name. The analyst can then choose the files to block.
The following integrations are supported:

- Cortex XDR XQL Engine
- Microsoft Defender For Endpoint

## Dependencies

This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.

### Sub-playbooks

* MDE - Search And Block Software
* Cortex XDR - Search And Block Software - XQL Engine

### Integrations

This playbook does not use any integrations.

### Scripts

* DeleteContext

### Commands

This playbook does not use any commands.

## Playbook Inputs


| **Name** | **Description** | **Default Value** | **Required** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| FileName | File name to search | | Optional |
| TimeFrame | Time in relative date or range format \(for example: "1 day", "3 weeks ago", "between 2021-01-01 12:34:56 \+02:00 and 2021-02-01 12:34:56 \+02:00"\). The default is the last 24 hours. | | Optional |
| Indicator Expiration | DateTime string indicating when the indicator expires. Format: \(&lt;number&gt; &lt;time unit&gt;, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days\). | | Optional |

## Playbook Outputs

There are no outputs for this playbook.

## Playbook Image


![Search And Block Software - Generic](../doc_files/Search_And_Block_Software_-_Generic.png)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
id: Search and Compare Process Executions - Generic
version: -1
name: Search and Compare Process Executions - Generic
description: |-
This playbook is a generic playbook that receives a process name and a command-line argument. It searches for the given process executions and compares the command-line argument from the results to the command-line argument received from the playbook input. The playbook supports searching process executions using the following integrations:
- Cortex XDR XQL Engine
- Cortex XDR IR(Search executions inside XDR alerts)
- Microsoft Defender For Endpoint
Note: Under the "Processes" input, the playbook should receive an array that contains the following keys:
- value: *process name*
- commands: *command-line arguments*
starttaskid: "0"
id: "0"
taskid: e4d8d0c7-56ec-4b27-8fbb-ae3a02490091
type: start
id: e4d8d0c7-56ec-4b27-8fbb-ae3a02490091
version: -1
name: ""
iscommand: false
brand: ""
description: ''
- "15"
- "16"
- "17"
separatecontext: false
continueonerrortype: ""
view: |-
"position": {
"x": 450,
"y": 80
note: false
timertriggers: []
ignoreworker: false
skipunavailable: false
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "14"
taskid: 6511abc4-4a61-4657-86b8-3809cbcc5dae
type: title
id: 6511abc4-4a61-4657-86b8-3809cbcc5dae
version: -1
name: Done
type: title
iscommand: false
brand: ""
description: ''
separatecontext: false
continueonerrortype: ""
view: |-
"position": {
"x": 450,
"y": 400
note: false
timertriggers: []
ignoreworker: false
skipunavailable: false
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "15"
taskid: 0c2ea311-165b-48ae-8f5f-92cb5ec5e81b
type: playbook
id: 0c2ea311-165b-48ae-8f5f-92cb5ec5e81b
version: -1
name: MDE - Search and Compare Process Executions
description: |-
This playbook is a generic playbook that receives a process name and a command-line argument. It uses the "Microsoft Defender For Endpoint" integration to search for the given process executions and compares the command-line argument from the results to the command-line argument received from the playbook input.
Note: Under the "Processes" input, the playbook should receive an array that contains the following keys:
- value: *process name*
- commands: *command-line arguments*
playbookName: MDE - Search and Compare Process Executions
type: playbook
iscommand: false
brand: ""
- "14"
root: inputs.HuntingTimeFrame
root: inputs.Processes
root: inputs.StringSimilarityThreshold
separatecontext: true
continueonerrortype: ""
iscommand: false
exitCondition: ""
wait: 1
max: 100
view: |-
"position": {
"x": 450,
"y": 220
note: false
timertriggers: []
ignoreworker: false
skipunavailable: true
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "16"
taskid: 936cbb1b-fc14-42e0-80e4-9ca0bbec9f10
type: playbook
id: 936cbb1b-fc14-42e0-80e4-9ca0bbec9f10
version: -1
name: Cortex XDR - Search and Compare Process Executions - XDR Alerts
description: |-
This playbook is a generic playbook that receives a process name and a command-line argument. It uses the "Cortex XDR IR" integration to search for the given process executions inside XDR alerts and compares the command-line argument from the results to the command-line argument received from the playbook input.
Note: Under the "Processes" input the playbook should receive an array that contains the following keys:
- value: *process name*
- commands: *command-line arguments*
playbookName: Cortex XDR - Search and Compare Process Executions - XDR Alerts
type: playbook
iscommand: false
brand: ""
- "14"
root: inputs.HuntingTimeFrame
root: inputs.Processes
root: inputs.SearchXDRAlerts
root: inputs.StringSimilarityThreshold
separatecontext: true
continueonerrortype: ""
iscommand: false
exitCondition: ""
wait: 1
max: 100
forEach: true
view: |-
"position": {
"x": 40,
"y": 220
note: false
timertriggers: []
ignoreworker: false
skipunavailable: true
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "17"
taskid: 6246b45d-476d-4e3d-8c6a-6eccafe838ef
type: playbook
id: 6246b45d-476d-4e3d-8c6a-6eccafe838ef
version: -1
name: Cortex XDR - Search and Compare Process Executions - XQL Engine
description: |-
This playbook is a generic playbook that receives a process name and a command-line argument. It uses the "Cortex XDR - XQL Engine" integration to search for the given process executions and compares the command-line argument from the results to the command-line argument received from the playbook input.
Note: Under the "Processes" input, the playbook should receive an array that contains the following keys:
- value: *process name*
- commands: *command-line arguments*
playbookName: Cortex XDR - Search and Compare Process Executions - XQL Engine
type: playbook
iscommand: false
brand: ""
- "14"
root: inputs.HuntingTimeFrame
root: inputs.Processes
root: inputs.StringSimilarityThreshold
separatecontext: true
continueonerrortype: ""
iscommand: false
exitCondition: ""
wait: 1
max: 100
view: |-
"position": {
"x": 870,
"y": 220
note: false
timertriggers: []
ignoreworker: false
skipunavailable: true
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
view: |-
"linkLabelsPosition": {},
"paper": {
"dimensions": {
"height": 385,
"width": 1210,
"x": 40,
"y": 80
- key: Processes
value: {}
required: false
description: |-
Process name to search and command-line argument to compare. This input should receive an array that contains the following keys:
- value: *process name*
- commands: *command-line arguments*
- key: HuntingTimeFrame
simple: 7 days
required: false
description: 'Time in relative date or range format (for example: "1 day", "3 weeks ago", "between 2021-01-01 12:34:56 +02:00 and 2021-02-01 12:34:56 +02:00"). The default is the last 24 hours.'
- key: StringSimilarityThreshold
simple: "0.5"
required: false
description: StringSimilarity automation threshold. A number between 0 and 1, where 1 represents the most similar results of string comparisons. The automation will output only the results with a similarity score equal to or greater than the specified threshold.
- key: SearchXDRAlerts
value: {}
required: false
description: Set to "True" if you want to hunt for processes that are part of XDR alerts
- contextPath: StringSimilarity
description: StringSimilarity automation results.
type: unknown
- contextPath: Findings
description: Suspicious process executions found.
type: unknown
- No tests (auto formatted)
fromversion: 6.9.0
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
This playbook is a generic playbook that receives a process name and a command-line argument. It searches for the given process executions and compares the command-line argument from the results to the command-line argument received from the playbook input. The playbook supports searching process executions using the following integrations:

- Cortex XDR XQL Engine
- Cortex XDR IR(Search executions inside XDR alerts)
- Microsoft Defender For Endpoint

Note: Under the "Processes" input, the playbook should receive an array that contains the following keys:
- value: *process name*
- commands: *command-line arguments*

## Dependencies

This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.

### Sub-playbooks

* MDE - Search and Compare Process Executions
* Cortex XDR - Search and Compare Process Executions - XQL Engine
* Cortex XDR - Search and Compare Process Executions - XDR Alerts

### Integrations

This playbook does not use any integrations.

### Scripts

This playbook does not use any scripts.

### Commands

This playbook does not use any commands.

## Playbook Inputs


| **Name** | **Description** | **Default Value** | **Required** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Processes | Process name to search and command-line argument to compare. This input should receive an array that contains the following keys:<br/>- value: \*process name\*<br/>- commands: \*command-line arguments\* | | Optional |
| HuntingTimeFrame | Time in relative date or range format \(for example: "1 day", "3 weeks ago", "between 2021-01-01 12:34:56 \+02:00 and 2021-02-01 12:34:56 \+02:00"\). The default is the last 24 hours. | 7 days | Optional |
| StringSimilarityThreshold | StringSimilarity automation threshold. A number between 0 and 1, where 1 represents the most similar results of string comparisons. The automation will output only the results with a similarity score equal to or greater than the specified threshold. | 0.5 | Optional |
| SearchXDRAlerts | Set to "True" if you want to hunt for processes that are part of XDR alerts | | Optional |

## Playbook Outputs


| **Path** | **Description** | **Type** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| StringSimilarity | StringSimilarity automation results. | unknown |
| Findings | Suspicious process executions found. | unknown |

## Playbook Image


![Search and Compare Process Executions - Generic](../doc_files/Search_and_Compare_Process_Executions_-_Generic.png)

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