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Several small features, one small release

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@demonnic demonnic released this 17 Jun 19:52
· 44 commits to main since this release

Self Updating Gauges

Adds updateEvent constraint to make the gauge update on receiving the appropriate event

  • defaults to "" which disables the functionality
  • runs alongside updateTime
  • set updateTime to 0 to disable the timer but still leave the gauge active for event updates


Will not spin up a blinky timer if you haven't turned on blinking. Previously it would create one regardless. Thanks to @Kebap for this improvement.


Optional row separator

Add separateRows constraint. When false, does not display the line between rows in the table. Defaults to true, to maintain current behaviour. First picture is with separateRows = true, second with separateRows = false



Table title display option

adds title constraint to give the table a title, as well as printTitle which controls whether the title is printed and titleColor which controls the color of the text in the title.

local TableMaker = require("MDK.ftext").TableMaker

testMaker = TableMaker:new({
  title = "Test Table",
  printTitle = true,
  titleColor = "<red>",
  printHeaders = false,
  separateRows = false,
testMaker:addColumn({name = "col1", width = 15, textColor = "<orange>"})
testMaker:addColumn({name = "col2", width = 20, textColor = "<green>"})
testMaker:addColumn({name = "col3", width = 30, textColor = "<purple>"})
testMaker:addRow({"row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2", "row 1 col 3"})
testMaker:addRow({"row 2 col 1", "row 2 col 2", "row 2 col 3"})
testMaker:addRow({"row 3 col 1", "row 3 col 2", "row 3 col 3"})
