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fix(sync): Better error message on Workspace Add and Commit
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Harshita-mindfire committed Mar 10, 2022
1 parent 8272124 commit 4895ae8
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Showing 3 changed files with 347 additions and 18 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions packages/engine-server/src/workspace/utils.ts
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ import fs from "fs-extra";
import _ from "lodash";
import path from "path";
import { URI } from "vscode-uri";
import {
} from "./workspaceServiceInterface";

export class WorkspaceUtils {
static isWorkspaceConfig(val: any): val is WorkspaceSettings {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,4 +321,40 @@ export class WorkspaceUtils {
return link;

* @param results
* @returns number of repos that has Sync Action Status done.
static getCountForStatusDone(results: SyncActionResult[]): number {
return this.count(results, SyncActionStatus.DONE);

static count(results: SyncActionResult[], status: SyncActionStatus) {
return results.filter((result) => result.status === status).length;

* @param results
* @param status
* @returns name of all the repos with status same as @param status.
static getFilteredRepoNames(
results: SyncActionResult[],
status: SyncActionStatus
): string[] {
const matchingResults = results.filter(
(result) => result.status === status
if (matchingResults.length === 0) return [];
return => {
// Display the vault names for info/error messages
if (result.vaults.length === 1) {
return VaultUtils.getName(result.vaults[0]);
// But if there's more than one vault in the repo, then use the repo path which is easier to interpret
return result.repo;
110 changes: 92 additions & 18 deletions packages/plugin-core/src/commands/AddAndCommit.ts
@@ -1,38 +1,112 @@
import { DendronError, ERROR_SEVERITY } from "@dendronhq/common-all";
import {
} from "@dendronhq/engine-server";
import _ from "lodash";
import path from "path";
import { window } from "vscode";
import { ProgressLocation, window } from "vscode";
import { DENDRON_COMMANDS } from "../constants";
import { ExtensionProvider } from "../ExtensionProvider";
import { Logger } from "../logger";
import { MessageSeverity, VSCodeUtils } from "../vsCodeUtils";
import { BasicCommand } from "./base";

const L = Logger;

type CommandOpts = {};
type CommandReturns =
| {
finalMessage: string;
committed: SyncActionResult[];
| undefined;

export class AddAndCommit extends BasicCommand<CommandOpts, void> {
export class AddAndCommit extends BasicCommand<CommandOpts, CommandReturns> {

private static generateReportMessage({
}: {
committed: SyncActionResult[];
}) {
const message = ["Finished Commit."];
// Report anything unusual the user probably should know about
let maxMessageSeverity: MessageSeverity = MessageSeverity.INFO;

const makeMessage = (
status: SyncActionStatus,
results: SyncActionResult[][],
fn: (repos: string) => {
msg: string;
severity: MessageSeverity;
) => {
const uniqResults = _.uniq(_.flattenDeep(results));
const repos = WorkspaceUtils.getFilteredRepoNames(uniqResults, status);
if (repos.length === 0) return;
const { msg, severity } = fn(repos.join(", "));
if (severity > maxMessageSeverity) maxMessageSeverity = severity;

// Warnings, need user interaction to continue commit
makeMessage(SyncActionStatus.MERGE_CONFLICT, [committed], (repos) => {
return {
msg: `Skipped ${repos} because they have merge conflicts that must be resolved manually.`,
severity: MessageSeverity.WARN,

makeMessage(SyncActionStatus.NO_CHANGES, [committed], (repos) => {
return {
msg: `Skipped ${repos} because it has no new changes.`,
severity: MessageSeverity.INFO,

makeMessage(SyncActionStatus.REBASE_IN_PROGRESS, [committed], (repos) => {
return {
msg: `Skipped ${repos} because there's a rebase in progress that must be resolved.`,
severity: MessageSeverity.WARN,
return { message, maxMessageSeverity };

async execute(opts?: CommandOpts) {
const ctx = "execute";{ ctx, opts });
const engine = ExtensionProvider.getEngine();
const workspaceService = ExtensionProvider.getExtension().workspaceService;
const resp = await workspaceService!.commitAndAddAll({
if (_.isEmpty(resp)) {
window.showInformationMessage(`no files to add or commit`);
const respString =, (ent: string) => {
return path.basename(ent);
.filter((ent) => !_.isUndefined(ent))
.join(", ");
`add and commit files in the following vaults: ${respString}`
if (_.isUndefined(workspaceService))
throw new DendronError({
message: "Workspace is not initialized",
const committed = await window.withProgress(
location: ProgressLocation.Notification,
title: "Workspace Add and Commit",
cancellable: false,
async (progress) => {{ message: "staging changes" });
const committed = await workspaceService.commitAndAddAll({
return committed;
const { message, maxMessageSeverity } = AddAndCommit.generateReportMessage({
const committedDone = WorkspaceUtils.getCountForStatusDone(committed);
const repos = (count: number) => (count <= 1 ? "repo" : "repos");
message.push(`Committed ${committedDone} ${repos(committedDone)}`);
const finalMessage = message.join(" ");
VSCodeUtils.showMessage(maxMessageSeverity, finalMessage, {});
return { committed, finalMessage };
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions packages/plugin-core/src/test/suite-integ/AddAndCommitCommand.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
import { ConfigUtils, NoteUtils } from "@dendronhq/common-all";
import { tmpDir } from "@dendronhq/common-server";
import {
} from "@dendronhq/engine-server";
import { GitTestUtils } from "@dendronhq/engine-test-utils";
import _ from "lodash";
import { expect } from "../testUtilsv2";
import { describeSingleWS } from "../testUtilsV3";
import fs from "fs-extra";
import { ExtensionProvider } from "../../ExtensionProvider";
import { AddAndCommit } from "../../commands/AddAndCommit";
import { NoteTestUtilsV4 } from "@dendronhq/common-test-utils";

const TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000 * 5;

suite("GIVEN Workspace Add And Commit command is run", function () {
"WHEN there are no changes",
modConfigCb: (config) => {
ConfigUtils.setWorkspaceProp(config, "workspaceVaultSyncMode", "sync");
return config;
() => {
test("THEN Dendron skips committing", async () => {
const { wsRoot } = ExtensionProvider.getDWorkspace();
const remoteDir = tmpDir().name;
await GitTestUtils.createRepoForRemoteWorkspace(wsRoot, remoteDir);
// Add everything and push, so that there's no changes
const git = new Git({ localUrl: wsRoot });
await git.addAll();
await git.commit({ msg: "add all and commit" });
const out = await new AddAndCommit().execute();
const { committed, finalMessage } = out;
"Finished Commit. Skipped vault because it has no new changes. Committed 0 repo"

"WHEN there is a merge conflict",
modConfigCb: (config) => {
ConfigUtils.setWorkspaceProp(config, "workspaceVaultSyncMode", "sync");
return config;
() => {
test("THEN Dendron skips committing files", async () => {
const { vaults, wsRoot, engine } = ExtensionProvider.getDWorkspace();
const remoteDir = tmpDir().name;
await GitTestUtils.createRepoForRemoteWorkspace(wsRoot, remoteDir);
const rootNote = NoteUtils.getNoteByFnameFromEngine({
fname: "root",
vault: vaults[0],
// Add everything and push, so that there's no untracked changes
const git = new Git({ localUrl: wsRoot, remoteUrl: remoteDir });
await git.addAll();
await git.commit({ msg: "first commit" });
await git.push();
// Update root note and add a commit that's not in remote, so there'll be something to rebase
const fpath = NoteUtils.getFullPath({
note: rootNote,
await fs.appendFile(fpath, "Deserunt culpa in expedita\n");
await git.addAll();
await git.commit({ msg: "second commit" });

// Clone to a second location, then push a change through that
const secondaryDir = tmpDir().name;
const secondaryGit = new Git({
localUrl: secondaryDir,
remoteUrl: remoteDir,
await secondaryGit.clone(".");
const secondaryFpath = NoteUtils.getFullPath({
note: rootNote,
wsRoot: secondaryDir,
await fs.appendFile(secondaryFpath, "Aut ut nisi dolores quae et\n");
await secondaryGit.addAll();
await secondaryGit.commit({ msg: "secondary" });
await secondaryGit.push();

// Cause an ongoing rebase
try {
await git.pull();
} catch {
// deliberately ignored

const out = await new AddAndCommit().execute();
const { committed, finalMessage } = out;
"Finished Commit. Skipped vault because they have merge conflicts that must be resolved manually. Committed 0 repo"

"WHEN there is a rebase in progress",
modConfigCb: (config) => {
ConfigUtils.setWorkspaceProp(config, "workspaceVaultSyncMode", "sync");
return config;
() => {
test("THEN Dendron skips committing files", async () => {
const { vaults, wsRoot, engine } = ExtensionProvider.getDWorkspace();
const remoteDir = tmpDir().name;
await GitTestUtils.createRepoForRemoteWorkspace(wsRoot, remoteDir);
const rootNote = NoteUtils.getNoteByFnameFromEngine({
fname: "root",
vault: vaults[0],
// Add everything and push, so that there's no untracked changes
const git = new Git({ localUrl: wsRoot, remoteUrl: remoteDir });
await git.addAll();
await git.commit({ msg: "first commit" });
await git.push();
// Update root note and add a commit that's not in remote, so there'll be something to rebase
const fpath = NoteUtils.getFullPath({
note: rootNote,
await fs.appendFile(fpath, "Deserunt culpa in expedita\n");
await git.addAll();
await git.commit({ msg: "second commit" });

// Clone to a second location, then push a change through that
const secondaryDir = tmpDir().name;
const secondaryGit = new Git({
localUrl: secondaryDir,
remoteUrl: remoteDir,
await secondaryGit.clone(".");
const secondaryFpath = NoteUtils.getFullPath({
note: rootNote,
wsRoot: secondaryDir,
await fs.appendFile(secondaryFpath, "Aut ut nisi dolores quae et\n");
await secondaryGit.addAll();
await secondaryGit.commit({ msg: "secondary" });
await secondaryGit.push();

// Cause an ongoing rebase
try {
await git.pull();
} catch {
// deliberately ignored
// Mark the conflict as resolved
await git.add(fpath);

const out = await new AddAndCommit().execute();
const { committed, finalMessage } = out;
// Should skip everything since there's an ongoing rebase the user needs to resolve
"Finished Commit. Skipped vault because there's a rebase in progress that must be resolved. Committed 0 repo"

"WHEN there are unstaged changes",
modConfigCb: (config) => {
ConfigUtils.setWorkspaceProp(config, "workspaceVaultSyncMode", "sync");
return config;
() => {
test("THEN Dendron commit files successfully", async () => {
const { vaults, wsRoot } = ExtensionProvider.getDWorkspace();
const remoteDir = tmpDir().name;
await GitTestUtils.createRepoForRemoteWorkspace(wsRoot, remoteDir);
// Create a new note so there are some changes
await NoteTestUtilsV4.createNote({
fname: "my-new-note",
body: "Lorem ipsum",
vault: vaults[0],

const out = await new AddAndCommit().execute();
const { committed, finalMessage } = out;
// Should try to commit since there are changes
expect(finalMessage).toEqual("Finished Commit. Committed 1 repo");

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