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UK Used Car Sales Analysis

- Introduction -

Context: There are several key factors to consider when estimating used car sale prices. For instance, the model year is not linear- the closer we get to the current year, the price goes up significantly. Other important variables to consider are: engine size, MPG, mileage, fuel type, engine size, brand, and model.

Opportunity: How can One Track Motors increase profit margins by 5% within 6 months by establishing maximum buy prices on used cars according to their brand, model, year built, mileage and other factors?


  • Identify which variables are most important in determining price and how does price vary with them (linear, non-linear, etc.)
  • Regression model to predict price

- Dataset Description -

The variables were extracted from a dataset consisting of 99,186 records for used car sales.

Numerical Variables: Year, Price, Mileage, Tax, MPG, Engine Size

Categorical Variables: Brand, Model, Transmission, Fuel Type

- Executive Summary -

  • The correlation for key variables determines that engine size and year/year adjusted are the highest contributing factors in determining a used cars' sale price.

  • Engine Size (0.65) and Year (-0.03) lead the correlations, showing that they are key variables in determining the final price of a used car. Additionally, the price steadily increases with larger engine sizes and newer models.

  • Price shows a strong positive correlation with models produced after 2003, while models from the same time span show the highest mileage records.

  • MPG shows a negative correlation with price through 80 MPG, after which newer fuel types, primarily Hybrid, drive an increase in median price.

  • Used cars with either very low (20) or very high (100+) MPG's have the highest price points, with all the values in between 30-90 MPG showing the lowest sale prices.

  • Price shows quick decline in values that slowly levels off into an asymptote in relation to Mileage.

  • Most used cars have average to low mileage numbers (3k-21k), and used cars with high mileage are most likely to have a petrol fuel type and made by the Ford brand.

  • Manual with a median of (£11k) shows a sharp discount from Semi-Auto (£22k) and Auto (£21k). Ford, and Vouxhall are strong brands in Manual, while Merc, Audi, BMW, and Toyota are the big brands in Auto/Semi-Auto with VW being in both Semi-Auto and Manual. 

  • Premium brands command a higher price premium over non-premium.

  • Diesel and Hybrid are the highest price premiums at around £17k, while Petrol only has a median sales value of £12k, with Diesel and Petrol making up almost the entire dataset.

  • The 6 top-selling models (Fiesta, Golf, Focus, C Class, Corsa, and Polo) make up more than half of the sales values for all models sold.

  • The top 6 models with the highest sales prices (G Class, R8, X7, 8 Series, Q8, and California) belong to Merc, Audi, BMW, and VW brands.

- Framework for Evaluation -

  • Correlation

  • Descriptive stats on numerical variables

  • Descriptive stats on categorical variables

  • Regression Numerical (Including categorical as dummy variables)

- Summary of Key Findings -

  • Engine Size (0.65) and Year (-0.03) lead the correlations are key variables in determining the final price of a used car.
  • Used cars with either very low (20) or very high (100+) MPG's have the highest price points, and average (30-90) MPG's show the lowest sale prices.
  • Ford and Vouxhall are strong brands in Manual, while Merc, Audi, BMW, and Toyota are the big brands in Auto/Semi-Auto, with VW being in both Semi-Auto and Manual.
  • Diesel and Hybrid have the highest price premiums (£17k), while Petrol is the lowest (£12k).
  • The top 6 models with the highest sales prices (G Class, R8, X7, 8 Series, Q8, and California) belong to Merc, Audi, BMW, and VW brands.
  • Price predictions show a positive correlation (R^2 = 0.945) across all brand types, thus indicating that the regression model is a good fit.

- Next Steps -

  • Focus on following brands that are Ford, Merc, Audi, BMW, and VW that have very low or very high mileage and are diesel, hybrid, or petrol fuel types.
  • Use the regression model to predict used car sales prices and set new retail sales prices accordingly


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