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Library of convenient postscript functions

These are handy PS files I've built for my own use that might be useful to others.

Usage: add a soft link to dmmlib from your work directory.

(dmmlib/ run
(dmmlib/ run
(dmmlib/ run
72 softscale
4.25 5.5 translate
-3.5 dup dup neg dup 0.5 roundbox 0.75 grayfill stroke
5 thicken
7 {0 3 goto} circrepeat closepath 0 0 0.5 100 gradientfill spindlystroke
0 0 2 circle 1 0.25 0.5 rgbfill brushystroke
1 1 dot
-1 1 dot
2 thicken
0 0 1.25 0 180 sparcn brushystroke
2.5 3 goto
1 0 4 0 2.5 -3 curveto taperstroke

Base provides generally useful functions.

Arithmetic and Math Operators

These are math functions that I use often enough to not want to constantly rewrite.

num recip reciprocal

num num maximum max

num num minimum min

num half num

num num mymod remainder

This is a non-integer-requiring mod that always returns a positive number.

7.75 1.25 mymod =


int randint int

Returns a random integer from 0 to int - 1.

min max resolution randrange num

Returns a random number between min and max, at a resolution of 1/resolution per 1. No argument needs to be an int.

-4 4 100 randrange =


point range interpolate value

Returns the value of f(point) for a function that has the values given in range for the integers and interpolates between those values for non-integer values. Points below 0 or above the length of range will return the first or last value in range. If you want to have a cycle of n values, range should be of length n + 1 and repeat the first value at the end, and point should be the result of n mymod.

Geometry Operators

r q d circle_intersection a

Returns the intersection angle of two circles. r is the radius of the near circle (centered on origin). q is the radius of the far circle (centered on d,0). d is the distance between centers. The return value is the angle from the origin to the positive-y intersection.

ax ay bx by distance d

returns the distance between (ax, ay) and (bx, by).

ax ay bx by angle4 d

returns the angle of the line (ax, ay) - (bx, by).

Dictionary Operators

value key arg -

def with the arguments reversed. Convenient for pulling arguments from the stack.

key value defaultdef -

def unless the key is already defined.

Control Operators

int proc circrepeat -

Run the proc int times, rotating 360/int after each one. Will rotate clockwise if int is negative.

int int proc schlafrepeat -

Like circrepeat, but the second int multiplies each rotate. Search for "Schläfli Symbol" for more details.

/star {5 2 {0 2 goto} schlafrepeat closepath stroke } def

proc hmirror -

proc vmirror -

Takes a proc and runs it twice, once with a -1 1 scale or 1 -1 scale in effect.

File Operators

filename l b r t include_eps -

Imports the named eps into the document with the lower left point at 0,0 and a height of 1. This code is from the eps spec.

Graphics State, Coordinate System, and Matrix Operators

num softscale -

Scales x and y by num, and changes the linewidth to compensate.

num thicken -

Multiplies the linewidth by num.

num lighten - (darken, mul_lighten, mul_darken)

Adjust the current paint color. The base forms divide the distance from white or black by num in each of r,g,b. The mul_ forms multiply instead.

Path Construction Operators

x y r circle -

Appends a circle to the current path.

x y r square -

Appends a square to the current path centered at xy with a side of 2r.

lcurveto, pcurveto

Drop-in replacements for curveto that respectively draw lines to the control points and put dots at the control points.

x y xrad yrad angle1 angle2 ell - ( elln, spell, spelln )

Ellipse version of arc and arcn, based on code in the Blue Book. The "sp" versions use the sparc operator from and require importing that file.

xrad yrad xrot large sweep nx ny svgarc - ( rsvgarc, svgsparc, rsvgsparc)

Ellipses based on the arc method in SVG - see SVG documentation for details. The "r" prefix makes nx and ny relative to the current point. The "sp" versions use the sparc operator from and require importing that file.

l b r t box -

Adds a box to the current path.

l b r t radius roundbox -

Adds a box with rounded corners to the current path.

- curr_path bool

Indicates whether there is a current point.

x y goto -

Executes a moveto or lineto as appropriate based on whether there is a current point.


Replaces the current path with a new one that contains no small lines (where "small" means "less than 0.1 times the currentlinewidth").

Painting Operators

x y dot -

Puts a small circle at x y. Radius is 1.5 times the currentlinewidth.

- doot -

Puts a dot at 0,0.

angle katebow r g b

Convert an angle to the rgb equivalent around the "katebow" circle. This is based on interpolation between Kate Rose Morley's 12-bit rainbow, as defined at .

angle setkatebowcolor -

Set the current color to the given angle around the katebow circle.

angle sinebow r g b

Convert an angle to the rgb equivalent around the sinebow circle. See for more details about the sinebow.

angle setsinebowcolor -

Set the current color to the given angle around the sinebow circle.

hexstring hextorgb r g b

Convert a hex string such as (#db0072) to r g b values.

hexstring sethexcolor -

Set the current color to a value defined by a hex string.

- whitefill -

num grayfill -

red green blue rgbfill -

hue saturation brightness hsbfill -

angle katebowfill -

angle sinebowfill -

angle hexfill -

Fill the current path with the given color, leaving the path unaffected.

l b r t spacing dotgrid -

Draw a grid of dots in the given box with the given spacing.

Glyph and Font Operators

string centershow -

Renders the string centered on 0,0. Uses pathbbox, so descenders will make the text show up higher.

A library for drawing lines differently. More information can be found at Alternate line styles in Postscript.

proc var_path -

Replaces the current path, which can't contain internal moveto operators, with an outline of a variable-width stroke of that path. Respects linecap, linejoin, and miterlimit settings. The proc must return half of the desired line thickness at every point based on internal variables in var_path. Possibly useful variables:

  • i: position along the array of points
  • pathcount: length of the array of points
  • dist: current position along the length of the path
  • linelen: length of the entire path
  • x, y: position of the point in the current reference frame
  • ptype: /p for most points, /c for control points of a curveto
  • curve_distance: the full length of the current curveto, for /c points. 0 for /p points.

proc var_line -

A version of var_path that calls flattenpath before running the path engine. All points will be of ptype /p.

bolt, boltstroke

num boltoutline -

Replacement for stroke that calls var_line with a function that smoothly decreases linewidth to 0 along the line length. bolt simply replaces the current path with an outline of the new path. boltstroke fills that path, making it a full replacement for stroke. boltoutline strokes the outline and takes an argument which is the thickness of the outline. The linewidth setting is not changed as a result of the call.

taper, taperstroke, taperoutline

Like bolt etc. but doesn't call flattenpath, so may give different results for curves and arcs.

bipoint, bipointstroke, bipointoutline

Replacement for stroke that calls var_line with a function that sets the linewidth to 0 at the start and end, leaving it alone otherwise. The three operators follow the same pattern as bolt and family.

widths widthlist, widthliststroke, widthlistoutline

Replacement for stroke that calls var_line with a function that sets the linewidth to each successive value of widths, given as the last argument to the function. The three operators follow the same pattern as bolt and family.

- curvepath -

The opposite of flattenpath. Replaces the current path - curveto instructions are ignored but lineto instructions and the line portion of closepath instructions are replaced with a curveto with control points 1/3 and 2/3 of the way along the segment. Helpful for calligraphic, below.

spline_offset calligraphic -

Replaces the current path, which can't contain internal moveto operators, with an outline of a "calligraphic" stroke of that path. This path goes to full width at the endpoints of a moveto, lineto, or curveto operator, but gets thinner in between those points (including along the path of a curve). The argument determines how thick the thin segments are, in a not easily describable way - 0 will make a straight line get as thin as 1/4 the base thickness, 1 will look like a normal stroke for straight lines. See the lines.html web page for more details.

This also uses var_path under the covers, after calling curvepath - the function it supplies is currentlinewidth 2 div ptype /c eq { spline_offset mul } if.

spline_offset callistroke -

num spline_offset callistroke -

callistroke fills the calligraphic outline, callistroke strokes it as in the bolt family above.

spindly, spindlystroke, spindlyoutline

brushy, brushystroke, brushyoutline

Call calligraphic and family with arguments of 0 and 1/3 respectively, creating lines of nominal 1/4 and 1/2 minimum thickness. brushystroke is the operator I use most often from this library.


Defined to be equivalent to brushystroke but see next three methods.


Define cstroke to be equivalent to stroke.


Define cstroke to be equivalent to brushystroke.


Define cstroke to be equivalent to spindlystroke.

sparc, sparcn

Drop-in replacements for arc and arcn that draw a single spline for the entire arc as opposed to breaking it every 90 degrees. The curve approximation is unnoticeable from 0 to 90 degrees, becomes slightly square by 180 degrees, and quickly becomes obviously distorted above 180.

x y rad spcircle -

Adds a circle to the path, like circle in, using sparc to draw semicircles from 0 to 180 and from 180 to 360.

num proc ObjectLine -

Strokes the current path by calling proc at the 0,0 point and then every num units along it. proc should draw something centered at 0,0. It will be rotated to match the line, as if the line was traveling from left to right.

x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 divisions splitcurveto -

As curveto but creates divisions sub-splines, following the same path as the spline curveto would create. Undetectable with a normal stroke but possibly useful when using some of the line styles in this library.

Text manipulation and display functions.

string string concatenate string

Concatenate two strings. Not to be confused with the built-in operator concat which combines matrices.

X_center, x_center, Xj_center

Translate so as to put y=0 in the vertical center of future text in the current font. The center is defined as the middle of X, x, or Xj appropriately (capital, minuscule, capital plus descender).

string left_base_show -

string right_base_show -

string center_base_show -

Show the string with a baseline at y=0. The string will have its left, right, or center at x=0.

string width proc width_line_show -

Call the proc (which should be one of the _base_show family above or similar) to show the string, using scale to compress the line horizontally if necessary to keep it within the given width.

strings width height proc multiline_width_show -

Call the proc (which should be one of the _base_show family above or similar) to show each string in strings, using scale to compress the lines horizontally if necessary to keep it within the given width. All the lines will be compressed by the same amount.

string num proc width_height_line_show -

As width_line_show but scale the text in both dimensions rather than compressing.

string linewidth lineheight proc paragraph_show lines

Show the string formatted into a paragraph. Wrap lines to linewidth when possible. Compress long words horizontally to fit in the linewidth. Drop lineheight units between lines. Respect newlines. Return the number of lines shown. Does not change the current transformation matrix.

string radius circle_center_show -

Show the string along a circular path, centered on the origin, with the X center at the specified radius. The string will be centered around the 90-degree axis. If a negative radius is provided the text will curve inward and be centered on the 270-degree axis.

basefont encoding newfont change_encoding -

Define a new version of basefont with the given encoding.

/Times ISOLatin1Encoding /Times-ISO change_encoding

Replacements for fill. This file runs and

xseparation yseparation proc ObjectFill -

Fill the current path with copies of the object rendered by proc. Objects will be arranged in a grid with a point at 0,0. If a point in the grid is inside the path, it will be drawn - there is no clipping, so if an object is near the edge it will extend outside the original path.

xseparation yseparation maxdepth proc FractalFill -

Like ObjectFill but if a 2x2 set of points is inside the path, they'll be replaced by a twice-as-large version. A 2x2 set of the larger versions will also be replaced by a yet-larger version, for maxdepth iterations. The larger versions are made using softscale so the line width will not change between scales.

red green blue steps gradientfill -

Fill the current path with a gradient starting at red green blue at the edge and becoming white in the center.

Load a PPM or PGM format image onto the page. For more details, see Read PNM files from postscript code.

filename drawpnm_width - (drawpnm_height, drawpnm_square, drawpnm_height)

Draw the ppm or pgm in filename onto the page. The image will have its lower corner at 0,0. The end of the operator indicates how to handle the size of the image.

  • _width: scale so width is 1 unit
  • _height: scale so width is 1 unit
  • _square: scale so smallest dimension is 1 unit, clip to 0,0,1,1 square
  • _fit: scale so largest dimension is 1 unit, center in 0,0,1,1 square

Code to provide Perlin noise. Currently only supports 1-dimensional noise.

p_length make_perlin_1_struct perlin_1_struct

Create a structure suitable to be passed to perlin_1. This structure is a dictionary containing a "length" and a "grid", the grid being n+2 random numbers between -1 and 1.

x struct perlin_1 value

Generate the Perlin noise value for x, which should be a number from 0 to 1. This value is scaled by the structure length, then used to get a noise value for the grid with the standard Perlin noise algorithm. The smoothstep equation is used for interpolating between grid values.

Code to find the intersection between two paths. Currently uses an n-squared algorithm.

{path_method_1} {path_method_2} path_intersections intersection_array

Find the intersections between two paths. Paths are provided as functions encased in brackets. These functions should create a path but not stroke or fill it. The resulting path should be continuous with no internal moveto commands. The return value is an array containing points as two-element [x y] arrays. There may be any number of these, including 0.

A library for drawing in polar / spherical coordinates.

general notes

  • p prefix = polar coords and polar lines: r theta pmoveto
  • s prefix = spherical coords and great-circle paths : lat long slineto
  • both of above rendered in polar
  • m prefix = as s but rendered in plate carree projection (for texturemaps).
  • Location of 180-crossing lines is unpredictable.
  • c prefix = cartesian coords on the unit sphere [x y z]

radius theta polar x y

x y ralop radius theta

Convert between cartesian and polar coordinates.

radius theta pmoveto -

radius theta plineto -

radius theta pgoto -

radius theta ptranslate -

moveto, lineto, goto, and translate in polar coordinates. Note that after ptranslate, more polar commands will have that new origin as the origin. plineto draws a line that varies r and theta at a constant rate with each other, effectively a straight line in polar space. It defaults to doing this with a spline that approximates the correct line. If polar_spline_mode is false, it will instead draw 100 small segments to more carefully match the correct line. If polar_corner_mode is (7) or (L), it will instead draw a straight line and an arc - L means draw the inner arc, 7 means draw the outer arc.

bool set_polar_spline_mode -

Sets the aforementioned polar_spline_mode.

bool set_polar_corner_mode -

Sets the aforementioned polar_corner_mode.

r theta p2s lat long

lat long s2p r theta

Convert between polar coords and a spherical projection, where -90 latitude is at the origin.

long lat smoveto -

long lat slineto -

long lat sgoto -

long lat stranslate -

moveto, lineto, goto, and translate in spherical coordinates, with the same caveats as above. slineto draws a great-circle route to the next point, using 100 small segments.

long lat s2c [x y z]

[x y z] c2s long lat

Convert between spherical coordinates and cartesian coordinates, expressed as a list of three numbers.

[x y z] vlength len

[Ax Ay Az] s vsmul [Bx By Bz]

[Ax Ay Az] s vsdiv [Bx By Bz]

[Ax Ay Az] vnorm [Ix Iy Iz]

[Ax Ay Az] [Bx By Bz] vcross [Cx Cy Cz]

vector length, vector-scalar multiplication and division, vector normalization, and cross product.

[Ax Ay Az] matrix33 vmtransform [Bx By Bz]

matrix33 minvert matrix33

matrix33 matrix33 mmconcat matrix33

Transform vector A by a 3x3 matrix. Invert a 3x3 matrix. Concatenate two 3x3 matrices.

m2s, s2m, mmoveto, mlineto, mgoto, mtranslate

These draw spherical coordinates on a equirectangular projection (plane chart).

A port of the reasonable colors code from or .

colorname shade reasonable r g b

Convert a color-name as a name value such as /rose and a shade such as 3 to rgb values. Note that unlike the css variables, shade goes from 0 to 5.

colorname shade setreasonablecolor -

colorname shade reasonablefill -

Set the current color or fill the current path with a reasonable color.

TODO: make it easier to use the reasonable_wheel internal list to get complementary colors, etc.


Library of convenient postscript functions







No releases published
