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Homebridge Plugin for Juwel HeliaLux SmartControl

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A homebridge plugin for Juwel HeliaLux SmartControl (

This plugin is also published on npm like regular plugins, so you can easily run them in your local homebridge instance. Install it as usual.

The plugin is written in Typescript and require at least homebridge v1.4.0. It is a fork of the homebridge example accessory. To build the plugin run the following commands in the main plugin directory (this directory). The template for a Homebridge plugin can found in this repo.

Run this command once to install all dependencies required by the plugin:

npm install

After that run the following command to compile the Typescript files into Javascript (repeat this step every time you change something in the code).

npm run build

Add the plugin to your Homebridge config

Add a new accessory to your Homebridge configuration. The plug has the following options:

"accessories": [
      "accessory": "HLSmartControl",
      "name": "HeliaLux SmartControl",
      "serial": "serialNumber",
      "debug": false,
      "color": false,
      "timeout": 1000,
      "host": "",
      "port": 80


  • name (string, required): Name of the plugin show in your Homekit
  • serial (string, default: Default Serial): Serial number of the device
  • debug (boolean, default: false): Enable additional logging information
  • color (boolean, default: false): Enable color selection for the lamp (since version 1.2.0)
  • timeout (int, default: 1000): Set the timeout (im ms) for the http request
  • host (string, required): IP-address or hostname of the SmartControl device
  • port (int, default: 80): Port on the SmartControl device

Link to your Homebridge (for developing)

Run this command that Homebridge can discover the plugin in your development environment:

npm run link

You can now start developing Homebridge instance with this command:

npm run homebridge

Make sure that your Homebridge configuration exists in your home (~/.homebridge/config.json). You found a sample under test/homebridge/config.json.

Watch for changes and build automatically

If you want to have your code compile automatically as you make changes, and restart Homebridge automatically between changes you can run:

npm run watch

This will launch an instance of Homebridge in debug mode which will restart every time you make a change to the source code. It will the config stored in the default location under ~/.homebridge. You may need to stop other running instances of Homebridge while using this command to prevent conflicts. You can adjust the Homebridge startup command in the nodemon.json file.