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nll/accuracy now ignore 0 labels and return (total,count) if average=…
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denizyuret committed Aug 18, 2019
1 parent 9e87f4d commit 2f33926
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Showing 2 changed files with 66 additions and 61 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion examples/dynet-benchmark/treenn.jl
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Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ function loss(w, tree, values=[])
hs, ygold = traverse(w, tree)
ypred = w[end-1] * hcat(hs...)
len = length(ygold)
lossval = nll(ypred,ygold; average=false)
(lossval, cnt) = nll(ypred,ygold; average=false)
@assert len == cnt
push!(values, lossval); push!(values, len)
return lossval/len
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124 changes: 64 additions & 60 deletions src/loss.jl
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Expand Up @@ -230,122 +230,126 @@ end

nll(scores, answers; dims=1, average=true)
Given an unnormalized `scores` matrix and an `Integer` array of
correct `answers`, return the per-instance negative log
likelihood. `dims=1` means instances are in columns, `dims=2` means
instances are in rows. Use `average=false` to return the sum instead
of per-instance average.
Given an unnormalized `scores` matrix and an `Integer` array of correct `answers`, return
the negative log likelihood. The `scores` matrix should have size (classes,instances) if
`dims=1` or (instances,classes) if `dims=2`. `answers[i]` should be in `1:classes` to
indicate the correct class for instance i, or 0 to skip instance i. The return value is
`(total/count)` if `average=true` and `(total,count)` if `average=false` where `count` is
the number of instances not skipped and `total` is their total negative log likelihood.
function nll(y,a::AbstractArray{<:Integer}; dims=1, average=true)
indices = findindices(y,a,dims=dims)
lp = logp(y,dims=dims)[indices]
average ? -mean(lp) : -sum(lp)

logistic(scores, answers; average=true)
Computes logistic loss given scores(predicted values) and answer labels.
answer values should be {-1,1}, then it returns `mean|sum(log(1 + exp(-answers*scores)))`. See also `bce`.
function logistic(x̂,x;average=true)
ε = eltype(x̂)(1e-12)
l = log.((1-ε) .+ exp.(-x .* x̂))
average ? mean(l) : sum(l)

Computes binary cross entropy given scores(predicted values) and answer labels.
answer values should be {0,1}, then it returns negative of `mean|sum(answers * log(p) + (1-answers)*log(1-p))`
where `p` is equal to `1/(1 + exp.(scores))`. See also `logistic`.
function bce(x̂,x;average=true)
ε = eltype(x̂)(1e-12)
p = 1 ./ (1 .+ exp.(-x̂))
l = x .* log.(p .+ ε) .+ (1 .- x).*log.((1-ε) .- p)
average ? -mean(l) : -sum(l)
average ? (-sum(lp) / length(lp)) : (-sum(lp), length(lp))

accuracy(scores, answers; dims=1, average=true)
Given an unnormalized `scores` matrix and an `Integer` array of
correct `answers`, return the ratio of instances where the correct
answer has the maximum score. `dims=1` means instances are in columns,
`dims=2` means instances are in rows. Use `average=false` to return
the number of correct answers instead of the ratio.
Given an unnormalized `scores` matrix and an `Integer` array of correct `answers`, return
the ratio of instances where the correct answer has the maximum score. `dims=1` means
instances are in columns, `dims=2` means instances are in rows. Use `average=false` to
return the pair (ncorrect,count) instead of the ratio (ncorrect/count). If `answers[i] == 0`,
instance i is skipped.
function accuracy(y,a::AbstractArray{<:Integer}; dims=1, average=true)
indices = findindices(y,a,dims=dims)
ycpu = convert(Array,y)
(maxval,maxind) = findmax(ycpu,dims=dims)
maxind = LinearIndices(ycpu)[maxind]
correct = (vec(maxind) .== indices)
average ? mean(correct) : sum(correct)
maxind = vec(maxind)[a .!= 0]
correct = (maxind .== indices)
average ? (sum(correct) / length(correct)) : (sum(correct), length(correct))

function findindices(y,a::AbstractArray{<:Integer}; dims=1)
n = length(a)
indices = Vector{Int}(undef,n)
ninstances = length(a)
nindices = 0
indices = Vector{Int}(undef,ninstances)
if dims == 1 # instances in first dimension
y1 = size(y,1)
y2 = div(length(y),y1)
if n != y2; throw(DimensionMismatch()); end
@inbounds for j=1:n
indices[j] = (j-1)*y1 + a[j]
if ninstances != y2; throw(DimensionMismatch()); end
@inbounds for j=1:ninstances
if a[j] == 0; continue; end
indices[nindices+=1] = (j-1)*y1 + a[j]
elseif dims == 2 # instances in last dimension
y2 = size(y,ndims(y))
y1 = div(length(y),y2)
if n != y1; throw(DimensionMismatch()); end
@inbounds for j=1:n
indices[j] = (a[j]-1)*y1 + j
if ninstances != y1; throw(DimensionMismatch()); end
@inbounds for j=1:ninstances
if a[j] == 0; continue; end
indices[nindices+=1] = (a[j]-1)*y1 + j
error("findindices only supports dims = 1 or 2")
return indices
return (nindices == ninstances ? indices : view(indices,1:nindices))

logistic(scores, answers; average=true)
Computes logistic loss given scores(predicted values) and answer labels.
answer values should be {-1,1}, then it returns `mean|sum(log(1 + exp(-answers*scores)))`. See also `bce`.
function logistic(x̂,x;average=true)
ε = eltype(x̂)(1e-12)
l = log.((1-ε) .+ exp.(-x .* x̂))
average ? mean(l) : sum(l)

Computes binary cross entropy given scores(predicted values) and answer labels.
answer values should be {0,1}, then it returns negative of `mean|sum(answers * log(p) + (1-answers)*log(1-p))`
where `p` is equal to `1/(1 + exp.(scores))`. See also `logistic`.
function bce(x̂,x;average=true)
ε = eltype(x̂)(1e-12)
p = 1 ./ (1 .+ exp.(-x̂))
l = x .* log.(p .+ ε) .+ (1 .- x).*log.((1-ε) .- p)
average ? -mean(l) : -sum(l)

nll(model, data; dims=1, average=true, o...)
Compute `nll(model(x; o...), y; dims)` for `(x,y)` in `data` and return the per-instance
average (if average=true) or total (if average=false) negative log likelihood.
Compute negative log likelihood `nll(model(x; o...), y; dims)` for `(x,y)` in `data` and
return `(total/count)` if `average=true` or `(total,count)` if `average=false`.
function nll(model, data; dims=1, average=true, o...)
sum = cnt = 0
for (x,y) in data
sum += nll(model(x; o...), y; dims=dims, average=false)
cnt += length(y)
(z,n) = nll(model(x; o...), y; dims=dims, average=false)
sum += z; cnt += n
average ? sum / cnt : sum
average ? sum / cnt : (sum, cnt)

accuracy(model, data; dims=1, average=true, o...)
Compute `accuracy(model(x; o...), y; dims)` for `(x,y)` in `data` and return the ratio (if
average=true) or the count (if average=false) of correct answers.
Compute `accuracy(model(x; o...), y; dims)` for `(x,y)` in `data` and return (correct/total)
if average=true or (correct,total) if average=false.
function accuracy(model, data; dims=1, average=true, o...)
sum = cnt = 0
for (x,y) in data
sum += accuracy(model(x; o...), y; dims=dims, average=false)
cnt += length(y)
(z,n) = accuracy(model(x; o...), y; dims=dims, average=false)
sum += z
cnt += n
average ? sum / cnt : sum
average ? sum / cnt : (sum, cnt)

"zeroone loss is equal to 1 - accuracy"
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