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Knet v1.1.0 with the callable object interface.

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@denizyuret denizyuret released this 12 Sep 17:22
· 791 commits to master since this release

The new suggested way to define models/layers is as callable objects.

struct Linear; w; b; end
(m::Linear)(x) = m.w * x .+ m.b

This way a model acts as a (predict) function as well as a collection of parameters:

m = Linear(randn(10,784), zeros(10))
y = m(x)             # gives the prediction
for p in params(m)   # iterates over parameters

For training the parameters should be marked as AutoGrad.Param objects:

m = Linear(Param(randn(10,784)), Param(zeros(10)))
y = m(x)             # returns the same y value as above (test mode)
y = @diff m(x)       # gives an object with prediction as well as grad info
value(y)             # gives the prediction value
gradient(y, m.w)     # gives the gradient of value(y) wrt m.w

This interface is not mandatory, everything should be backwardly compatible and old Knet
code should continue to work. However the new interface should allow people to easily
define their layer/model collections and thus address Issues #144, #147, #341.

I am working on a minimal set of utilities for the new interface on the dy/1.1 branch:

  • A new train! function that works with the new interface.
  • param and param0 make declaring parameters easier.
  • params recursively finds all Params in a given object.
  • Additional loss and update methods can handle callable objects.
  • Better RNN interface: m=LSTM(input,hidden); m(x) => y
  • Possibly other layers/models defined for MLP and CNNs.

I am not sure about the last item because I'd rather keep the Knet interface minimal and let
people work on their own model/layer collections. I am updating Knet/examples/dl-tutorial
notebooks as I work on the new interface if you want to see examples.