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Published article arXiv preprint Python 3.10 License: LGPL v3 black

Bistability of atmospheric circulation on TRAPPIST-1e

Denis E. Sergeev, Neil T. Lewis, F. Hugo Lambert, Nathan J. Mayne, Ian A. Boutle, James Manners, and Krisztian Kohary

Published in Planetary Science Journal.

Code for reproducing figures from the paper. Model data are available upon request (raw data O(100 Gb)).

Bibtex entry

    author = {Denis E. Sergeev and Neil T. Lewis and F. Hugo Lambert and Nathan J. Mayne and Ian A. Boutle and James Manners and Krisztian Kohary},
    doi = {10.3847/PSJ/ac83be},
    issn = {2632-3338},
    issue = {9},
    journal = {The Planetary Science Journal},
    keywords = {Atmospheric circulation,Exoplanet atmospheres,Habitable planets,Habitable zone,Planetary atmospheres,Theoretical models,Transmission spectroscopy,Water vapor},
    month = {9},
    pages = {214},
    publisher = {IOP Publishing},
    title = {Bistability of the Atmospheric Circulation on TRAPPIST-1e},
    volume = {3},
    url = {},
    year = {2022},

What is in this repository?

Notebooks for each figure are in the code/ directory, while the figures themselves are in the plots/ directory.

# Figure Notebook
1 Mean climate diagnostics Fig01-Mean-Climate-Diagnostics-All-Experiments.ipynb
2 Emergence of superrotation Fig02-Spinup-Superrotation.ipynb
3 First 200 days of heating rates, water vapor path, Eady Growth Rate Fig03-Spinup-Heating-Rates.ipynb
4 Angular momentum budget Fig04-Spinup-Momentum-Budget.ipynb
5 Water vapor and cloud radiative effects in night-side cold traps Fig05-Spinup-Cold-Traps-WVRE-CRE.ipynb
6 Surface heat budget in night-side cold traps Fig06-Spinup-Cold-Traps-Sfc-Heat-Budget.ipynb
7 Steady state atmospheric circulation Fig07-Steady-State-Circulation.ipynb
8 Helmholtz decomposition Fig08-Helmholtz-Decomposition.ipynb
9 Moist static energy budget Fig09-MSE-Flux-Divergence.ipynb
10 Surface temperature, water vapor and cloud path Fig10-Steady-State-Sfc-Temp-WVP-CWP.ipynb
11 Transmission spectrum Fig11-Transmission-Spectrum.ipynb
12 Vertical profiles at the terminators Fig12-Vertical-Profiles-Terminators.ipynb
13 Transmission spectrum: east-west differences Fig13-Transmission-Spectrum-East-West-Diff.ipynb
14 Supplemental Video: animation of the atmospheric circulation during the model spin-up and its representative snapshots Fig14-Spinup-Circulation-Snapshots.ipynb

Want to run the code? Here are the instructions.

Get the data

Please email the lead author, Denis E. Sergeev, to get the data (raw data O(100 Gb)).

Set up Python environment

To recreate the required environment for running Python code, follow these steps. (Skip the first two steps if you have Jupyter Lab with nb_conda_kernels installed already.)

  1. Install conda or mamba, e.g. using mambaforge
  2. Install necessary packages to the base environment. Make sure you are installing them from the conda-forge channel.
mamba install -c conda-forge jupyterlab nb_conda_kernels
  1. Git-clone or download this repository to your computer
  2. In the command line, navigate to the downloaded folder, e.g.
cd /path/to/downloaded/t1e_bistability_code
  1. Create a separate conda environment
mamba env create --file environment.yml

Open the code

  1. Start the Jupyter Lab, for example from the command line (from the base environment):
jupyter lab
  1. Open noteboks in the t1e_bistability environment and start coding.