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Safari Njema - Polisocial Award 2018

To create a new research insight on the main page, add a new file called question0X.markdown in the /_questions/ folder, where X is the number consequential to the other research outputs.

In the /assets/images/ you can create a folder called question0X to store all images that you want to publish in the research output.

Meta tags (between the ---):

  • number: from 1 to n, following the latest page. Each research insight comes after the other.
  • permalink: if you want to customize the final URL of the output to have a easier-to-share link. It must be structured-like-this. Remember that it's case sensitive
  • cover: the link to the cover image that will appear in the Outputs page. Put an image called cover.jpg in the folder /assets/images/question0X/
  • layout: output. Do not change this.
  • type: visualization or post. If a visualization, to add an image as visualization please contact Andrea. If post, no further action is needed.
  • title: Title of your research output.
  • sources: here you can list all additional materials that support the research output. They can be documents, datasets, external links. Each source is structured as follow:
    • name: the name of the resource. link: the URL where the resource is located.

This is the template, copy and paste it in your new question0X.markdown file:

permalink: "/my-output/"
number: X
layout: output
cover: "/assets/images/question0X/cover.jpg"
type: post
title: Calculating and visualizing iso-chrone lines in Maputo
- name: Dataset 1
  link: path/to/dataset/material
- name: Material 2
  link: path/to/dataset/material

Your research text. You can use markdown syntax available here:

Right now, the website is not automatically updated. Contact Andrea if you plan to upload a new research output and he will upload the final results directly to the website

Further developments

  • Automatic deploy from Github to FTP