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FastAPI Random Quote Generator with Zitadel Authentication

A while ago I started playing with SSO and different authorization and authentication services. I found Zitadel, and got a bit curious about it, and decided to try it out.
Well it was a bit challenging to get it to work to be honest, but I got it working.
After a while I decided to integrate it with my internal project, to see how it would work in a real world scenario, but due fact that this toll is still really new, and not many people actually use it - obviously you will get only examples and documentation in general and written in popular languages and frameworks. Inside I'm using FastAPI for small projects, but I couldn't find any examples of how to integrate Zitadel with FastAPI, only Flask :( Alt text Alt text

So following the documentation and this example you can understand how to integrate Zitadel with your Client/Server application.
But in case you want to use FastAPI, you need to modify code a bit, I'm still not sure if this is the best way to do it, as you still able to use some starlette or other things in authlib for making things done, but it works in that way too.
if you have any better ways to realise it - PR is welcome

But also in my way you can get user information on secured routes, using FastAPI Depencency Injection:

async def custom_quote(user: dict = Depends(auth_required)):

and after that you can use it as you want:

for key in user:
        print(f"{key}: {user[key]}")


active: True
scope: openid profile email urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:235811786664706051:aud
client_id: 235816966210781187@test1
token_type: Bearer
exp: 1697100034
iat: 1697056834
nbf: 1697056834
sub: 235811272141111299
aud: ['235811815605469187@test1', '235816966210781187@test1', '235811786664706051']
jti: 235821948221784067
username: zitadel-admin@zitadel.localhost
name: ZITADEL Admin
given_name: ZITADEL
family_name: Admin
locale: en
updated_at: 1697050473
preferred_username: zitadel-admin@zitadel.localhost
email: zitadel-admin@zitadel.localhost
email_verified: True

How to run

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Rename sample.env or sample2.env to .env and fill it with your data The difference between sample.env and sample2.env is that in sample.env has been provided in example repo but it has some unnecessary things, so I removed them in sample2.env, in anyway you can use both of them, or even create your own .env file, not a big deal.
  3. Install depends
poetry install
poetry shell
  1. Then you can run in and use it in a same project and way as in example repo:
uvicron app:app --port 5000

All other things you can add - goes to FastAPI, so you can use it as you want.


Zitadel - IMO it's a really cool project, and I think I will use it in some of my future projects, but at the moment it's not best choice for big production.


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