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CodeQL Tools

CodeQL Tools is a collection of tools that provide both an enablement and a compliance layer for CodeQL. These tools can be used for automating the rollout of CodeQL to your organization, as well as for ensuring that CodeQL is used in a manner that is compliant with your organization's policies. The tools are designed to be used in a CI/CD pipeline, but can also be used locally.

Available Enablement Tools

GitHub Actions

Configure CodeQL

Configure CodeQL is a Go-based, Docker GitHub Action that automates the creation of pull requests to enable CodeQL on your repositories. It can be used to enable CodeQL on all repositories in an organization, or on a subset of repositories based on GitHub App Installations.

See the Configure CodeQL documentation for additional information.

CodeQL Analysis

CodeQL Analysis is a GitHub Actions Composite Action that automates the analysis of your repositories using CodeQL leveraging the official CodeQL Action tools from GitHub, while extending them to include additional use cases.

See the CodeQL Analysis documentation for additional information.

Parse Build Steps

Parse Build Steps is a Node.js-based GitHub Action that enables users to automate the process of providing custom build steps to the CodeQL Analysis GitHub Action where the codeql-action/autobuild Action is not sufficient.

See the Parse Build Steps documentation for additional information.

Upload Database

Upload Database is a Node.js-based GitHub Action that automates the uploading of CodeQL databases to GitHub. This is useful for scenarios where the codeql-action/analyze Action is not used, but you still want to upload the CodeQL database to GitHub for use with the CodeQL VSCode Extension or with Multi-Repository Variant Analysis.

See the Upload Database documentation for additional information.

Validate Monorepo Access

Validate Monorepo Access is a Node.js-based GitHub Action that automates the validation of access to monorepo tools. CodeQL exposes the ability to add path-include and path-ignore filters to your queries, which can be used to limit the scope of the query to a specific directory or set of directories, but allows users to bypass requirements to scan the entire repository. This Action can be used to validate that the user has access to the config property and is not abusing the feature to bypass requirements.

See the Validate Monorepo Access documentation for additional information.

Jenkins Shared Libraries


The Linux Jenkins Shared Library is a Shell-based collection of Groovy-based Shared Libraries that can be used to automate CodeQL scans in Jenkins pipelines. The libraries are designed to be used in a declarative pipeline, but can also be used in a scripted pipeline.

See the Linux Jenkins Shared Libraries documentation for additional information.


The Windows Jenkins Shared Library is a PowerShell-based collection of Groovy-based Shared Libraries that can be used to automate CodeQL scans in Jenkins pipelines. The libraries are designed to be used in a declarative pipeline, but can also be used in a scripted pipeline.

See the Windows Jenkins Shared Libraries documentation for additional information.

Available Compliance Tools

GitHub Actions

eMASS Promotion

eMASS Promotion is a Node.js-based GitHub Action that automates the promotion of CodeQL scans artifacts to eMASS repositories. This Action uploads both CodeQL databases and CodeQL SARIF files generated by the reusable workflow to eMASS repositories. This Action ensures that assets are placed in location that repository owners cannot modify, and that the assets are placed in a location that is accessible to organization security teams.

See the eMASS Promotion documentation for additional information.

Verify Scans

Verify Scans is a Node.js-based GitHub Action that automates the verification of CodeQL scans. This Action can be used to ensure that CodeQL scans are being performed on a regular basis, and that the scans are being performed with the correct configuration and that repositories are leveraging the reusable workflow for governance, and not using CodeQL directly.

See the Verify Scans documentation for additional information.