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User Management Approach for VSP (WIP)


All teams working on need to have a Verified GitHub Team, which is for team based access, auditing of users, and roasters.

GitHub Team Process

Creating a GitHub Team

  • Work with your DEPO, Tech, and Team Lead to change an existing team to meet the requirements below or create a Verified GitHub Team on
    • All Verified GitHub Team names should start with a prefix that indicates the type of team this is. Examples of this are vfs-* (Veteran-facing Services) for teams working on an application, building tools, and/or services on Another is vsp-* (Veteran-facing Services Platform) for teams working on the platform supporting VFS teams. Examples would be vsp-operations or vfs-public-website.
    • Select the team name after vfs-* or vsp-*, an example would be vfs-[team name here], then choose a name that will not change and is approved by DEPO. Team names should be connected to the team’s work and not the contractor working on the contract.
    • Each VFS GitHub team must have their DEPO lead as a Maintainer/Admin, who can add and remove users.
    • Maintainers should add all members to the team including both engineers and nonengineers.
  • Inform the VSP Platform Support and the VSP Operations team of any new GitHub team by posting in the #vfs-platform-support channel.

Maintaining GitHub Teams

  • Any new team members will need to be added to the vfs-all-teams GitHub team by a member of the Platform team as part of onboarding. This team will grant them base access to tools. New team members will not be allowed to join their Verified GitHub Team until after their SAC adjudication returns a “favorable” response. For more information about the approval process, please see the request for tools documentation.
  • Teams are responsible for adding and removing members from a Verified GitHub Team.
    • Once approved, new team members, should be added by the Verified GitHub Team’s maintainers.
    • If a team member leaves a Verified GitHub Team they need to be removed within three days of departing the team by one of the team’s maintainers and then:
      • Use the GitHub issue template Offboarding Request in the repo to remove any access from the user.

Making Naming and Maintainer Changes to a Verified GitHub Team

  • No changes to a Verified GitHub Team name can be made unless approved by DEPO, the VSP Platform Support, and the VSP Operations team.
    • To request a Verified GitHub Team name change, please post in the #vfs-platform-support channel and provide:
      • The existing and new team names
      • An explanation for the name change
      • A DEPO point of contact.
      • Note: No name changes can be made without approval.
  • A replacement maintainer needs to be appointed before any other maintainer on a team leaves their team to ensure there is at least one maintainer per team at any time.