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0.3.5 release
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mjpitz committed Jun 7, 2021
1 parent 2072bb3 commit 3bdd724
Showing 1 changed file with 72 additions and 0 deletions.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions content/en/blog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
title: "v0.3.5 released"
author: Mya Pitzeruse
date: 2021-06-07

Over the last few weeks I've been making a handful of modifications to the project.
There was some restructuring to make things easier to navigate but as usual... I missed something in the process.
Hence the multiples of releases.
Below, I call out to a summary of the versions and known issues.

- **0.3.2** - issues with extractor and tracker startup.
- **0.3.3** - issues with tracker startup for read-only deployments
- **0.3.4** - Stable
- **0.3.5** - Stable

## Features

### feat(gh-301): add tree command

Occasionally, software systems encounter cycles in the graph.
As depscloud doesn't currently follow subsets of edges, we occasionally encounter cycles in the graph.
When this happens, the `topology` query truncates silently (not great).
To help give more information to callers, we added a "tree" command that will return the entire subtree.
With the addition of this new `tree` command, we've updated the `topology` command to write an error when it encounters a cycle.

### feat(gh-15): support field indexes

This started as an idea, and a quick implementation came together rather quick.
After a quick refactor of the database support structures, adding support for this was much easier.
This indexes a handful of fields (namely, `url` on sources and `language` and `name` for modules).
This allows clients to quickly search for nodes in their graph.

**New Endpoints**

By adding support for field indexes, we were able to implement the following endpoints in REST and gRPC.

| Description | Endpoints |
| List languages has modules for. | grpc - `depscloud.api.v1beta.LanguageService#List` |
| | rest - `/v1beta/languages` |
| | cli - `deps get languages` |
| | |
| Search modules containing the provided name part. | grpc - `depscloud.api.v1beta.ModuleService#Search` |
| | rest - `/v1beta/modules/search?` |
| | cli - `deps search modules` |
| | |
| Search sources containing the provided url part. | grpc - `depscloud.api.v1beta.SourceService#Search` |
| | rest - `/v1beta/sources/search?like.url=xxx` |
| | cli - `deps search sources` |

### feat(gh-228): move off gogo protobuf

For better compatibility with the standard tooling provided by the community, we moved from the gogo to upstream protobuf.
From a usage perspective, you shouldn't notice a difference.
A big benefit to the project is that we should be able to leverage the reflection API instead of managing a static routing table in `gateway`.

### Upgrade to Node 16

We've upgraded the extractor process to use NodeJS 16.
This is a pretty major upgrade considering the last version we were running on was NodeJS 12.
For the most part, not much changed that impacted the `extractor` process.
There were some minor modifications, but nothing that appeared to impact the overall functionality.

## Notable Fixes

- fix: refactor the database layer (#293) [3547dc0](
- fix: use repo url to infer vendor.conf files [f84759a](
- fix: cleanup remaining references to older terminology pairs [49d4fcf](
- fix: remove warning output for healthcheck [a74639f](
- fix: guard against npe [1ac61b9a](
- fix: upgrade express-prometheus-middleware [122c3305](

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