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@derailed derailed released this 11 Feb 01:05
· 980 commits to master since this release

Release v0.14.0


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for K9s! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make K9s better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

On Slack? Please join us K9slackers

Happy Birthday K9s!!

馃帀馃コ馃帄 Doh! Almost missed it... 馃帀馃コ馃帄

Yes sir, it's been a year (already...) since K9s was first launched 馃帀. I can't tell you what a year this has been 馃檧. Difficult? sure. However, you guys are making this project a total gas, by your candor, kindness and for giving back via your creative issues, prs, sponsorships, slack channel help to name a few... I do think, you've all been all too quiet tho 馃惌... So if K9s helps make your K8s life bett'a on a day to day basis, please reach out for your shoe-phones and dial up @kitesurfer or write an article/blog and share it! Lastly I am so humbled by this... but we're closing on 5k stars/136k downloads in this repo, so please invite 28 of your closest friends soon...

Major Thanks to all of you for you patience and for making this project a reality to all our K8s friends! You're all redefining awesomeness!!

Also I'd like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank a few folks that have willingly volunteered their own time to track down issues and help improve K9s for all of us!!

Search Enabled For Describe/YAML views

In this drop we made the Describe/YAML views searchable. So you no longer need to plow thru your resource configurations and get directly to the gist of it by using the search command ie /elvis + enter. You can use the familiar keys n and N to nav back and forth to the next occurrence in a circular buffer fashion once you've reached the BOF/EOF. It's the little things in life...

And On Another Note...

More bugz...馃樋

Resolved Bugs/Features/PRs

漏 2020 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0