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Puppet Storm

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Puppet module for managing Storm installation.


  • Hiera support
  • Mesos integration



The binary package, which is by default called storm will be installed on all machines. You can provide a set of packages:

class {'storm':
  packages => ['storm', 'storm-mesos', 'libjzmq']

Main Storm class includes default configuration, each component is afterwards configured individually.

On master node include Nimbus:

class {'storm::nimbus': }

By default service management is disabled, to enable starting service with OS default init system (init.d/upstart/systemd/...) use parameter manage_service:

class {'storm::nimbus':
  manage_service => true

In order to change default service mechanism (determined by Puppet) use parameter force_provider:

class {'storm::nimbus':
  manage_service => true,
  force_provider => 'runit'

You can adjust all the parameters directly:

class {'storm::nimbus':
  host => ''

or via Hiera:

storm::nimbus::host: ''


  • manage_service by default false (service not managed by OS)
  • enable whether service should be enable (default: true, note manage_service must be also true)
  • force_provider default: undef
  • host address to bind, default: localhost
  • thrift_port default: 6627
  • childopts default -Xmx1024m
  • task_timeout_secs default 30
  • supervisor_timeout_secs default 60
  • monitor_freq_secs default 10
  • cleanup_inbox_freq_secs default 600
  • inbox_jar_expiration_secs default 3600
  • task_launch_secs default 120
  • reassign default true
  • file_copy_expiration_secs default 600 jvm array, default:


class {'storm::ui': }


  • manage_service by default false (service not managed by OS)
  • enable whether service should be enable (default: true, note manage_service must be also true)
  • force_provider default: undef
  • mem JVM memory default 1024m
  • port default: 8080
  • childopts default -Xmx768m


Each computing node should include supervisor which watches Storm's bolts and spouts.

class {'storm::supervisor': }


class {'storm::drpc': }


Mesos integration requires special binary package which provides storm-mesos service (framework).

class {'storm::mesos': }

In Hiera you could define something like this:

storm::mesos::master_url: "%{mesos::zookeeper}"


Some configuration is shared between components, e.g. packages that are installed:

storm::packages: ['storm', 'libjzmq']

by default just storm package is installed.



mod 'deric/storm', :git => ''


  • puppetlabs/stdlib
  • puppetlabs/concat