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Releases: derijkp/scywalker


11 Jul 02:09
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Major changes are:

Added support for analysis of PacBio data (-preset pacbio)

More input parameters are checked and give an error if wrong before actually starting the run (issue #12)

The option -sc_whitelist now allows shortcuts v3 and v2 for the typical 10x whitelists

The option -dmaxmem was added to limit the total memory used (requested)
when running local distribution (-d number).

scywalker_makerefdir supports -groupchromosomes option for alternative grouping of chromosomes

sw tsv210x options added: -round (to create integer matrix), -remdups (to
remove duplicate lines)

Various optimizations

  • sorting (using gnusort8) compresses temporary files using zstd (to avoid filling up /tmp when sorting huge files).
    It also uses a larger block size for speed
  • The -scratchdir option was added for when /tmp is (still) too small on your system
  • memory reservations were adjusted, e.g. minimap2 request memory based on the index size
  • gzfiles and jobgzfile optimizations: use less globs/filesystem access, return values bsorted (per pattern)

Full Changelog: 0.109.0...0.110.0


07 May 15:37
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Major changes are:

Qol improvements

  • added cg project_make for creating a basic experiment/project directory based on a samplesheet
  • Added option -samplesheet for creating a basic experiment/project directory based on a samplesheet (issue #3)
  • Improvement help
  • Added cg error_report for easier checking of errors after a distributed run (issue #5 and #4)

Distribution and installation

  • include more dependencies in distro (from testing in minimal docker distro)
    • less, which, bzcat, bzip2, dot
    • extra libs for dirR
    • semi-static compiles of samtools, bgzip, tabix

cram support:

  • cram can be used using the option -aliformat cram

Optimization cg select summaries

  • added option -optim memory to minimize memory use when making summaries using cg select with the -g option
    (default memory is proportional to size of summary output)
  • used in scywalker for getting aggregate data from sc_gene and sc_isoforms

Optimizations (esp. for starting big runs)

  • file access optimizations (check for compressed only where specified, direct deps check, use cached data)
  • storage optimizations (shadowdirs)
  • jobs optimizations (integrate cleanup, merge jobs, hold_jid in runfile)

Ohter changes

  • Added extra cluster support (options -submitoptions, -dqueue, help, ...)
  • process_project option -jobsample now allows specification of number of cores to be used by one-job sample analysis

Full Changelog: v0.108.0...0.109.0


21 Feb 23:39
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adapt moved example/test run up, added cg tools