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Client Reference


Client Session

Client session is the recommended interface for making HTTP requests.

Session encapsulates a connection pool (connector instance) and supports keepalives by default. Unless you are connecting to a large, unknown number of different servers over the lifetime of your application, it is suggested you use a single session for the lifetime of your application to benefit from connection pooling.

Usage example:

import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def fetch(client):
    async with client.get('') as resp:
        assert resp.status == 200
        return await resp.text()

async def main():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
        html = await fetch(client)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

The client session supports the context manager protocol for self closing.

The class for creating client sessions and making requests.

param base_url

Base part of the URL (optional) If set it allows to skip the base part in request calls.


param aiohttp.BaseConnector connector

BaseConnector sub-class instance to support connection pooling.

param loop

event loop<asyncio-event-loop> used for processing HTTP requests.

If loop is None the constructor borrows it from connector if specified.

asyncio.get_event_loop is used for getting default event loop otherwise.


param dict cookies

Cookies to send with the request (optional)

param headers

HTTP Headers to send with every request (optional).

May be either iterable of key-value pairs or (e.g. dict, ~multidict.CIMultiDict).

param skip_auto_headers

set of headers for which autogeneration should be skipped.

aiohttp autogenerates headers like User-Agent or Content-Type if these headers are not explicitly passed. Using skip_auto_headers parameter allows to skip that generation. Note that Content-Length autogeneration can't be skipped.

Iterable of str or ~multidict.istr (optional)

param aiohttp.BasicAuth auth

an object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)

param version

supported HTTP version, HTTP 1.1 by default.

param cookie_jar

Cookie Jar, instance.

By default every session instance has own private cookie jar for automatic cookies processing but user may redefine this behavior by providing own jar implementation.

One example is not processing cookies at all when working in proxy mode.

If no cookie processing is needed, a aiohttp.DummyCookieJar instance can be provided.

param json_serialize

Json serializer callable.

By default json.dumps function.

param bool raise_for_status

Automatically call ClientResponse.raise_for_status() for each response, False by default.

This parameter can be overridden when you making a request, e.g.:

client_session = aiohttp.ClientSession(raise_for_status=True)
resp = await client_session.get(url, raise_for_status=False)
async with resp:
    assert resp.status == 200

Set the parameter to True if you need raise_for_status for most of cases but override raise_for_status for those requests where you need to handle responses with status 400 or higher.

param timeout

a ClientTimeout settings structure, 300 seconds (5min) total timeout by default.


param float read_timeout

Request operations timeout. read_timeout is cumulative for all request operations (request, redirects, responses, data consuming). By default, the read timeout is 5*60 seconds. Use None or 0 to disable timeout checks.


Use timeout parameter instead.

param float conn_timeout

timeout for connection establishing (optional). Values 0 or None mean no timeout.


Use timeout parameter instead.

param bool connector_owner

Close connector instance on session closing.

Setting the parameter to False allows to share connection pool between sessions without sharing session state: cookies etc.

param bool auto_decompress

Automatically decompress response body, True by default


param int read_bufsize

Size of the read buffer (ClientResponse.content). 64 KiB by default.


param bool trust_env

Get proxies information from HTTP_PROXY / HTTPS_PROXY environment variables if the parameter is True (False by default).

Get proxy credentials from ~/.netrc file if present.



Added support for ~/.netrc file.

param bool requote_redirect_url

Apply URL requoting for redirection URLs if automatic redirection is enabled (True by default).


param trace_configs

A list of TraceConfig instances used for client tracing. None (default) is used for request tracing disabling. See aiohttp-client-tracing-reference for more information.


True if the session has been closed, False otherwise.

A read-only property.


aiohttp.BaseConnector derived instance used for the session.

A read-only property.


The session cookies, instance.

Gives access to cookie jar's content and modifiers.

A read-only property.


aiohttp re quote's redirect urls by default, but some servers require exact url from location header. To disable re-quote system set requote_redirect_url attribute to False.



This parameter affects all subsequent requests.


The attribute modification is deprecated.


A loop instance used for session creation.

A read-only property.



Default client timeouts, ClientTimeout instance. The value can be tuned by passing timeout parameter to ClientSession constructor.



HTTP Headers that sent with every request

May be either iterable of key-value pairs or (e.g. dict, ~multidict.CIMultiDict).



Set of headers for which autogeneration skipped.

frozenset of str or ~multidict.istr (optional)



An object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization.

~aiohttp.BasicAuth (optional)



Json serializer callable.

By default json.dumps function.



Should connector be closed on session closing

bool (optional)



Should ClientResponse.raise_for_status() be called for each response

Either bool or



Should the body response be automatically decompressed

bool default is True



Should get proxies information from HTTP_PROXY / HTTPS_PROXY environment variables or ~/.netrc file if present

bool default is False



A list of TraceConfig instances used for client tracing. None (default) is used for request tracing disabling. See aiohttp-client-tracing-reference for more information.


request(method, url, *, params=None, data=None, json=None,cookies=None, headers=None, skip_auto_headers=None, auth=None, allow_redirects=True,max_redirects=10,compress=None, chunked=None, expect100=False, raise_for_status=None,read_until_eof=True, read_bufsize=None, proxy=None, proxy_auth=None,timeout=sentinel, ssl=None, verify_ssl=None, fingerprint=None, ssl_context=None, proxy_headers=None)

Performs an asynchronous HTTP request. Returns a response object.

param str method

HTTP method

param url

Request URL, str or ~yarl.URL.

param params

Mapping, iterable of tuple of key/value pairs or string to be sent as parameters in the query string of the new request. Ignored for subsequent redirected requests (optional)

Allowed values are:

  • e.g. dict, multidict.MultiDict or multidict.MultiDictProxy
  • e.g. tuple or list
  • str with preferably url-encoded content (Warning: content will not be encoded by aiohttp)
param data

The data to send in the body of the request. This can be a FormData object or anything that can be passed into FormData, e.g. a dictionary, bytes, or file-like object. (optional)

param json

Any json compatible python object (optional). json and data parameters could not be used at the same time.

param dict cookies

HTTP Cookies to send with the request (optional)

Global session cookies and the explicitly set cookies will be merged when sending the request.


param dict headers

HTTP Headers to send with the request (optional)

param skip_auto_headers

set of headers for which autogeneration should be skipped.

aiohttp autogenerates headers like User-Agent or Content-Type if these headers are not explicitly passed. Using skip_auto_headers parameter allows to skip that generation.

Iterable of str or ~multidict.istr (optional)

param aiohttp.BasicAuth auth

an object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)

param bool allow_redirects

If set to False, do not follow redirects. True by default (optional).

param int max_redirects

Maximum number of redirects to follow. 10 by default.

param bool compress

Set to True if request has to be compressed with deflate encoding. If compress can not be combined with a Content-Encoding and Content-Length headers. None by default (optional).

param int chunked

Enable chunked transfer encoding. It is up to the developer to decide how to chunk data streams. If chunking is enabled, aiohttp encodes the provided chunks in the "Transfer-encoding: chunked" format. If chunked is set, then the Transfer-encoding and content-length headers are disallowed. None by default (optional).

param bool expect100

Expect 100-continue response from server. False by default (optional).

param bool raise_for_status

Automatically call ClientResponse.raise_for_status() for response if set to True. If set to None value from ClientSession will be used. None by default (optional).


param bool read_until_eof

Read response until EOF if response does not have Content-Length header. True by default (optional).

param int read_bufsize

Size of the read buffer (ClientResponse.content). None by default, it means that the session global value is used.


param proxy

Proxy URL, str or ~yarl.URL (optional)

param aiohttp.BasicAuth proxy_auth

an object that represents proxy HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)

param int timeout

override the session's timeout.


The parameter is ClientTimeout instance, float is still supported for sake of backward compatibility.

If float is passed it is a total timeout (in seconds).

param ssl

SSL validation mode. None for default SSL check (ssl.create_default_context is used), False for skip SSL certificate validation, aiohttp.Fingerprint for fingerprint validation, ssl.SSLContext for custom SSL certificate validation.

Supersedes verify_ssl, ssl_context and fingerprint parameters.


param bool verify_ssl

Perform SSL certificate validation for HTTPS requests (enabled by default). May be disabled to skip validation for sites with invalid certificates.



Use ssl=False

param bytes fingerprint

Pass the SHA256 digest of the expected certificate in DER format to verify that the certificate the server presents matches. Useful for certificate pinning.

Warning: use of MD5 or SHA1 digests is insecure and removed.



Use ssl=aiohttp.Fingerprint(digest)

param ssl.SSLContext ssl_context

ssl context used for processing HTTPS requests (optional).

ssl_context may be used for configuring certification authority channel, supported SSL options etc.



Use ssl=ssl_context

param proxy_headers

HTTP headers to send to the proxy if the parameter proxy has been provided.


param trace_request_ctx

Object used to give as a kw param for each new TraceConfig object instantiated, used to give information to the tracers that is only available at request time.


return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.

get(url, , allow_redirects=True,*kwargs)

Perform a GET request.

In order to modify inner request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> parameters, provide kwargs.

param url

Request URL, str or ~yarl.URL

param bool allow_redirects

If set to False, do not follow redirects. True by default (optional).

return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.

post(url, , data=None,*kwargs)

Perform a POST request.

In order to modify inner request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> parameters, provide kwargs.

param url

Request URL, str or ~yarl.URL

param data

Data to send in the body of the request; see request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> for details (optional)

return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.

put(url, , data=None,*kwargs)

Perform a PUT request.

In order to modify inner request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> parameters, provide kwargs.

param url

Request URL, str or ~yarl.URL

param data

Data to send in the body of the request; see request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> for details (optional)

return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.

delete(url, **kwargs)

Perform a DELETE request.

In order to modify inner request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> parameters, provide kwargs.

param url

Request URL, str or ~yarl.URL

return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.

head(url, , allow_redirects=False,*kwargs)

Perform a HEAD request.

In order to modify inner request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> parameters, provide kwargs.

param url

Request URL, str or ~yarl.URL

param bool allow_redirects

If set to False, do not follow redirects. False by default (optional).

return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.

options(url, , allow_redirects=True,*kwargs)

Perform an OPTIONS request.

In order to modify inner request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> parameters, provide kwargs.

param url

Request URL, str or ~yarl.URL

param bool allow_redirects

If set to False, do not follow redirects. True by default (optional).

return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.

patch(url, , data=None,*kwargs)

Perform a PATCH request.

In order to modify inner request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> parameters, provide kwargs.

param url

Request URL, str or ~yarl.URL

param data

Data to send in the body of the request; see request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request> for details (optional)

return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.

ws_connect(url, *, method='GET', protocols=(), timeout=10.0,receive_timeout=None,auth=None,autoclose=True,autoping=True,heartbeat=None,origin=None, params=None, headers=None, proxy=None, proxy_auth=None, ssl=None, verify_ssl=None, fingerprint=None, ssl_context=None, proxy_headers=None, compress=0, max_msg_size=4194304)

Create a websocket connection. Returns a ClientWebSocketResponse object.

param url

Websocket server url, str or ~yarl.URL

param tuple protocols

Websocket protocols

param float timeout

Timeout for websocket to close. 10 seconds by default

param float receive_timeout

Timeout for websocket to receive complete message. None (unlimited) seconds by default

param aiohttp.BasicAuth auth

an object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)

param bool autoclose

Automatically close websocket connection on close message from server. If autoclose is False then close procedure has to be handled manually. True by default

param bool autoping

automatically send pong on ping message from server. True by default

param float heartbeat

Send ping message every heartbeat seconds and wait pong response, if pong response is not received then close connection. The timer is reset on any data reception.(optional)

param str origin

Origin header to send to server(optional)

param params

Mapping, iterable of tuple of key/value pairs or string to be sent as parameters in the query string of the new request. Ignored for subsequent redirected requests (optional)

Allowed values are:

  • e.g. dict, multidict.MultiDict or multidict.MultiDictProxy
  • e.g. tuple or list
  • str with preferably url-encoded content (Warning: content will not be encoded by aiohttp)
param dict headers

HTTP Headers to send with the request (optional)

param str proxy

Proxy URL, str or ~yarl.URL (optional)

param aiohttp.BasicAuth proxy_auth

an object that represents proxy HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)

param ssl

SSL validation mode. None for default SSL check (ssl.create_default_context is used), False for skip SSL certificate validation, aiohttp.Fingerprint for fingerprint validation, ssl.SSLContext for custom SSL certificate validation.

Supersedes verify_ssl, ssl_context and fingerprint parameters.


param bool verify_ssl

Perform SSL certificate validation for HTTPS requests (enabled by default). May be disabled to skip validation for sites with invalid certificates.



Use ssl=False

param bytes fingerprint

Pass the SHA256 digest of the expected certificate in DER format to verify that the certificate the server presents matches. Useful for certificate pinning.

Note: use of MD5 or SHA1 digests is insecure and deprecated.



Use ssl=aiohttp.Fingerprint(digest)

param ssl.SSLContext ssl_context

ssl context used for processing HTTPS requests (optional).

ssl_context may be used for configuring certification authority channel, supported SSL options etc.



Use ssl=ssl_context

param dict proxy_headers

HTTP headers to send to the proxy if the parameter proxy has been provided.


param int compress

Enable Per-Message Compress Extension support. 0 for disable, 9 to 15 for window bit support. Default value is 0.


param int max_msg_size

maximum size of read websocket message, 4 MB by default. To disable the size limit use 0.


param str method

HTTP method to establish WebSocket connection, 'GET' by default.



Close underlying connector.

Release all acquired resources.


Detach connector from session without closing the former.

Session is switched to closed state anyway.

Basic API

While we encourage ClientSession usage we also provide simple coroutines for making HTTP requests.

Basic API is good for performing simple HTTP requests without keepaliving, cookies and complex connection stuff like properly configured SSL certification chaining.

request(method, url, *, params=None, data=None, json=None,headers=None, cookies=None, auth=None, allow_redirects=True, max_redirects=10, encoding='utf-8', version=HttpVersion(major=1, minor=1), compress=None, chunked=None, expect100=False, raise_for_status=False, read_bufsize=None, connector=None, loop=None,read_until_eof=True, timeout=sentinel)

Asynchronous context manager for performing an asynchronous HTTP request. Returns a ClientResponse response object.

param str method

HTTP method

param url

Requested URL, str or ~yarl.URL

param dict params

Parameters to be sent in the query string of the new request (optional)

param data

The data to send in the body of the request. This can be a FormData object or anything that can be passed into FormData, e.g. a dictionary, bytes, or file-like object. (optional)

param json

Any json compatible python object (optional). json and data parameters could not be used at the same time.

param dict headers

HTTP Headers to send with the request (optional)

param dict cookies

Cookies to send with the request (optional)

param aiohttp.BasicAuth auth

an object that represents HTTP Basic Authorization (optional)

param bool allow_redirects

If set to False, do not follow redirects. True by default (optional).

param aiohttp.protocol.HttpVersion version

Request HTTP version (optional)

param bool compress

Set to True if request has to be compressed with deflate encoding. False instructs aiohttp to not compress data. None by default (optional).

param int chunked

Enables chunked transfer encoding. None by default (optional).

param bool expect100

Expect 100-continue response from server. False by default (optional).

param bool raise_for_status

Automatically call ClientResponse.raise_for_status() for response if set to True. If set to None value from ClientSession will be used. None by default (optional).


param aiohttp.BaseConnector connector

BaseConnector sub-class instance to support connection pooling.

param bool read_until_eof

Read response until EOF if response does not have Content-Length header. True by default (optional).

param int read_bufsize

Size of the read buffer (ClientResponse.content). None by default, it means that the session global value is used.


param timeout

a ClientTimeout settings structure, 300 seconds (5min) total timeout by default.

param loop

event loop<asyncio-event-loop> used for processing HTTP requests. If param is None, asyncio.get_event_loop is used for getting default event loop.


return ClientResponse

a client response <ClientResponse> object.


import aiohttp

async def fetch():
    async with aiohttp.request('GET',
            '') as resp:
        assert resp.status == 200
        print(await resp.text())


Connectors are transports for aiohttp client API.

There are standard connectors:

  1. TCPConnector for regular TCP sockets (both HTTP and HTTPS schemes supported).
  2. UnixConnector for connecting via UNIX socket (it's used mostly for testing purposes).

All connector classes should be derived from BaseConnector.

By default all connectors support keep-alive connections (behavior is controlled by force_close constructor's parameter).


Base class for all connectors.

param float keepalive_timeout

timeout for connection reusing after releasing (optional). Values 0. For disabling keep-alive feature use force_close=True flag.

param int limit

total number simultaneous connections. If limit is None the connector has no limit (default: 100).

param int limit_per_host

limit simultaneous connections to the same endpoint. Endpoints are the same if they are have equal (host, port, is_ssl) triple. If limit is 0 the connector has no limit (default: 0).

param bool force_close

close underlying sockets after connection releasing (optional).

param bool enable_cleanup_closed

some SSL servers do not properly complete SSL shutdown process, in that case asyncio leaks ssl connections. If this parameter is set to True, aiohttp additionally aborts underlining transport after 2 seconds. It is off by default.

param loop

event loop<asyncio-event-loop> used for handling connections. If param is None, asyncio.get_event_loop is used for getting default event loop.



Read-only property, True if connector is closed.


Read-only property, True if connector should ultimately close connections on releasing.


The total number for simultaneous connections. If limit is 0 the connector has no limit. The default limit size is 100.


The limit for simultaneous connections to the same endpoint.

Endpoints are the same if they are have equal (host, port, is_ssl) triple.

If limit_per_host is None the connector has no limit per host.

Read-only property.


Close all opened connections.


Get a free connection from pool or create new one if connection is absent in the pool.

The call may be paused if limit is exhausted until used connections returns to pool.

param aiohttp.ClientRequest request

request object which is connection initiator.


Connection object.


Abstract method for actual connection establishing, should be overridden in subclasses.


Connector for working with HTTP and HTTPS via TCP sockets.

The most common transport. When you don't know what connector type to use, use a TCPConnector instance.

TCPConnector inherits from BaseConnector.

Constructor accepts all parameters suitable for BaseConnector plus several TCP-specific ones:

param ssl

SSL validation mode. None for default SSL check (ssl.create_default_context is used), False for skip SSL certificate validation, aiohttp.Fingerprint for fingerprint validation, ssl.SSLContext for custom SSL certificate validation.

Supersedes verify_ssl, ssl_context and fingerprint parameters.


param bool verify_ssl

perform SSL certificate validation for HTTPS requests (enabled by default). May be disabled to skip validation for sites with invalid certificates.


Pass verify_ssl to ClientSession.get() etc.

param bytes fingerprint

pass the SHA256 digest of the expected certificate in DER format to verify that the certificate the server presents matches. Useful for certificate pinning.

Note: use of MD5 or SHA1 digests is insecure and deprecated.


Pass verify_ssl to ClientSession.get() etc.

param bool use_dns_cache

use internal cache for DNS lookups, True by default.

Enabling an option may speedup connection establishing a bit but may introduce some side effects also.

param int ttl_dns_cache

expire after some seconds the DNS entries, None means cached forever. By default 10 seconds (optional).

In some environments the IP addresses related to a specific HOST can change after a specific time. Use this option to keep the DNS cache updated refreshing each entry after N seconds.

param int limit

total number simultaneous connections. If limit is None the connector has no limit (default: 100).

param int limit_per_host

limit simultaneous connections to the same endpoint. Endpoints are the same if they are have equal (host, port, is_ssl) triple. If limit is 0 the connector has no limit (default: 0).

param resolver

custom resolver instance to use. aiohttp.DefaultResolver by default (asynchronous if aiodns>=1.1 is installed).

Custom resolvers allow to resolve hostnames differently than the way the host is configured.

The resolver is aiohttp.ThreadedResolver by default, asynchronous version is pretty robust but might fail in very rare cases.

param int family

TCP socket family, both IPv4 and IPv6 by default. For IPv4 only use socket.AF_INET, for IPv6 only -- socket.AF_INET6.

family is 0 by default, that means both IPv4 and IPv6 are accepted. To specify only concrete version please pass socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6 explicitly.

param ssl.SSLContext ssl_context

SSL context used for processing HTTPS requests (optional).

ssl_context may be used for configuring certification authority channel, supported SSL options etc.

param tuple local_addr

tuple of (local_host, local_port) used to bind socket locally if specified.

param bool force_close

close underlying sockets after connection releasing (optional).

param bool enable_cleanup_closed

Some ssl servers do not properly complete SSL shutdown process, in that case asyncio leaks SSL connections. If this parameter is set to True, aiohttp additionally aborts underlining transport after 2 seconds. It is off by default.


TCP socket family e.g. socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6

Read-only property.


Use quick lookup in internal DNS cache for host names if True.

Read-only bool property.


The cache of resolved hosts if dns_cache is enabled.

Read-only types.MappingProxyType property.

clear_dns_cache(self, host=None, port=None)

Clear internal DNS cache.

Remove specific entry if both host and port are specified, clear all cache otherwise.


Unix socket connector.

Use UnixConnector for sending HTTP/HTTPS requests through UNIX Sockets as underlying transport.

UNIX sockets are handy for writing tests and making very fast connections between processes on the same host.

UnixConnector is inherited from BaseConnector.


conn = UnixConnector(path='/path/to/socket')
session = ClientSession(connector=conn)
async with session.get('') as resp:

Constructor accepts all parameters suitable for BaseConnector plus UNIX-specific one:

param str path

Unix socket path


Path to UNIX socket, read-only str property.


Encapsulates single connection in connector object.

End user should never create Connection instances manually but get it by BaseConnector.connect coroutine.


bool read-only property, True if connection was closed, released or detached.


Event loop used for connection



Connection transport


Close connection with forcibly closing underlying socket.


Release connection back to connector.

Underlying socket is not closed, the connection may be reused later if timeout (30 seconds by default) for connection was not expired.

Response object

Client response returned by aiohttp.ClientSession.request and family.

User never creates the instance of ClientResponse class but gets it from API calls.

ClientResponse supports async context manager protocol, e.g.:

resp = await client_session.get(url)
async with resp:
    assert resp.status == 200

After exiting from async with block response object will be released (see release method).


Response's version, ~aiohttp.protocol.HttpVersion instance.


HTTP status code of response (int), e.g. 200.


HTTP status reason of response (str), e.g. "OK".


Boolean representation of HTTP status code (bool). True if status is less than 400; otherwise, False.


Request's method (str).


URL of request (~yarl.URL).


Unmodified URL of request with URL fragment unstripped (~yarl.URL).



Connection used for handling response.


Payload stream, which contains response's BODY (StreamReader). It supports various reading methods depending on the expected format. When chunked transfer encoding is used by the server, allows retrieving the actual http chunks.

Reading from the stream may raise aiohttp.ClientPayloadError if the response object is closed before response receives all data or in case if any transfer encoding related errors like misformed chunked encoding of broken compression data.


HTTP cookies of response (Set-Cookie HTTP header, ~http.cookies.SimpleCookie).


A case-insensitive multidict proxy with HTTP headers of response, ~multidict.CIMultiDictProxy.


Unmodified HTTP headers of response as unconverted bytes, a sequence of (key, value) pairs.


Link HTTP header parsed into a ~multidict.MultiDictProxy.

For each link, key is link param rel when it exists, or link url as str otherwise, and value is ~multidict.MultiDictProxy of link params and url at key url as ~yarl.URL instance.



Read-only property with content part of Content-Type header.


Returns value is 'application/octet-stream' if no Content-Type header present in HTTP headers according to 2616. To make sure Content-Type header is not present in the server reply, use headers or raw_headers, e.g. 'CONTENT-TYPE' not in resp.headers.


Read-only property that specifies the encoding for the request's BODY.

The value is parsed from the Content-Type HTTP header.

Returns str like 'utf-8' or None if no Content-Type header present in HTTP headers or it has no charset information.


Read-only property that specified the Content-Disposition HTTP header.

Instance of ContentDisposition or None if no Content-Disposition header present in HTTP headers.


A of ClientResponse objects of preceding requests (earliest request first) if there were redirects, an empty sequence otherwise.


Close response and underlying connection.

For keep-alive support see release.


Read the whole response's body as bytes.

Close underlying connection if data reading gets an error, release connection otherwise.

Raise an aiohttp.ClientResponseError if the data can't be read.

return bytes

read BODY.

close, release.


It is not required to call release on the response object. When the client fully receives the payload, the underlying connection automatically returns back to pool. If the payload is not fully read, the connection is closed


Raise an aiohttp.ClientResponseError if the response status is 400 or higher.

Do nothing for success responses (less than 400).


Read response's body and return decoded str using specified encoding parameter.

If encoding is None content encoding is autocalculated using Content-Type HTTP header and charset-normalizer tool if the header is not provided by server.

cchardet is used with fallback to charset-normalizer if cchardet is not available.

Close underlying connection if data reading gets an error, release connection otherwise.

param str encoding

text encoding used for BODY decoding, or None for encoding autodetection (default).

return str

decoded BODY

raise LookupError

if the encoding detected by cchardet is unknown by Python (e.g. VISCII).


If response has no charset info in Content-Type HTTP header cchardet / charset-normalizer is used for content encoding autodetection.

It may hurt performance. If page encoding is known passing explicit encoding parameter might help:

await resp.text('ISO-8859-1')

json(*, encoding=None, loads=json.loads, content_type='application/json')

Read response's body as JSON, return dict using specified encoding and loader. If data is not still available a read call will be done,

If encoding is None content encoding is autocalculated using cchardet or charset-normalizer as fallback if cchardet is not available.

if response's content-type does not match content_type parameter aiohttp.ContentTypeError get raised. To disable content type check pass None value.

param str encoding

text encoding used for BODY decoding, or None for encoding autodetection (default).

By the standard JSON encoding should be UTF-8 but practice beats purity: some servers return non-UTF responses. Autodetection works pretty fine anyway.

param loads

callable used for loading JSON data, json.loads by default.

param str content_type

specify response's content-type, if content type does not match raise aiohttp.ClientResponseError. To disable content-type check, pass None as value. (default: application/json).


BODY as JSON data parsed by loads parameter or None if BODY is empty or contains white-spaces only.


A namedtuple with request URL and headers from ~aiohttp.ClientRequest object, aiohttp.RequestInfo instance.


Automatically detect content encoding using charset info in Content-Type HTTP header. If this info is not exists or there are no appropriate codecs for encoding then cchardet / charset-normalizer is used.

Beware that it is not always safe to use the result of this function to decode a response. Some encodings detected by cchardet are not known by Python (e.g. VISCII). charset-normalizer is not concerned by that issue.

raise RuntimeError

if called before the body has been read, for cchardet usage



To connect to a websocket server aiohttp.ws_connect or aiohttp.ClientSession.ws_connect coroutines should be used, do not create an instance of class ClientWebSocketResponse manually.

Class for handling client-side websockets.


Read-only property, True if close has been called or ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSE message has been received from peer.


Websocket subprotocol chosen after start call.

May be None if server and client protocols are not overlapping.

get_extra_info(name, default=None)

Reads extra info from connection's transport


Returns exception if any occurs or returns None.


Send ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.PING to peer.

param message

optional payload of ping message, str (converted to UTF-8 encoded bytes) or bytes.


The method is converted into coroutine


Send ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.PONG to peer.

param message

optional payload of pong message, str (converted to UTF-8 encoded bytes) or bytes.


The method is converted into coroutine

send_str(data, compress=None)

Send data to peer as ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT message.

param str data

data to send.

param int compress

sets specific level of compression for single message, None for not overriding per-socket setting.

raise TypeError

if data is not str


The method is converted into coroutine, compress parameter added.

send_bytes(data, compress=None)

Send data to peer as ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY message.

param data

data to send.

param int compress

sets specific level of compression for single message, None for not overriding per-socket setting.

raise TypeError

if data is not bytes, bytearray or memoryview.


The method is converted into coroutine, compress parameter added.

send_json(data, compress=None, *, dumps=json.dumps)

Send data to peer as JSON string.

param data

data to send.

param int compress

sets specific level of compression for single message, None for not overriding per-socket setting.

param dumps

any callable that accepts an object and returns a JSON string (json.dumps by default).

raise RuntimeError

if connection is not started or closing

raise ValueError

if data is not serializable object

raise TypeError

if value returned by dumps(data) is not str


The method is converted into coroutine, compress parameter added.

close(*, code=WSCloseCode.OK, message=b'')

A coroutine<coroutine> that initiates closing handshake by sending ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSE message. It waits for close response from server. To add a timeout to close() call just wrap the call with asyncio.wait() or asyncio.wait_for().

param int code

closing code. See also ~aiohttp.WSCloseCode.

param message

optional payload of close message, str (converted to UTF-8 encoded bytes) or bytes.


A coroutine<coroutine> that waits upcoming data message from peer and returns it.

The coroutine implicitly handles ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.PING, ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.PONG and ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSE without returning the message.

It process ping-pong game and performs closing handshake internally.




A coroutine<coroutine> that calls receive but also asserts the message type is ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT.

return str

peer's message content.

raise TypeError

if message is ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY.


A coroutine<coroutine> that calls receive but also asserts the message type is ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY.

return bytes

peer's message content.

raise TypeError

if message is ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT.

receive_json(*, loads=json.loads)

A coroutine<coroutine> that calls receive_str and loads the JSON string to a Python dict.

param loads

any callable that accepts str and returns dict with parsed JSON (json.loads by default).

return dict

loaded JSON content

raise TypeError

if message is ~aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY.

raise ValueError

if message is not valid JSON.



A data class for client timeout settings.

See aiohttp-client-timeouts for usage examples.


Total number of seconds for the whole request.

float, None by default.


Maximal number of seconds for acquiring a connection from pool. The time consists connection establishment for a new connection or waiting for a free connection from a pool if pool connection limits are exceeded.

For pure socket connection establishment time use sock_connect.

float, None by default.


Maximal number of seconds for connecting to a peer for a new connection, not given from a pool. See also connect.

float, None by default.


Maximal number of seconds for reading a portion of data from a peer.

float, None by default.



Represents ETag identifier.


Value of corresponding etag without quotes.


Flag indicates that etag is weak (has W/ prefix).



A data class with request URL and headers from ~aiohttp.ClientRequest object, available as ClientResponse.request_info attribute.


Requested url, yarl.URL instance.


Request HTTP method like 'GET' or 'POST', str.


HTTP headers for request, multidict.CIMultiDict instance.


Requested url with URL fragment unstripped, yarl.URL instance.



HTTP basic authentication helper.

param str login


param str password


param str encoding

encoding ('latin1' by default)

Should be used for specifying authorization data in client API, e.g. auth parameter for ClientSession.request() <aiohttp.ClientSession.request>.

decode(auth_header, encoding='latin1')

Decode HTTP basic authentication credentials.

param str auth_header

The Authorization header to decode.

param str encoding

(optional) encoding ('latin1' by default)


decoded authentication data, BasicAuth.


Constructed credentials info from url's user and password parts.


credentials data, BasicAuth or None is credentials are not provided.



Encode credentials into string suitable for Authorization header etc.


encoded authentication data, str.


The cookie jar instance is available as ClientSession.cookie_jar.

The jar contains ~http.cookies.Morsel items for storing internal cookie data.

API provides a count of saved cookies:


These cookies may be iterated over:

for cookie in session.cookie_jar:

The class implements, and interfaces.

Implements cookie storage adhering to RFC 6265.

param bool unsafe

(optional) Whether to accept cookies from IPs.

param bool quote_cookie

(optional) Whether to quote cookies according to 2109. Some backend systems (not compatible with RFC mentioned above) does not support quoted cookies.


param treat_as_secure_origin

(optional) Mark origins as secure for cookies marked as Secured. Possible types are

Possible types are:

  • tuple or list of str or yarl.URL
  • str
  • yarl.URL


update_cookies(cookies, response_url=None)

Update cookies returned by server in Set-Cookie header.

param cookies

a (e.g. dict, ~http.cookies.SimpleCookie) or iterable of pairs with cookies returned by server's response.

param ~yarl.URL response_url

URL of response, None for shared cookies. Regular cookies are coupled with server's URL and are sent only to this server, shared ones are sent in every client request.


Return jar's cookies acceptable for URL and available in Cookie header for sending client requests for given URL.

param ~yarl.URL response_url

request's URL for which cookies are asked.


http.cookies.SimpleCookie with filtered cookies for given URL.


Write a pickled representation of cookies into the file at provided path.

param file_path

Path to file where cookies will be serialized, str or pathlib.Path instance.


Load a pickled representation of cookies from the file at provided path.

param file_path

Path to file from where cookies will be imported, str or pathlib.Path instance.


Removes all cookies from the jar if the predicate is None. Otherwise remove only those ~http.cookies.Morsel that predicate(morsel) returns True.

param predicate

callable that gets ~http.cookies.Morsel as a parameter and returns True if this ~http.cookies.Morsel must be deleted from the jar.



Remove all cookies from the jar that belongs to the specified domain or its subdomains.

param str domain

domain for which cookies must be deleted from the jar.


Dummy cookie jar which does not store cookies but ignores them.

Could be useful e.g. for web crawlers to iterate over Internet without blowing up with saved cookies information.

To install dummy cookie jar pass it into session instance:

jar = aiohttp.DummyCookieJar()
session = aiohttp.ClientSession(cookie_jar=DummyCookieJar())

Fingerprint helper for checking SSL certificates by SHA256 digest.

param bytes digest

SHA256 digest for certificate in DER-encoded binary form (see ssl.SSLSocket.getpeercert).

To check fingerprint pass the object into ClientSession.get call, e.g.:

import hashlib

with open(path_to_cert, 'rb') as f:
    digest = hashlib.sha256(

await session.get(url, ssl=aiohttp.Fingerprint(digest))



A FormData object contains the form data and also handles encoding it into a body that is either multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded. multipart/form-data is used if at least one field is an io.IOBase object or was added with at least one optional argument to add_field<aiohttp.FormData.add_field> (content_type, filename, or content_transfer_encoding). Otherwise, application/x-www-form-urlencoded is used.

FormData instances are callable and return a aiohttp.payload.Payload on being called.

Helper class for multipart/form-data and application/x-www-form-urlencoded body generation.

param fields

A container for the key/value pairs of this form.

Possible types are:

  • dict
  • tuple or list
  • io.IOBase, e.g. a file-like object
  • multidict.MultiDict or multidict.MultiDictProxy

If it is a tuple or list, it must be a valid argument for add_fields<aiohttp.FormData.add_fields>.

For dict, multidict.MultiDict, and multidict.MultiDictProxy, the keys and values must be valid name and value arguments to add_field<aiohttp.FormData.add_field>, respectively.

add_field(name, value, content_type=None, filename=None,content_transfer_encoding=None)

Add a field to the form.

param str name

Name of the field

param value

Value of the field

Possible types are:

  • str
  • bytes, bytearray, or memoryview
  • io.IOBase, e.g. a file-like object
param str content_type

The field's content-type header (optional)

param str filename

The field's filename (optional)

If this is not set and value is a bytes, bytearray, or memoryview object, the name argument is used as the filename unless content_transfer_encoding is specified.

If filename is not set and value is an io.IOBase object, the filename is extracted from the object if possible.

param str content_transfer_encoding

The field's content-transfer-encoding header (optional)


Add one or more fields to the form.

param fields

An iterable containing:

  • io.IOBase, e.g. a file-like object
  • multidict.MultiDict or multidict.MultiDictProxy
  • tuple or list of length two, containing a name-value pair

Client exceptions

Exception hierarchy has been significantly modified in version 2.0. aiohttp defines only exceptions that covers connection handling and server response misbehaviors. For developer specific mistakes, aiohttp uses python standard exceptions like ValueError or TypeError.

Reading a response content may raise a ClientPayloadError exception. This exception indicates errors specific to the payload encoding. Such as invalid compressed data, malformed chunked-encoded chunks or not enough data that satisfy the content-length header.

All exceptions are available as members of aiohttp module.


Base class for all client specific exceptions.

Derived from Exception

This exception can only be raised while reading the response payload if one of these errors occurs:

  1. invalid compression
  2. malformed chunked encoding
  3. not enough data that satisfy Content-Length HTTP header.

Derived from ClientError


URL used for fetching is malformed, e.g. it does not contain host part.

Derived from ClientError and ValueError


Invalid URL, yarl.URL instance.

Represent Content-Disposition header


A str instance. Value of Content-Disposition header itself, e.g. attachment.


A str instance. Content filename extracted from parameters. May be None.


Read-only mapping contains all parameters.

Response errors


These exceptions could happen after we get response from server.

Derived from ClientError


Instance of RequestInfo object, contains information about request.


HTTP status code of response (int), e.g. 400.


Message of response (str), e.g. "OK".


Headers in response, a list of pairs.


History from failed response, if available, else empty tuple.

A tuple of ClientResponse objects used for handle redirection responses.


HTTP status code of response (int), e.g. 400.


Web socket server response error.

Derived from ClientResponseError

Invalid content type.

Derived from ClientResponseError


Client was redirected too many times.

Maximum number of redirects can be configured by using parameter max_redirects in request<aiohttp.ClientSession.request>.

Derived from ClientResponseError


Connection errors

These exceptions related to low-level connection problems.

Derived from ClientError

Subset of connection errors that are initiated by an OSError exception.

Derived from ClientConnectionError and OSError

Connector related exceptions.

Derived from ClientOSError

Derived from ClientConnectorError

Derived from ClientConnectorError

Derived from ClientConnectionError

Derived from ClientConnectorError

Response ssl error.

Derived from ClientSSLError and ssl.SSLError

Response certificate error.

Derived from ClientSSLError and ssl.CertificateError

Server disconnected.

Derived from ~aiohttp.ServerConnectionError


Partially parsed HTTP message (optional).

Server operation timeout: read timeout, etc.

Derived from ServerConnectionError and asyncio.TimeoutError

Server fingerprint mismatch.

Derived from ServerConnectionError

Hierarchy of exceptions

  • ClientError
    • ClientResponseError
      • ContentTypeError
      • WSServerHandshakeError
      • ~aiohttp.ClientHttpProxyError
    • ClientConnectionError
      • ClientOSError
        • ClientConnectorError

          • ClientSSLError
            • ClientConnectorCertificateError
            • ClientConnectorSSLError
          • ClientProxyConnectionError
        • ServerConnectionError

          • ServerDisconnectedError
          • ServerTimeoutError
        • ServerFingerprintMismatch
    • ClientPayloadError
    • InvalidURL