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Releases: derogold/derogold


28 Feb 14:40
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This IS a mandatory upgrade. Please upgrade at earliest occasion to this release.

P2P version was bumped twice from the v0.7.0.0 release, meaning older versions will not be able to connect to the network.


Removes NORMAL_TX_MAX_OUTPUT_COUNT completely from the transaction validation

We removed the NORMAL_TX_MAX_OUTPUT_COUNT from the transaction validation procedure completely.

End of Life (EoL) notice for derogold-service

Please note the derogold-service will be EOL and removed with the next major release v0.8.0 of the DeroGold core suite.

Fixes block sync bug that we introduced with the v0.7.0 release

We allowed NORMAL_TX_MAX_OUTPUT_COUNT in the pre-height of implementing this rule in the v0.7.0 release. We removed this condition completely, hence fixed the block sync bug introduced in v0.7.0


15 Feb 10:47
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This IS a mandatory upgrade.

Please upgrade your nodes prior height 2,517,000 after which we hard-fork. If you do not upgrade to this version, your node will stop syncing and processing blocks when it reaches the fork height.


Reduce network fee to 100 DEGO (10000 in atomic units)

The hard-fork introduces reduction of network fees to 100 DEGO from current 10000 DEGO.


We implemented this check as part of one of addressing one of the attack vectors. We believe misuse of our network is taken care by our TX PoW implementation, therefore no longer need this.

Ignor inputs that are below certain threshold for wallet-api

Our network has significant number of 0.01 inputs. We decided to ignore most of them while wallet scanning with wallet-api.

Oficially reinstated fusion transactions via derogold-service

Although we no longer support derogold-service (please make sure you switch to wallet-api instead), for the time being for our third party service provider (Exchanges) we decided to put back fusion transaction support in the derogold service.

Please note the derogold-service will be EOL and removed with the next release of DeroGold core suite.

Increased limit on number of fusion transactions in the transaction pool

With 300 seconds block time, we need to reconsider the number of fusion transactions allowed to make it to the transaction pool. This is due to Exchanges and other third party services providers need to optimize their wallets frequently. We have increased the maximum number of allowed fusion transactions in the transaction pool to 130 (FUSION_TX_MAX_POOL_COUNT = 130)

Increased limit on number of transactions in the transaction pool

With 300 seconds block time, we need to reconsider the number of total transactions allowed to make it to the transaction pool. This is due to inreased adoption of DeroGold for more frequent transacting by users and other third party services providers. We have increased the maximum number of allowed transactions in the transaction pool to 260 (TX_MAX_POOL_COUNT = 260)

Fix ARM builds

AES support was not building properly and throwing. This release fixes it.


15 Feb 20:14
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This IS a mandatory upgrade.

Please upgrade your nodes prior height 2,420,000 after which we hard-fork to cryptonight-upx/2 algo. If you do not upgrade to this version, your node will stop syncing and processing blocks when it reaches the fork height.


Algo change to cryptonight-upx/2

Since launch, DeroGold was built on TurtleCoin own adaptation of the cryptonight-turtle algo. This changes with the height 2,420,000 at which DeroGold hard-forks to the new cryptonight-upx/2.

If you run your own node(s), please make sure you upgrade your node(s) prior the fork height.
If you are a pool operator, please make sure your pool is ready to the cryptonight-upx/2 algo.
If you are a miner, please make sure you update your mining software configuration to reflect any pool changes and/or the algo settings for your miners.

RocksDB vs. LevelDB

This release introduces --db-enable-level-db command line option to switch between RocksDB (no command line option) and LevelDB (--db-enable-level-db). Therefore it is no longer required to use specific build binaries for the specific database engine (was the case up to the previous release).
Please note if you ran LevelDB previously, you now have to add the command line parameter --db-enable-level-db when you start the DeroGoldd daemon, otherwise it starts by default with RocksDB.

Benefits of LevelDB: faster daemon sync, faster wallet sync, improved daemon stability.
Benefits of the RocksDB: smaller DB size due to better compression.

No *.bin files

This release removes the legacy raw-block blocks.bin and blockindexes.bin files and hence saves significant amount of space. Only the DB is now used to store blocks & transactions data.

Added export / import blockchain option

In order for you to backup and restore your node’s blockchain DB, we have implemented export and import blockchain mechanism. The daemon now includes the following command line options:

--export-blockchain <file>
--import-blockchain <file>
--max-export-blocks <number>

wallets (zedwallet, zedwallet-beta, wallet-api, Derogold-service)

This release sunsets the legacy zedwallet.
The zedwallet-beta was renamed to degwallet.
We keep DeroGold-service for the backwards compatibility for pool operators and exchanges.
Please note that as of next release, DeroGold-service will be sunset and your pool / exchange services will have to migrate to wallet-api.


This release fixes the date estimation calculation of the next fork in the daemon’s status command and other outputs.

Known issues

Contributors to this release

Special thanks to @wrkzdev for implementing the export/import and no-bin files options.
Thanks to @QuantumLeaper of uPlexa Developers for the cn-upx algo development.


30 Aug 19:38
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This IS a mandatory upgrade.

This release introduces:

Activates Proof of Work on sending transactions from a wallet at fork height 2,370,000
zedwallet, zedwallet-beta to support Proof of Work on sending transactions and fusion transactions
bumps up p2p version

MacOS Support

Due to continuing issues on the MacOS platform to support C++17, we provide MacOS binaries as is. Please note, there may be issues related to MacOS lack of C++17 support and other specific issues we may not be able to support / fix.


25 Jul 23:06
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This IS a mandatory upgrade.

This release introduces:

0 DEGO fee fusion transactions activates at fork height 2,361,823
zedwallet & DeroGold-service allow fusion transactions again
hard limit on maximum block size of 600kb activates at fork height 2,361,823
bumps up p2p version

MacOS Support

Due to continuing issues on the MacOS platform to support C++17, we provide MacOS binaries as is. Please note, there may be issues related to MacOS lack of C++17 support and other specific issues we may not be able to support / fix.

Thank you to @Pangolin for testing and reporting issues. Much appreciated!


10 May 21:15
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This IS a highly recommended upgrade.

This release fixes a few important bugs:

  • scan-height calculations / conversions
  • zedwallet & DeroGold-service sync


wallets (zedwallet, zedwallet-beta, wallet-api, Derogold-service)

Fixes bug in zedwallet/DeroGold-service that would not process transactions with null pub key. This would prevent legacy zedwallet & DeroGold-service to sync under certain circumstances.

RocksDB vs. LevelDB

If you had previously synced your daemon and do not want to resync (or reimport from .bin files) from scratch, download the -rocksDB.tgz release.

Benefits of LevelDB. In the future, we will switch to LevelDB, as we see significant benefits: faster daemon sync, faster wallet sync, improved daemon uptime/stability.

MacOS Support

Due to continuing issues on the MacOS platform to support C++17, we provide MacOS binaries as is. Please note, there may be issues related to MacOS lack of C++17 support and other specific issues we may not be able to support / fix.

Known issues

If you run a mining pool software, there may still be some race conditions in the BlockchainCache.cpp / DatabaseBlockchainCache.cpp. We hope we eliminated most of these. However, there still may be issues.

Zedwallet/zedwallet-beta command send_all may not work due to introducing fusion fee. We will fork away from fusion fees in the future.

Contributors to this release

Very special thank you to Zpalm!


26 Mar 03:43
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This IS a mandatory upgrade.

The fork activates at height 2,325,000.

Please upgrade your software prior 2,325,000. If you do not upgrade, you will no longer be able to sync after block 2,325,000+



Changes difficulty target (block time) to 300 seconds
Introduces MINED_MONEY_UNLOCK_WINDOW_V2 and sets it to 8 blocks at fork height.
Introduces RPC Threaded and fixes number of data race conditions
Adds LevelDB (optional)
Few stability and performance bug fixes

This hotfix changes daemon syncing of the large blocks produced pre-fork height 2,325,000 as a result of using DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V3 parameter in some of the formulas defined in CryptonoteConfig.h - as those blocks were processed in batches of 100, the total size would exceed P2P_DEFAULT_PACKET_MAX_SIZE, therefore we decided to change the BLOCKS_SYNCHRONIZING_DEFAULT_COUNT = 20 to fix this issue. Side effect seems to be in may have speed up syncing the blockchain (subject to further testing)

Hotfix2 fixes upgrade to V6 major block version. Please run your daemon with
--rewind-to-height 2324999 and let sync to the top of the chain.

wallets (zedwallet, zedwallet-beta, wallet-api, Derogold-service)

Removes the ability to send fusion transactions via Derogold-service.
Removes the ability to optimize (fusion transactions) from zedwallet to encourage users move to zedwallet-beta or other (GUI) wallet(s).
Introduces fee for fusion transactions 10,000 DEGO per single fusion transaction.

RocksDB vs. LevelDB

If you had previously synced your daemon and do not want to resync (or reimport from .bin files) from scratch, download the -rocksDB.tgz release.

Benefits of LevelDB (based on limited testing done by @wrkzdev and @LeoStehlik : faster daemon sync, faster wallet sync, improved daemon uptime/stability.

MacOS Support

Due to continuing issues on the MacOS platform to support C++17, we provide MacOS binaries as is. Please note, there may be issues related to MacOS lack of C++17 support and other specific issues we may not be able to support / fix.

Known issues

If you run a mining pool software, there may still be some race conditions in the BlockchainCache.cpp / DatabaseBlockchainCache.cpp at the existing (V2) difficulty target. We hope we eliminated most of these. However, there still may be issues. Therefore, for our pool operators we will make available Derogold-pool daemon that will be based on the pre-threaded RPC code that you can use as a failsafe option in case you experience any issues with the threaded RPC code. We expect most of the race conditions may not be as amplified after the fork to 300s difficulty target (compared to today's diff target of 20s).

Zedwallet/zedwallet-beta command send_all may not work due to introducing fusion fee. We will see and decide on the fusion fee going forward; or find a fix for send_all in the future.

Contributors to this release

Thank you very much to Pluton and Zpalm for working together and for their valued contribution to this release. Also thank you to me22 for catching the wrong MINED_MONEY_UNLOCK_WINDOW_V2.

Big thanks to Greywolf for putting his effort into testing!

Special thanks to Bobbie 👉 I never ask for BTC 🍼#8884 for his support to DeroGold project maintaning daemons & pools and being always there when we are in trouble!


16 Mar 22:41
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This IS a mandatory upgrade.

The fork activates at height 2,325,000.

Please upgrade your software prior 2,325,000. If you do not upgrade, you will no longer be able to sync after block 2,325,000+



Changes difficulty target (block time) to 300 seconds
Introduces MINED_MONEY_UNLOCK_WINDOW_V2 and sets it to 8 blocks at fork height.
Introduces RPC Threaded and fixes number of data race conditions
Adds LevelDB (optional)
Few stability and performance bug fixes

wallets (zedwallet, zedwallet-beta, wallet-api, Derogold-service)

Removes the ability to send fusion transactions via Derogold-service.
Removes the ability to optimize (fusion transactions) from zedwallet to encourage users move to zedwallet-beta or other (GUI) wallet(s).
Introduces fee for fusion transactions 10,000 DEGO per single fusion transaction.

RocksDB vs. LevelDB

If you had previously synced your daemon and do not want to resync (or reimport from .bin files) from scratch, download the -rocksDB.tgz release.

Benefits of LevelDB (based on limited testing done by @wrkzdev and @LeoStehlik : faster daemon sync, faster wallet sync, improved daemon uptime/stability.

MacOS Support

Due to continuing issues on the MacOS platform to support C++17, we provide MacOS binaries as is. Please note, there may be issues related to MacOS lack of C++17 support and other specific issues we may not be able to support / fix.

Known issues

If you run a mining pool software, there may still be some race conditions in the BlockchainCache.cpp / DatabaseBlockchainCache.cpp at the existing (V2) difficulty target. We hope we eliminated most of these. However, there still may be issues. Therefore, for our pool operators we will make available Derogold-pool daemon that will be based on the pre-threaded RPC code that you can use as a failsafe option in case you experience any issues with the threaded RPC code. We expect most of the race conditions may not be as amplified after the fork to 300s difficulty target (compared to today's diff target of 20s).

Contributors to this release

Thank you very much to Pluton and Zpalm for working together and for their valued contribution to this release. Also thank you to me22 for catching the wrong MINED_MONEY_UNLOCK_WINDOW_V2.

Big thanks to Greywolf for putting his effort into testing!

Special thanks to Bobbie 👉 I never ask for BTC 🍼#8884 for his support to DeroGold project maintaning daemons & pools and being always there when we are in trouble!


26 Dec 11:53
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This IS a mandatory upgrade.

The fork activates at height 1,980,000.

Please upgrade your software prior 1,980,000. If you do not upgrade, you will no longer be able to sync after block 1,980,000+



Fixes ParseExtra crash
Fixes removing invalid transactions from transaction pool when included in blocks
Prevents excessive small inputs to be generated
Enforces consensus on transaction amounts & counts in the tx pool from height 1,980,000
Improves & reorders transaction validation
Introduces --enable-mining option to prevent using publicly exposed daemons to be used for mining pools
Reduces ASCII logo size
Various other bugfixes and improvements as referenced in our GitHub repo commit history.

wallets (zedwallet, zedwallet-beta)

Adds wallet upgrader for users to be able to switch from zedwallet to zedwallet-beta.
Adds wallets to follow rules for transaction amounts and counts as per derogoldd daemon.

18 Dec 12:19
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release

This is the latest release 0.3.1.-rc4 and it is a mandatory upgrade before height 1,980,000.

This fork activates consensus for various input/output amounts and counts, and the way the transaction pool handles transactions. This is to allow better user experience of the DeroGold network.

Further details to be added on the go as we will close our test period and convert to a regular release.

Contributors to this release:

Testers & feedback via issues welcome!