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descala edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 6 revisions


Initr is a tool to provide user interfaces to Puppet modules. It is a node classifier and configures the classes you assign to a node. It also provides tools to kickstart puppet-client deployment.


These are our modules so far. Each provides a Puppet module and a user interface to configure it within Initr:

  • bind. Configures a DNS server.
  • copy_klass. Point to the configuration of another class. For instance, you configure bind once, but the same configuration (all the zones) is applied to many hosts.
  • custom_klass. Define a class name, assign to a node and configure it with a list of custom parameters.
  • fail2ban. Choose which fail2ban jails to configure. Adds custom jails.
  • package_manager. Configures package manager (currently only apt).
  • webserver1. Manage virtualhosts, databases, users, FTP, awstats and backups of an standard webserver stack.
  • wpkg. Add installers to host groups. Minimal package management for Windows with WPKG.


  • Add views to configure puppet classes and modules
  • Add, remove, move and “symlink” puppet classes to nodes
  • Easily add nodes by copying and pasting a single line
  • View hosts, with its facts, classes, exported resources and reports.
  • Role based authorization to view or edit nodes, with special rights for node owners.
  • Leverage Redmine’s functionalities


  • Initr is a Redmine plugin, therefore you need a Redmine installation where run the plugin.
  • It is recomended to run a Puppetmaster configured with storeconfigs.
  • You’ll need to configure puppetmaster external nodes to call the script provided in bin/ which gets node classes and parameters from an initr url.
  • Initr accepts http reports on /reports url, so to make reports appear on initr, configure puppetmaster to use http reports
  reports = http
  reporturl = http://<your_url>/reports
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