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PJRmi Technical Details


Here we cover some of the technical details of PJRmi. There were a number of technical challenges to overcome as part of its implementation and some of these are worthy of note from both an academic as well as a practical standpoint.

Weighing in at almost 40kloc, there's quite a lot to PJRmi under the hood. So there's plenty to understand for a prospective developer, or a curious bystander. This document may also be useful as a resource for anyone modifying or extending PJRmi.

Type systems

This is arguably the most interesting part of PJRmi, so it's documented here first. (Yes, I'm a blast at parties.)

When compared with one another, Java and Python's type systems fall into the "sorta the same but different" category. On the face of it they are pretty similar; both have a very object-based philosphy, with certain primitive types being a little special. However, it's their differences which are most pertinent to PJRmi:

  1. Natively, Python only has int, float, and complex as numeric values; Java has multiple types for integers and floating point values. Python has bytes, strings, and read-write bytearays; Java has characters and strings as distinct types.
  2. Java has both object type and primitive type versions of basic types (integers, floating point values, booleans); Python only has objects.
  3. Java has method overloading by parameter; Python requires all method names to be unique. (Python also has keyword arguments to functions.)
  4. Python has runtime-/duck-typing; Java is statically and strictly typed.

We'll examine each of these in turn.

Numeric types

Like other C-derived languages, Java has multiple primitive types for integers and floating point values: byte, short, int & long, and float & double. For Java functions which take a primitive value this doesn't present much of a problem to PJRmi; you can always check to see if the value you have been given can be converted to the argument type.

However, if you have a function which takes an Object and you are passing in a Python int then the conversion is ambiguous. PJRmi takes a value-based approach and will convert the Python value to the smallest representable type. I.e. if you have 10 you'll get a Byte, 1000 a Short, 100000 an Integer, and 10000000000 a Long.

However, this strategy yields a gotcha when type erasure comes into play. Container types in Java are generics and their types are only known at compile time; PJRmi relies on runtime information, accessed via reflection. All you can tell at runtime is that you have, say, a List, not a List<Integer>. This means that, for example, in a Map<K,V> the V get(K k) method will correctly compile get(1) in Java if K is Integer. But PJRmi will do the wrong thing and will silently use a Byte as the k value. This means that the get call will incorrectly return null if the Map has been populated with Integers, because Byte.valueOf(1).equals(Integer.valueOf(1)) will evaluate as false. Yuck.

The same ambiguity exists for floats and doubles but, given common usage patterns, PJRmi always uses doubles to resolve it.

There exist a few workarounds to this:

  1. PJRmi understands the numpy types. That means that it will convert numpy's int8 to a Byte, int16 to a Short, and so on. Similarly float32 and float64 are converted to Float and Double respectively.
  2. One can call methods like Integer.valueOf(v) to explicitly convert the given value to the corresponding type.
  3. The AsType utility class provides a bunch of identity methods which will naturally convert to the desired type. The latter two solutions require a method call. A round-trip call into the Java side from the Python side will therefore be slower than using numpy's types to provide the type information.

Boxing etc.

In Python everything is an object but in Java only almost everything is an Object. Java has primitive types for C types, as well as their Object equivalents. In Java, passing an int to a function which takes an Integer (or any of its parent classes) will result in the int being transparently "boxed" into an Integer object. This is mimicked in PJRmi in two different forms.

Firstly, PJRmi will transparently attempt to transform a Python object into an equivalent Java type, by doing a by-value copy. The semantics for this are uncontroversial for immutable types like integers and floats; their values will be copied into a corresponding Object type on the Java side. The same goes for strings. (Though see the caveats above when it comes to ambiguities of going from Python ints to Java Objects.)

Container types are also passed as by-value copies; a Python list will be copied into a new Java List. This means that and changes in the latter are not reflected in the former. For example, doing calling into Java with Collections.sort([5,4,3,2,1]) will have no effect on the argument; the List which sort() gets will be created on the fly and immediately discarded. This is a gotcha.

Secondly, Java Objects which have equivalent types on the Python side will be "boxed" into subclasses of those Python types. For example, a Java function which yields a String will result in a str box on the Python side:

>>> s = Integer.toString(123)
>>> s
>>> isinstance(s, str)

However, if you look closely, you will see that it's actually a subclass of str, which has a Java Object inside it:

>>> type(s)
>>> s.java_object
< at 0x7f1f813390c0>

These "boxed" types will be naturally unwrapped if you pass them into a Java method, preserving the Object instance:

>>> System.identityHashCode('123')
>>> System.identityHashCode('123')
>>> System.identityHashCode(s)
>>> System.identityHashCode(s)

Method overloading

This was probably one of the trickiest things to make work in PJRmi. As noted above the issue is that Python only has one instance of a method with any given name.

In Java you can have:

public int foo()      { return 0; }
public int foo(int i) { return i; }

and calls will bind as one would expect.

However, doing the same in Python:

class Foo:
    def foo(self):
        return 0
    def foo(self, i):
        return i

will simply cause the second foo() declaration to overwrite the first.

Because there can only be a single method for any given name PJRmi needs to perform resolution of overloaded Java methods at runtime.

On the face of it the problem is simple, you always want to pick the method which is most specific to the arguments which are given. If the overloading is of the form of a different number of arguments then it's not too hard; given the Java methods foo() and foo(int i) you know what to do when the Python code calls foo(1).

Things start to get interesting when you have overloading based on type:

public static String foo(Number  n) { return "Number";  }
public static String foo(Integer n) { return "Integer"; }

This is still unambiguous though. This still behaves as one would expect:


But, when you have more arguments, things are a little trickier:

public static String foo(int n, double d) { return "int-double"; }
public static String foo(double d, int n) { return "double-int"; }

On the Python side the unambiguous calls are still fine:

>>>, 1.0)
>>>, 1)

But for the ambiguous case we get this:

>>>, 1)
TypeError: Call to foo(<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>) is ambiguous; multiple matches: foo(double, int), foo(int, double)

Which matches Java's compilation behaviour: error: reference to foo is ambiguous
    public static void main(String... args) { foo(1, 1); }
both method foo(int,double) in Foo and method foo(double,int) in Foo match

Like the Object type ambiguity mentioned above, this can be handled by adding richer type information:

>>>, float64(1))

Or the method can be explicitly unbound and invoked:

>>>['int','double'](1, 1)

Under the hood PJRmi performs the resolution by determining "relative specificities". Each Java method has an associated topological ordering relative to all its other overloaded forms. That ordering is determined by the MethodUtil class in the PJRmi Java code. Edge cases around boxing and nulls were difficult to make work correctly.

Proxy classes and lambdas

One of the really great features of Python is duck-typing; you don't need to worry about types too much. Provided that the object you give a function basically looks like what the function expects, things basically work. Java is a more strict. Imagine that you have two distinct but semantically identical types, Foo and Bar, each with just a single method baz(). In Java, you still can't give a Foo instance to a function which expects Bar one.

PJRmi looks to try to meet the two languages in the middle, provided that Foo and Bar are interfaces. One can use Python code to implement a Java interface, for example, we can use a Python class to duck-type a Java Runnable:

>>> Thread = c.class_for_name('java.lang.Thread')
>>> class PythonRunnable(pjrmi.JavaProxyBase):
...    def run(self):
...        print("I ran!")
>>> thread = Thread(runnable)
>>> thread.start()
I ran!

Under the hood this is implemented using the java.lang.reflect.Proxy class on the Java side (which unfortunately only works for interfaces). When the Java side invokes the object's methods it will issue a callback, back into the Python side, and return whatever result it got back to the Java side.

Similar to proxy classes, you can use Python lambdas as Java lambdas:

>>> m = HashMap()
>>> m.computeIfAbsent(1, lambda x: x+1)
>>> m.toString()

And, like with the proxy classes above, the Java side will issue a callback into the Python side in order to evaluate the function.

Callbacks are only enabled in the PJRmi instance if it is using multiple workers. (See the section on lambdas in the README file, and the below descussion of the threading model.) This is because the calling thread in Python will be blocked on waiting for Java, and so it will be unable to respond to any callback. Instead, calls into both sides are handled by workers in the callback model. An idle worker will be used for each callback, with new ones being created on the fly if the pool of workers in exhausted.

Communication system

At the very heart of PJRmi is the need for two different systems to talk to one another. From the outset, the intent was for the modes of communication to have no functional differences; the only difference between talking to a sub-process vs to a peer on a remote host should be latency.


PJRmi has its own, special purpose, binary protocol. This is documented by the specific functions which marshall/unmarshall the calls on each side.

Any modications to the protocol are considered to be breaking changes and will result in the version number of PJRmi being bumped. Instances of PJRmi using different versions will refuse to handshake and connection attempts will fail. This isn't a limitation in providing backwards compatability in the protocol; two different versions will have distinct behaviour, which much be coherent between them.


The communication mechanism is captured by the Transport classes, on both the Java and Python sides. The main functionailty which these provide is a bi-directional bytestream, which is all that is really needed for PJRmi to function. Additional methods support features like security and bulk-data passing.


The security model of PJRmi comes in two forms, both of which are essentially ACLs.

The first is access to the server process from a client. In the subprocess model this is effectively a NOP, since the parent spawns the child and therefore has full control. However, for a server which is accepting a connection from a networked client, that client must be authenticated for access to be allowed. The SSLTransport provides this functionality.

The second form of access control is the allow-list of Java classes which a Python client may be permitted to access. If a Python client cannot access a certain class in the Java server then they are unable to invoke methods of that class. If this access control is enabled in the server then vulnerabilites due to code injection are mitigated, for obvious reasons.

Argument passing optimizations

In certain cases the standard communication mechanism can be side-stepped to give enhanced performance. For a strictly bytestream-based connection all method arguments must be channeled via the stream; e.g. a ndarray of float64s will be marshalled by the Python client, sent over the wire as a bag of bytes, and unmarshalled as a double[] by the Java server.

However, if the client and server are on the same host, then it is possible to use the host's /dev/shm to do fast memory copies of the raw binary data on both the Python and Java sides. This is handled by the C extension code in both the Java and Python sides.

Threading model

PJRmi has two threading models:

  1. Single-threaded: All calls issued from (any thread in) Python are handled by the PJRmi thread in the Java server. Callbacks, from Java into Python, are not supported.
  2. Worker model: Both Python and Java have worker threads. The Java worker threads handle the incoming calls from the Python client. Any callbacks from the Java side are handled by Python's worker threads.

In both cases the Java server is handling requests in a thread in the JVM which is separate from the other threads of the container process. This means that you need to ensure that any datastructures which the Java server exposes are safe to access.

If you are in the single-threaded model then you only need to worry about access from other Java threads. If no such access is being made, e.g. because everything is driven by the Python client, then access is safe. In the Worker model, memory barriers will ensure that consistency is maintained between worker threads.

In the event that multiple thread wish to access Java objects then the LockManager provides high-level locking primitives, including realtime deadlock prevention.

The PJRmi Java server may optionally be instantiated with a global lock. If present, then the global lock will be exclusively held for the duration of method calls into the Java side. This global lock is also exposed by the PJRmi instance so that it can be used to coordinate with other Java threads in the process.

Callback support and virtual threads

As noted above, it's possible to recursively call back from Java into Python in a way which is only bounded by the memory and threading resources of the host machines.

This is implemented using worker threads in both the Java and Python processes. However, while there are multiple actual threads in action during a callback, there is only one logical thread in play. Similar to how one function calling another, within either Java or Python, only happens in a single thread, the callbacks only operate within a single logic thread of operation. That this thread of operation is traversing processes is, really, just an implementation detail.

This is important because of locking semantics. In an appliction, it's perfectly safe for the same thread to obtain an exclusive lock multiple times. Similarly, a logical thread, weaving its way between the Java and Python processes, should be able to obtain the same exclusive lock multiple times.

In order to support these logical threads there exists the VirtualThreadLock class, with its associated VirtualThread class. PJRmi internally handles all of the semantics for you; the user only needs to care about obtaining and using locks. These are provided by the LockManager.

The Lock Manager

The LockManager class handles all the locking semantics for PJRmi. A lock can be obtained on the Java side by calling the LockManager's various getBlahLockFor(String name) methods. The LockManager instance is obtained via the PJRmi.getLockManager() method, provided that the PJRmi instance is constructed with one. Both exclusive and shared locks are supported on the Java side.

Locks can be obtained on the Python side via the lock_for_name() method in the PJRmi client. (Only exclusive locks are supported on the Python side.)

When a lock is acquired, the LockManager will first check to ensure that deadlock will not happen as a result. If deadlock will occur then a DeadlockException is thrown, and the caller needs to resolve the contention.

Note that, semantically, two Python clients are merely two threads in the Java process. As such, it's possible for one Python client to deadlock with another Python client. If that happens, the DeadlockException will be thrown in one of those clients.

Deadlock detection is handled by looking for loops in a dependency graph. This is explained in detail, complete with ASCII diagrams, in the LockManager.lockWalksTo() method's code. Please refer to that documentation for more information.

The LockManager code is surprisingly performant, given what it's doing. The bottom line is that you should use locks if you need them and should not worry too much about things being slow.

Other considerations...

A general rule of thumb employed in PJRmi is that it tries to ensure that as few assumptions as possible are made. This includes ones regarding future use; as such there is little or no specialised logic in the code. Sticking with this principle has helped to avoid making breaking changes in the code (aside from changes in the protocol).

The trickiest part of PJRmi is handling the conflicting idioms in Java and Python in a way which reduces the complexity. Java method capture was a good example here and it took a long time before we had a good solution for this. When we did eventually get one, however, it was nice that it also solved some other problems as a side effect (e.g. method overloading disambiguation).