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Notes from JavaScript Course


  • A variable declaration introduces a new identitfier. By default it is undefined.
  • Variable initialization is when it is first assigned a value
  • Variables have scope, either global scope or funcion scope.
  • var is function scoped
  • let is block scoped
  • const is also block scoped, and it is immutable.
  • If an object is set to const, you can't change the value of the const but the object itself can be updated.

Object and Array Destructuring

Destructuring allows us to extract multiple properties from an object

const name =;
const handle = user.handle;
const location = user.location;

// With Destructuring
const { name, handle, location } = user;

Destructuring allows the results of invocations

function getUser () {
  return {
    name: 'Tyler McGinnis',
    handle: '@tylermcginnis',
    location: 'Eden, Utah'

const { name, handle, location } = getUser();

Arrays can also be destructured

var user = ['Dan Blake', '@designbyblake', 'Baltimore, MD'];

var [name, handle, location ] = user;

console.log(handle); // @designbyblake
console.log(location); // Baltimore, MD

var csv = '2019, Chevy, Colorado, My car';
var [ year, make, model, description ] = csv.split(',');

console.log(make); // Chevvy
console.log(model); //Colorado

Destructure and rename at the same time.

var user = {
	n: 'Dan Blake',
	h: '@designbyblake',
	l: 'Baltimore, MD'

var {n: name, h: handle, l: location } = user;

console.log(handle);// @designbyblake

Destructuing of function parameters

// value after the equal is the default value
function fetchRepos({language='All', minStars=0, maxStars='', createdBefore='', createdAfter=''}){


	language: 'JavaScript',
	createdBefore: new Date('01/01/2017').getTime(),

Computed Propery Names

// Old

function objectify (key, value) {
	let obj = {};
	obj[key] = value;
	return obj

// New
function objectify (key, value) [
	return {
		[key] value

Template Literals

Use the backtick to allow multiline strings as well as use variables in the string with *${variable}

function welcomeMsg(fName, lName, email) {
	return `
		<h1>Hello, ${fName} ${lName}.</h1>
		<p>The email you used to sign up is "${email}"</p>

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions do NOT create a new context allowing the use of the this keyword inside an arrow function with this being scoped outside the function

 // Function declaration
 function add(x,y) {
	 return x + y;

// Function expression
var add = function(x,y) {
	return x + y;

var add = (x,y) => {
	return x + y;

function getTweets (uid) {
  return fetch('' + uid)
    .then(function (response) {
      return response.json()
    .then(function (response) {
    }).then(function (tweets) {
      return tweets.filter(function (tweet) {
        return tweet.stars > 50
    }).then(function (tweets) {
      return tweets.filter(function (tweet) {
        return tweet.rts > 50

function getTweets(uid) {
	return fetch('' + uid)
		.then(response => response.json())
		.then(reponse =>
		.then(tweet => tweets.filter(tweet => tweet.stars >  50))
		.then(tweets) => tweets.filter(tweet=>  tweet.rts > 50))

Default Parameters

// ES5 way
function calculatePayment (price, salesTax, discount) {
	salesTax = typeof salesTax === 'undfined' ? 0.047 : salesTax;
	discount = typeof discount === 'undfined' ? 0 : discount;

// Make sure a parameter is passed, basically provied a nice error message
function isRequired (name) {
	throw new Error(name + 'is required')

// With default parameters
function caclulatePayment (price = isRequired('price'), salesTax = 0.047, discount = 0) {



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