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CI Maintainability Test Coverage

PHP manifest.json parser/loader.


composer require designcise/manifest-json


Requires PHP 8.0 or later.


use Designcise\ManifestJson\ManifestJson;

$manifest = new ManifestJson('path/to/manifest/'); // defaults to `manifest.json`
// or $manifest = new ManifestJson('path/to/manifest/my-manifest.json');

$entry = $manifest->get('entry.js');
$metadata = $manifest->getAll();
$css = $manifest->getAllByType('css');
$images = $manifest->getAllByTypes(['jpg', 'png']);
$js = $manifest->getAllByKey('*.js');
$criticalJs = $manifest->getAllByKeyBasename('critical-*.js');


static from(string $dirOrFile): self

Static method to load manifest.json file from specified directory. If only directory is specified then it is assumed that file name is manifest.json by default, otherwise the specified name is used. For example:

ManifestJson::from('path/to/manifest/'); // defaults to `manifest.json`

get(string $key): string

Gets the manifest.json metadata for the specified $key.

getAll(): array

Get all entries in the manifest.json file as an array.

getAllByType(string $type): array

Gets all files with the specified file extension (for e.g. css, js, etc.) as an array.

getAllByTypes(array $types): array

Gets all files with the specified file extensions (e.g. ['css', 'js'], etc.) as an array.

getAllByKey(string $key): array

Gets all files that match the specified key. It looks for a full match in the manifest entries' key. It can optionally have wildcard using asterisk (e.g. *.js, *index*, etc.).

getAllByKeyBasename(string $key): array

Gets all files that match the trailing name component of path in the manifest entry's key. It can optionally have wildcard using asterisk (e.g. *.js, index*, etc.).


To run the tests you can use the following commands:

Command Type
composer test PHPUnit tests
composer style CodeSniffer
composer style-fix CodeSniffer Fixer
composer md MessDetector
composer check PHPStan



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