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moustakas committed Feb 22, 2023
2 parents c3f5b22 + 682864e commit 50c2e62
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Showing 3 changed files with 145 additions and 124 deletions.
41 changes: 29 additions & 12 deletions py/fastspecfit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -634,6 +634,16 @@ def initial_guesses_and_bounds(self, data, emlinewave, emlineflux, log):

iline = self.linetable[self.linetable['name'] == linename]
bounds = [-1.5*np.min(np.abs(coadd_emlineflux[linepix])), mx]

# In extremely rare cases many of the pixels are zero, in which case
# bounds[0] becomes zero, which is bad (e.g.,
# iron/main/dark/27054/39627811564029314). Fix that here.
if np.abs(bounds[0]) == 0.0:
N = coadd_emlineflux[linepix] != 0
if np.sum(N) > 0:
bounds[0] = -1.5*np.min(np.abs(coadd_emlineflux[linepix][N]))
if np.abs(bounds[0]) == 0.0:
bounds[0] = -1e-3 # ??

# force broad Balmer lines to be positive - deprecated
#if iline['isbroad']:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,18 +811,25 @@ def optimize(self, linemodel, emlinewave, emlineflux, weights, redshift,
(Ifree, Itied, tiedtoparam, tiedfactor, doubletindx,
doubletpair, linewaves)

fit_info = least_squares(_objective_function, parameters[Ifree], args=farg, max_nfev=5000,
xtol=1e-2, tr_solver='lsmr', tr_options={'regularize': True},
method='trf', bounds=tuple(zip(*bounds)))#, verbose=2)
parameters[Ifree] = fit_info.x
if self.targetid:
errmsg = 'Problem in scipy.optimize.least_squares for targetid {}.'.format(self.targetid)
errmsg = 'Problem in scipy.optimize.least_squares.'
raise RuntimeError(errmsg)
# corner case where all lines are out of the wavelength range, which can
# happen at high redshift and with the red camera masked, e.g.,
# iron/main/dark/6642/39633239580608311).

if len(Ifree) == 0:
fit_info = {'nfev': 0}
fit_info = least_squares(_objective_function, parameters[Ifree], args=farg, max_nfev=5000,
xtol=1e-2, tr_solver='lsmr', tr_options={'regularize': True},
method='trf', bounds=tuple(zip(*bounds)))#, verbose=2)
parameters[Ifree] = fit_info.x
if self.targetid:
errmsg = 'Problem in scipy.optimize.least_squares for targetid {}.'.format(self.targetid)
errmsg = 'Problem in scipy.optimize.least_squares.'
raise RuntimeError(errmsg)

# Conditions for dropping a parameter (all parameters, not just those
# being fitted):
Expand Down
223 changes: 113 additions & 110 deletions py/fastspecfit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -944,120 +944,123 @@ def major_formatter(x, pos):
if plotsig < 50:
plotsig = plotsig_default

if len(linetable) == 0:
ax = []
srt = np.argsort(meanwaves)
meanwaves = np.hstack(meanwaves)[srt]
deltawaves = np.hstack(deltawaves)[srt]
sigmas = np.hstack(sigmas)[srt]
linenames = np.hstack(linenames)[srt]

srt = np.argsort(meanwaves)
meanwaves = np.hstack(meanwaves)[srt]
deltawaves = np.hstack(deltawaves)[srt]
sigmas = np.hstack(sigmas)[srt]
linenames = np.hstack(linenames)[srt]

# Add the linenames to the spectrum plot.
for meanwave, linename in zip(meanwaves*(1+redshift), linenames):
#print(meanwave, ymax_spec)
if meanwave > spec_wavelims[0] and meanwave < spec_wavelims[1]:
if 'SiIII' in linename:
thislinename = '\n'+linename.replace('+', '+\n ')
elif '4363' in linename:
thislinename = linename+'\n'
thislinename = linename
specax.text(meanwave/1e4, spec_ymax, thislinename, ha='center', va='top',
rotation=270, fontsize=12, alpha=0.5)

removelabels = np.ones(nline, bool)
line_ymin, line_ymax = np.zeros(nline)+1e6, np.zeros(nline)-1e6

ax, irow, colshift = [], 4, 5 # skip the gap row
for iax, (meanwave, deltawave, sig, linename) in enumerate(zip(meanwaves, deltawaves, sigmas, linenames)):
icol = iax % nlinecols
icol += colshift
if iax > 0 and iax % nlinecols == 0:
irow += 1
#print(iax, irow, icol)

xx = fig.add_subplot(gs[irow, icol])

wmin = (meanwave - deltawave) * (1+redshift) - 6 * sig * meanwave * (1+redshift) / C_LIGHT
wmax = (meanwave + deltawave) * (1+redshift) + 6 * sig * meanwave * (1+redshift) / C_LIGHT
#print(linename, wmin, wmax)

# iterate over cameras
for icam in np.arange(len(data['cameras'])): # iterate over cameras
emlinewave = data['wave'][icam]
emlineflux = data['flux'][icam] - desicontinuum[icam] - desismoothcontinuum[icam]
emlinemodel = desiemlines[icam]

emlinesigma, good = ivar2var(data['ivar'][icam], sigma=True, allmasked_ok=True, clip=0)
emlinewave = emlinewave[good]
emlineflux = emlineflux[good]
emlinesigma = emlinesigma[good]
emlinemodel = emlinemodel[good]

#if icam == 0:
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ; plt.clf() ; plt.plot(emlinewave, emlineflux) ; plt.plot(emlinewave, emlinemodel) ; plt.xlim(4180, 4210) ; plt.ylim(-15, 17) ; plt.savefig('desi-users/ioannis/tmp/junkg.png')

emlinemodel_oneline = []
for desiemlines_oneline1 in desiemlines_oneline:

indx = np.where((emlinewave > wmin) * (emlinewave < wmax))[0]
if len(indx) > 1:
removelabels[iax] = False
xx.plot(emlinewave[indx]/1e4, emlineflux[indx], color=col1[icam], alpha=0.5)
#xx.fill_between(emlinewave[indx], emlineflux[indx]-emlinesigma[indx],
# emlineflux[indx]+emlinesigma[indx], color=col1[icam], alpha=0.5)
# plot the individual lines first then the total model
for emlinemodel_oneline1 in emlinemodel_oneline:
if np.sum(emlinemodel_oneline1[indx]) > 0:
#P = emlinemodel_oneline1[indx] > 0
xx.plot(emlinewave[indx]/1e4, emlinemodel_oneline1[indx], lw=1, alpha=0.8, color=col2[icam])
xx.plot(emlinewave[indx]/1e4, emlinemodel[indx], color=col2[icam], lw=2, alpha=0.8)

#xx.plot(emlinewave[indx], emlineflux[indx]-emlinemodel[indx], color='gray', alpha=0.3)
#xx.axhline(y=0, color='gray', ls='--')

# get the robust range
sigflux = np.std(emlineflux[indx])
filtflux = median_filter(emlineflux[indx], 3, mode='nearest')
# Add the linenames to the spectrum plot.
for meanwave, linename in zip(meanwaves*(1+redshift), linenames):
#print(meanwave, ymax_spec)
if meanwave > spec_wavelims[0] and meanwave < spec_wavelims[1]:
if 'SiIII' in linename:
thislinename = '\n'+linename.replace('+', '+\n ')
elif '4363' in linename:
thislinename = linename+'\n'
thislinename = linename
specax.text(meanwave/1e4, spec_ymax, thislinename, ha='center', va='top',
rotation=270, fontsize=12, alpha=0.5)

#_line_ymin, _line_ymax = -1.5 * sigflux, 4 * sigflux
#if np.max(emlinemodel[indx]) > _line_ymax:
# _line_ymax = np.max(emlinemodel[indx]) * 1.3
_line_ymin, _line_ymax = -1.5 * sigflux, np.max(emlinemodel[indx]) * 1.4
if 4 * sigflux > _line_ymax:
_line_ymax = 4 * sigflux
if np.max(filtflux) > _line_ymax:
_line_ymax = np.max(filtflux)
if np.min(emlinemodel[indx]) < _line_ymin:
_line_ymin = 0.8 * np.min(emlinemodel[indx])
if _line_ymax > line_ymax[iax]:
line_ymax[iax] = _line_ymax
if _line_ymin < line_ymin[iax]:
line_ymin[iax] = _line_ymin
#print(linename, line_ymin[iax], line_ymax[iax])
#if linename == '[OII] $\lambda\lambda$3726,29':
# pdb.set_trace()
removelabels = np.ones(nline, bool)
line_ymin, line_ymax = np.zeros(nline)+1e6, np.zeros(nline)-1e6

ax, irow, colshift = [], 4, 5 # skip the gap row
for iax, (meanwave, deltawave, sig, linename) in enumerate(zip(meanwaves, deltawaves, sigmas, linenames)):
icol = iax % nlinecols
icol += colshift
if iax > 0 and iax % nlinecols == 0:
irow += 1
#print(iax, irow, icol)

xx = fig.add_subplot(gs[irow, icol])

wmin = (meanwave - deltawave) * (1+redshift) - 6 * sig * meanwave * (1+redshift) / C_LIGHT
wmax = (meanwave + deltawave) * (1+redshift) + 6 * sig * meanwave * (1+redshift) / C_LIGHT
#print(linename, wmin, wmax)

# iterate over cameras
for icam in np.arange(len(data['cameras'])): # iterate over cameras
emlinewave = data['wave'][icam]
emlineflux = data['flux'][icam] - desicontinuum[icam] - desismoothcontinuum[icam]
emlinemodel = desiemlines[icam]

emlinesigma, good = ivar2var(data['ivar'][icam], sigma=True, allmasked_ok=True, clip=0)
emlinewave = emlinewave[good]
emlineflux = emlineflux[good]
emlinesigma = emlinesigma[good]
emlinemodel = emlinemodel[good]

#if icam == 0:
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ; plt.clf() ; plt.plot(emlinewave, emlineflux) ; plt.plot(emlinewave, emlinemodel) ; plt.xlim(4180, 4210) ; plt.ylim(-15, 17) ; plt.savefig('desi-users/ioannis/tmp/junkg.png')

emlinemodel_oneline = []
for desiemlines_oneline1 in desiemlines_oneline:

indx = np.where((emlinewave > wmin) * (emlinewave < wmax))[0]
if len(indx) > 1:
removelabels[iax] = False
xx.plot(emlinewave[indx]/1e4, emlineflux[indx], color=col1[icam], alpha=0.5)
#xx.fill_between(emlinewave[indx], emlineflux[indx]-emlinesigma[indx],
# emlineflux[indx]+emlinesigma[indx], color=col1[icam], alpha=0.5)
# plot the individual lines first then the total model
for emlinemodel_oneline1 in emlinemodel_oneline:
if np.sum(emlinemodel_oneline1[indx]) > 0:
#P = emlinemodel_oneline1[indx] > 0
xx.plot(emlinewave[indx]/1e4, emlinemodel_oneline1[indx], lw=1, alpha=0.8, color=col2[icam])
xx.plot(emlinewave[indx]/1e4, emlinemodel[indx], color=col2[icam], lw=2, alpha=0.8)

xx.set_xlim(wmin/1e4, wmax/1e4)
#xx.plot(emlinewave[indx], emlineflux[indx]-emlinemodel[indx], color='gray', alpha=0.3)
#xx.axhline(y=0, color='gray', ls='--')

# get the robust range
sigflux = np.std(emlineflux[indx])
filtflux = median_filter(emlineflux[indx], 3, mode='nearest')

#_line_ymin, _line_ymax = -1.5 * sigflux, 4 * sigflux
#if np.max(emlinemodel[indx]) > _line_ymax:
# _line_ymax = np.max(emlinemodel[indx]) * 1.3
_line_ymin, _line_ymax = -1.5 * sigflux, np.max(emlinemodel[indx]) * 1.4
if 4 * sigflux > _line_ymax:
_line_ymax = 4 * sigflux
if np.max(filtflux) > _line_ymax:
_line_ymax = np.max(filtflux)
if np.min(emlinemodel[indx]) < _line_ymin:
_line_ymin = 0.8 * np.min(emlinemodel[indx])
if _line_ymax > line_ymax[iax]:
line_ymax[iax] = _line_ymax
if _line_ymin < line_ymin[iax]:
line_ymin[iax] = _line_ymin
#print(linename, line_ymin[iax], line_ymax[iax])
#if linename == '[OII] $\lambda\lambda$3726,29':
# pdb.set_trace()

xx.set_xlim(wmin/1e4, wmax/1e4)

xx.text(0.03, 0.89, linename, ha='left', va='center',
transform=xx.transAxes, fontsize=12)
xx.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=16)
xx.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=16)

xx.text(0.03, 0.89, linename, ha='left', va='center',
transform=xx.transAxes, fontsize=12)
xx.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=16)
xx.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=16)

for iax, xx in enumerate(ax):
if removelabels[iax]:
xx.set_ylim(0, 1)
xx.set_ylim(line_ymin[iax], line_ymax[iax])
xx_twin = xx.twinx()
xx_twin.set_ylim(line_ymin[iax], line_ymax[iax])
xlim = xx.get_xlim()
for iax, xx in enumerate(ax):
if removelabels[iax]:
xx.set_ylim(0, 1)
xx.set_ylim(line_ymin[iax], line_ymax[iax])
xx_twin = xx.twinx()
xx_twin.set_ylim(line_ymin[iax], line_ymax[iax])
xlim = xx.get_xlim()

if fastphot:
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.6, top=0.85, bottom=0.13, left=0.07, right=0.86)
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions py/fastspecfit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -284,8 +284,9 @@ def _findfiles(filedir, prefix='redrock', survey=None, program=None, healpix=Non
for ii, outfile in enumerate(outfiles):
if os.path.isfile(outfile) and not overwrite:
todo[ii] = False
redrockfiles = redrockfiles[todo]
outfiles = outfiles[todo]
if np.count_nonzero(todo) > 0:
redrockfiles = redrockfiles[todo]
outfiles = outfiles[todo]'Found {}/{} redrockfiles (left) to do.'.format(len(redrockfiles), nfile))
ntargs = [(redrockfile, False) for redrockfile in redrockfiles]

Expand Down

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