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Frequently Asked Questions

Erik Bianco Vera edited this page Jul 8, 2021 · 6 revisions


β™‘ Help! I put the bot on my server - what now?

The first thing you should do is run the ?setup command - this creates the roles, emoji and channels necessary for Reto to function. Upon activating it, it'll tell you all the changes it's done in a neat little list and what to do next.

β™‘ Wasn't there supposed to be a :10: emoji, too?

Yep! How it works is the +10/star emoji uses an obscure way to create emotes that blocks it behind a role, this being the Curator role that Reto creates on its setup. The thing is, since it was never implemented into Discord proper, this may require a restart - press CTRL + R after assigning yourself the role to see if the emoji has refreshed.

β™‘ Something went wrong during the ?setup / I don't have my emoji / roles / Best Of channel!

Shame! Try deleting whatever the bot did manage to automagically create and re-run ?setup again. It also helps to see if the bot actually has permissions to do all that.

β™‘ Alright, I've run ?setup. Now how do I vote?

React to a message with any of the created emoji! :plus: will add a point to the post/user, :minus: will decrease one, and if you have the Curator role, :10: will add 10 points and send said message to the Best Of channel.

β™‘ I'm voting on my own posts and nothing is happening!

That's intentional! If you could vote on your own posts, you could cheat the system into being the most voted person. If you just want to test out if Reto works, and you don't have a friend around, you can always ?ping and vote on Reto itself.

β™‘ How do I check other commands?

Use ?help! It should send you a DM with each category. For example, if you'd like to browse commands with the Karma category, you'd use ?help karma.


β™‘ What's the point of the points/Karma? / How do I check my points/Karma?

They're fun! And they incentivize community interactions, too. You can check on your points using ?profile - and check on others' using ?profile @[username], too.

β™‘ Is there a way to check everyone's Karma?

You can always do ?lb to see the Karma leaderboards!

β™‘ No -- but that's limited to the top 10. I mean, everyone's Karma.

That's ?lb all! This command has been deprecated. Replacement coming soon.

β™‘ Can I give people Karma?

No. Karma is global (shared between multiple servers) - an admin decreasing someone's points like that would mean it would apply to every server they're in. If you self-host Reto, the ?rosebud command will let you assing Karma to others.

β™‘ Is Karma local / server-specific?

Not at the time. I'd like to have two Karma counters per user, one for the current server and one global, in the future.


β™‘ How do I change how plus, minus and 10 look?

Use ?emoji edit [emoji name], and upload an image alongside it!

β™‘ I'm trying to use ?emoji edit, but Reto doesn't respond!

This is a common bug at the moment. The image must be less than 512kb in size for Discord to allow it as an emoji. There'll be a notification for this in a future update!

β™‘ Can I change the names of plus, minus and 10?

There are no plans to change the names of the Reto emotes at present time.

β™‘ Can I change the emotes to Discord defaults (eg. plus as πŸ‘ and minus as πŸ‘Ž?)

Not currently. This is a commonly suggested feature, and it'd require some thought into readapting Reto's commands to always default to the server's chosen emoji.

β™‘ The confirmation texts after a reaction are annoying. Can I turn that off?

Sure thing! Use ?notification reaction to have Reto react with a :retoconfirm: instead of sending a message, or ?notification disabled to not send anything altogether (not recommended).

β™‘ Can I change the text after a reaction?



β™‘ Can I make Reto automatically react to everything I post?

You have to enable ?autovote per channel! Doing so means every post will be reacted with :plus: or :minus: to encourage voting. Try it out in meme or art channels!

β™‘ Is there a way to enable ?autovote, but just for images/text/embeds?

No, but it is in the works!


β™‘ What data does Reto store about me?

Reto stores encrypted files that detail the posts (comments) you've made that have been voted at least once for 30 days, then deletes those logs forever. This helps enable post leaderboards.

In more technical terms: To manage your profile and keep track of your privacy settings, Reto stores your user ID and a list of the IDs of the servers both you and Reto are in indefinitely. To handle comment data, it stores the contents (embeds, attachments, text, if it is NSFW) of the comments that have been voted on, the message ID, server ID, your user ID and the ID of every person who's cast a vote on said post for 30 days, before its routinely deletion.

β™‘ I don't care about post leaderboards. Can I opt out of having my posts stored?

Yes! Enable Privacy Mode with ?privacy mode on and none of the posts people vote you on will be stored on Reto's servers.

β™‘ I care a ton about post leaderboards, and I don't want my funny posts to be deleted after 30 days. Can I halt that?

You can do that, too! Opt into Permanent Storage Mode with ?privacy storage on and your posts will stay un-deleted.

β™‘ I'm a server admin - can I opt out everyone out of the Global Post Leaderboards?

On a server you are a Curator of, disable server logging with ?privacy server off and everything will remain a sneaky secret. (It might be worth evaluating if Global Leaderboards should be opt-in instead. Blame 2019 Erik for that one.)

β™‘ I want out. / I want a fresh new start. Can I delete EVERYTHING Reto knows about me?

Shame to see you go! Use ?privacy data delete if you want to nuke your data. Note that if you use Reto again, it'll create new logs about you.

β™‘ Can I export / see the data Reto has about me?

Not... yet!


β™‘ How do you self-host Reto?

Here's a handy guide to get you started! (Note: The guide doesn't include the new way of handling the config file introduced in v1.6a. Just run python and it'll ask you for your config settings there.)

β™‘ I'm updating Reto from v1.5.2 (or below) and got a message asking me to "migrate databases". What gives?

Reto 1.6 and above uses encrypted .RETO files instead of plain .JSON to store its data. Read more on how to migrate here.

β™‘ What is Reto currently hosted on? / In what can I run Reto?

Reto is ran off of a cheap Linux VPS host over at Vultr. Whenever Reto Alpha is online, it runs off of my own machine. If you want to self-host Reto seriously, you might want to consider a VPS - the cheapest plans start at around 3 bones a month.

β™‘ How can I change the Activities?

Use ?activity to see the list of activities, ?activity create "[text]" to create a new one and ?activity delete [id] to delete an existing one.

β™‘ The activities flip intermittently!

Working on a hotfix.


β™‘ I can't use this feature!

Ask for help in the Reto Support Server! If you can replicate this error and are sure it needs to be fixed in an update, write an Issue.

β™‘ This bot is awesome! Anything I can do to help?

Sharing it with your friends, Voting for it in Discord bot aggregators and contributing with your own code snippets is of great help!

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