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Releases: detroit-labs/katalon-mobile-util


14 Mar 03:29
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Fixes an issue with scrolling where the last element in a list was detected outside of the current device's screen dimensions. Now Scroll.scrollListToElementWithText() will attempt to use the screen height if the bottom element in the list ends up outside of the dimensions of the device.

As a final fallback if the other fails, Swipe.swipe(Swipe.SwipeDirection.BOTTOM_TO_TOP) is used to perform simple swiping of the whole screen.


11 Dec 04:37
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NOTE: This release still supports Katalon 6.x

  • Adds ability for testers to specify the Object Repository platform used by Finder in cases where the platform can't be detected by Device.


12 Nov 04:30
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Updated to support Katalon Studio 7.x.

Some changes were made in this version that affected the calls to Katalon libaries:

  • Fixed issue with Mobile.delay signature changing from Object to Number
  • Updated deprecated Android key press code


20 Aug 03:01
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FIX: Finder.findGeneric() wasn't looking in the correct Test Object Repository path


31 Jul 03:37
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  • Resolves #17
  • Adds ability to find any object type with Finder.findElementAtIndex(TestObjectType type, String testObjectName, int index).
  • To support this, added an enum for TestObjectType which should make future handling of different test objects easier.


29 Jul 02:51
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  • Add a new class in the katalonmobileutil package with static delegate methods for the ComponentFactory to allow client use without instantiating a factory directly.
  • Add IOSComponent and AndroidComponent classes to allow common functionality specific to each OS.
  • Replace some abstract classes with interfaces to fit the dependency inversion principle better.
  • Code cleanup

Thanks @shawnmallon !


01 Jul 03:06
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  • Adds ability to control how much of the screen that Scroll functions cover using ScrollFactor (closes #2 )
  • Add documentation for Swipe function


20 Jun 13:45
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Support for Katalon Studio 6.2.0 and Appium 1.12.1.

Breaking changes

Requires Katalon Studio 6.2.0


09 May 13:52
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Added Web Support:

  • Adds support for web into the Device class by checking for the web driver settings.
  • Adds a web repository to the Finder class and a findContainer function.
  • Adds basic web support into the Button and TextField classes.
  • Creates a new package called component to hold an abstract factory architecture that explicitly defines functionality for certain types of ui elements. This is to support a page object automation architecture without needing to check platform in the client code.


14 Dec 21:08
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  • Update to support Katalon 5.9.1
  • Add Logger.close() to print a closing message when ending a test or test suite
  • Update Button.tap() to alternatively take in a TestObject
  • Add TextField.typeText(String text) so that we can type in the currently selected TextField (useful when tabbing through TextFields)
  • XPath label checking now looks at the start of a string instead of requiring a whole string match