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Project Title

HBO Stream is a practice project that utilizes the Movie Database (TMDB) API to create a movie streaming application. It is built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.


App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot


  • Home page displaying popular movies and TV shows
  • Search functionality to find specific movies and TV shows
  • Detailed movie and TV show pages with overview information
  • Dynamic routing for individual movie and TV show pages

Tech Stack

  • Next.js - A React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation
  • TypeScript - A statically typed superset of JavaScript
  • Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework

API Reference

This project uses the TMDB API to fetch movie and TV show data. You will need to sign up for a free API key to use the API. Once you have obtained an API key, add it to the .env.local file as mentioned in the installation steps. Make sure to handle API key securely and avoid exposing it publicly.

Stretch Goals

  • Improve the CSS styling to create a more visually appealing and user-friendly interface.
  • Hide the TMDB API key securely and handle API requests securely on the server-side.
  • Refactor the code to follow the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle and ensure cleaner, more maintainable code.
  • Add more sections and pages to showcase additional content, such as genres, trending movies/show
  • Ratings feature to allow users to rate movies and shows
  • Additional sections and pages for genres, trending movies/shows, and top-rated content
  • Recommendations based on user preferences and viewing history


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