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devanshj committed Aug 26, 2020
1 parent 79df495 commit d94d053
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 164 deletions.
164 changes: 0 additions & 164 deletions index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
declare const machine:
<D extends MachineDefinition.Of<D>>(definition: D) => MachineHandle.Of<D> & Tag<"Machine">;

namespace MachineDefinition {
export type Of<D> =
{ initial:
{ value: keyof Prop<D, "states">
, context?: unknown
, states: { [state in string]: State<keyof Prop<D, "states">, unknown, unknown, unknown> }

type State<T, Ci, E, Co> =
| (
& StateBase<T, Ci, E, Co>
& { initial?: never
, states?: never
| (
& StateBase<T, Ci, E, Co>
& Tag<"ChildMachine">

type StateBase<T, Ci, E, Co> =
{ on?:
{ [event in string]:
| T
| { target?: T
, actions: Array<(c: Ci, e: E) => Co>

namespace MachineHandle {
export type Of<D> = {
transition: (event: Event<D>) => State<D>

type Event<D> = {
[S in StateIdentifier<D>]: {
[E in keyof Transitions<D, S>]:
HasTransition<D, S> extends true
? { type: E } & EventPayloadFromActions<Actions<D, S, E>>
: never
}[keyof Transitions<D, S>]

type EventPayloadFromActions<Actions> =
Actions extends []
? never
: Prop<Actions, number> extends (_: any, payload: infer P) => any
? P
: never;

type State<D> =
| {
[S in StateIdentifier<D>]:
{ [E in keyof Transitions<D, S>]:
HasTransition<D, S> extends true
? { value: Target<D, S, E>
, context: ContextFromActions<Actions<D, S, E>>
: never
}[keyof Transitions<D, S>]
| Prop<D, "initial">

type ContextFromActions<Actions> =
Actions extends []
? never
: Prop<Actions, number> extends (ci: any, payload: any) => infer Co
? Co
: never;

type StateIdentifier<D> = keyof Prop<D, "states">;
type Transitions<D, S> = Prop3<D, "states", S, "on", {}>;
type HasTransition<D, S> = Not<AreEqual<Prop3<D, "states", S, "on">, {}>>
type Transition<D, S, E> = Prop4<D, "states", S, "on", E>;
type Actions<D, S, E> = Prop<Transition<D, S, E>, "actions", []>;
type Target<D, S, E> =
Transition<D, S, E> extends string
? Transition<D, S, E>
: Prop<Transition<D, S, E>, "target", S>;

type Prop<T, A, F = never> = A extends keyof T ? T[A] extends undefined ? F : T[A] : F;
type Prop2<T, A, B, F = never> = Prop<Prop<T, A>, B, F>
type Prop3<T, A, B, C, F = never> = Prop<Prop2<T, A, B>, C, F>;
type Prop4<T, A, B, C, D, F = never> = Prop<Prop3<T, A, B, C>, D, F>;
type Prop5<T, A, B, C, D, E, F = never> = Prop<Prop4<T, A, B, C, D>, E, F>;
type AreEqual<A, B> =
Exclude<A, B> extends never
? Exclude<B, A> extends never
? true
: false
: false;
type Not<T> = T extends true ? false : true;
type Opaque<T> = { __value: T };
type FromOpaque<T> = T extends Opaque<infer V> ? V : never;
type Tag<N extends string> = { __type: N };
type Brand<T, N extends string, E = {}> = T & { __brand: N } & E;
type Cast<T, U> = T extends U ? T : U;

const promiseMachine = machine({
initial: { value: "pending", context: {} },
states: {
pending: {
on: {
target: "fulfilled",
actions: [
(_: {}, { value }: { value: unknown }) => ({ value })
target: "rejected",
actions: [
(_: {}, { error }: { error: unknown }) => ({ error })
fulfilled: {},
rejected: {}

// @ts-expect-error
promiseMachine.transition({ type: "FOO" })

// @ts-expect-error
promiseMachine.transition({ type: "FULFILL" })

promiseMachine.transition({ type: "FULFILL", value: 100 })

// @ts-expect-error
promiseMachine.transition({ type: "REJECT" })

promiseMachine.transition({ type: "REJECT", error: new Error() })

// @ts-expect-error
promiseMachine.transition({ type: "REJECT", error: new Error(), foo: "foo" })

let nextState = promiseMachine.transition({ type: "FULFILL", value: 100 })

// @ts-expect-error
nextState.value === "foo"

// @ts-expect-error

if (nextState.value === "fulfilled") {

// @ts-expect-error

if (nextState.value === "rejected") {

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