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Built using React

serviceworker is build using

The hosted version of this repository is live at

landing page image

Steps to run locally

  1. Clone the repository using git clone
  2. cd into the cloned repository and run yarn. This will install all the dependencies required for the project.
  3. Run the server using yarn start.
  4. Create your own portfolio by editing the profileData.json present in the src directory.
  5. Place your image in Assets directory present inside src directory. Make sure to rename it to profile.jpg or else you can edit the filename in import statement of Sidebar.js Component.

Steps for add this into your github

  1. Go to your project's root directory.
  2. Initial it by typing git init.
  3. Create an empty repository with name (replace githubusername with your githubusername) or any other name.
  4. Copy the git link for your repo and add it to your local git repo as follows : git remote add origin <git link>.
  5. If you are using custom domain then create a file with name CNAME in the root of your directory and add your domain name to it, in the format and save it.
  6. Add 2 scripts predeploy and deploy to your scripts in package.json as follows : "predeploy": "yarn run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
  7. Both the scripts should be inside the scripts key of package.json.
  8. Also create .env file and set and place it in the root folder.
  9. Run yarn run deploy this will deply your site to
  10. Push your code to master by doing the following steps: git add -A git commit -m "Push portfolio code" git push origin master

Blog Post

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
The Bootstrap template used in this tutorial is Follow the medium link for additinal info :