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PHP DsFramework

PHP DsFramework Next Generation MVC framework. Inspired by Laravel and CodeIgniter framework with cutting edge complexity proccess.

Getting Started

DsFramework support for PHP 8.1 or latest to work properly.
Requirements :

How to run?

First, install dependencies from composer with composer install command in terminal.
Second, run a project with php ds serve command. Done.

Connect Database

To connecting into database, open the .env file and set your database configuration in the name prefix DB_ property.


Leave DB_NAME blank if a web application does not require a database.

ENV File

The .env file is a constant value for the application configuration. When the file has been modified, refresh the configuration cache with the php ds config command in the terminal.


Open terminal and write a command : php ds add:model modelName
Or generate multiple model : php ds add:model modelname1 modelname2 modelnameOther
Example : php ds add:model People then model file app/models/People.php will be generated

namespace App\Models;

use Ds\Foundations\Connection\Models\DsModel;

class People extends DsModel {
  public $table = 'people';


Open terminal and write a command : php ds add:controller ControllerName
Or generate multiple controller : php ds add:controller controllername1 controllername2 controllernameOther
Example of controller :

class IndexController extends Controller
    public function index()

    public function peopleList(){
        $data = People::all();
        // Response is json encode
        return [ 'people_list' => $data ];

    public function savePeople(Request $request){
        // Save json data
        // OR specify request field
            'fullname' => $request->fullname,
            'phone' => $request->phone
        // OR all Request Form Field Data

    public function welcomePage()
        // Response is Views/Html render


The routing of web application is defined in the app/route/web.php file. Example :

// with callback controller method
Route::get('/', [IndexController::class, 'index']);
Route::get('/welcome', [IndexController::class, 'welcomePage']);
Route::get('/people', [IndexController::class, 'peopleList']);
Route::post('/people/save', [IndexController::class, 'savePeople']);

// simple route
Route::get('/sample/subsample', function () {
    echo 'Welcome to routing!';

// With uri as parameter
Route::get('/sample/{arg1}/subsample/{arg2}', function ($arg1, $arg2) {
    echo 'Uri param ' . $arg1 . ' - ' . $arg2;
// With middleware
Route::middleware(['auth'], function () {
    Route::get('/mypage/{arg1}/othersub/{mysub}', function ($arg1, $mysub) {
        echo 'page param ' . $arg1 . ' - ' . $mysub;

    Route::get('/mypage/page/{arg1}/{arg2}', function ($arg1, $arg2) {
        echo 'page ' . $arg1 . ' param ' . $arg2;
// or with middleware in spacific route
Route::get('/people-list', [ IndexController::class, 'index' ])->middleware('api-auth');
// or multiple middleware
Route::get('/people-list', [ IndexController::class, 'index' ])
            ->middleware([ 'api-auth', 'company-auth' ]);

// With grouping /admin/...
Route::group('admin', function () {
    Route::get('/get-string', function () {
        // will return Json Encode
        return ['username' => 'Deva Arofi'];


Open terminal and write a command : php ds add:view viewname
Or generate multiple view : php ds add:view viewname1 viewname2 viewnameOther
Or generate in subdirectory : php ds add:view pages/viewname and views/pages/ directory will generate automatically.

Example view file : welcome.pie.php

        <title>{{ $appname }}</title>
        Welcome to Web App

Pie Cheat Sheet

Syntax Closing Description
{{ ... }} - Same as echo(...) in php
<< ... >> - Same as <?php ... ?> in php
@slot(..) - Create a slot for templating
@use(..) - To use a template that includes @slot syntax
@part(..) @endpart To inject a content into @slot(..)
@foreach(..): @endforeach Same as <?php foreach(..): in php
@if(...): @endif Same as <?php if(..): ?> in php



class AuthMiddleware implements Middleware
    public function handle(Request $request, $next): Response|null
        // if middleware was passed
            return $next($request);
            return null;

Assign middleware into Route

Route::get('/all-person', [ PersonController::class, 'index' ])

Passing data from Middleware to Controller

class AuthMiddleware implements Middleware
    public function handle(Request $request, $next): Response|null
        // find person data by id
        $personData = Person::find($request->person_id); 
        // if middleware was passed
        if($personData != null){
            $request->add('person', $personData);
            return $next($request);
            return null;

Then retrieve data in controller

class PersonController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request)
        $person = $request->person;



If you want to grouping routes based on controller, you can write like this : app/route/web.php

Route::group('/user', UserController::class);

Then, in controller class : app/controllers/UserController.php

class UserController extends Controller 
    public void index()

    public void userById($userId)

    public void saveUser(Request $request)

    public void deleteUser()

Then, you can access by address like this :
GET | http://localhost:8000/user/all
GET | http://localhost:8000/user/detail/3
POST | http://localhost:8000/user/save
DELETE | http://localhost:8000/user/delete


Dsframework support for testing and unit test.
Write php ds add:test SampleTest OtherTest in terminal, and test file will generate automatically into \tests folder.

class SampleTest extends TestCase{
  public function test_sample(){
    $expect = 'hello';
    $this->assertTrue('hello' == $expect);

Unit Test

Or, using --unit options to generate unit test file.
php ds add:test --unit SampleTest command.

describe('Count is one thousand', function(){
  $count = 0;
  for ($i=0; $i < 1000; $i++) { 
    $count += $i;
  return Assert::check($count == 1000);
// OR mock DatabaseProvider to support Model
describe('One is one number', function(){
  $account = Account::find(7);

  return Assert::equal($account->id, 7);

Run Test

To run your test file, type a command php ds test or php ds test --unit for unit test file. Then, all test files will be executed.

based on @daevsoft/dsframework