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About gitflow-for-github

ghflow is a tool wrapped around githubCLI for gitflow.

ghflow is a tool to reduce redundant work that occurs by using gitflow with PR.

gitflow for pull-request

  • Tagging when release and hotfix branches are closed
  • When a feature or release or hotfix branch is finished, it creates a PR instead of merging it.
  • Support master branch for github (main or master)


>= python 3.5
  - mac: brew install python3
  - windows: choco install python3
github cli (gh) []
  - mac: brew install gh
  - windows: choco install gh	

how to install

pip install ghflow

how to use

# init branches
ghflow init
# init with exist branches
ghflow init -d

# feature start
ghflow feature start new-feature

# feature finish with pull request
ghflow feature finish

# release start
ghflow release start 0.1.0

# release finish with pull request
ghflow release finish

# hotfix start
ghflow hotfix start 0.1.1

# hotfix finish with pull request
ghflow hotfix finish

# checkout main branch and tagging and push
ghflow tag 0.1.1

flow summary

init : create master(or main), develop
feature : develop -> feature -> develop
release : develop -> release -> master, develop
hotfix : master -> hotfix -> master, develop


ghflow init

equivalent to

git fetch
git config --local master "master"
git checkout -b master # (or main or something)
git push -u origin master # (or main or something)
git config --local develop
git checkout -b develop
git push -u origin develop

feature start

ghflow feature start new-feature

equivalent to

DEVELOP="$(git config --get develop)"
git checkout "$DEVELOP"
git checkout -b feature/new-feature

feature finish

ghflow feature finish

equivalent to

DEVELOP="$(git config --get develop)"
gh pr create --base "$DEVELOP"

release start

ghflow release start 1.0.0

equivalent to

DEVELOP="$(git config --get develop)"
git checkout "$DEVELOP"
git checkout -b release/1.0.0

release finish

ghflow release finish

equivalent to

MASTER="$(git config --get master)"
DEVELOP="$(git config --get develop)"
gh pr create --base "$MASTER"
gh pr create --base "$DEVELOP"

hotfix start

ghflow hotfix start 1.0.1

equivalent to

MASTER="$(git config --get master)"
git checkout "$MASTER"
git checkout -b hotfix/1.0.1

hotfix finish

ghflow hotfix finish

equivalent to

MASTER="$(git config --get master)"
DEVELOP="$(git config --get develop)"
gh pr create --base "$MASTER"
gh pr create --base "$DEVELOP"


ghflow tag 0.1.0

equivalent to

MASTER="$(git config --get master)"
git checkout "$MASTER"
git pull
git tag 0.1.0
git push origin 0.1.0


# install
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
# deploy
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
python3 -m twine upload dist/*


wrap github CLI for gitflow (ghflow)








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