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49 lines (34 loc) · 3.45 KB

How can I collaborate

Because we love open source, this project is end-to-end open source and everyone can collaborate, but even the most open source project has its rules, here are ours.

  • You can check the project wiki here
  • Start by watching the recomended resources;
  • Watch our previous sessions
  • We use Gitflow workflow in combination of forking workflow for managing features and changes of the codebase . (To know more about git workflows follow this link
  • If you see anything wrong feel free to create an issue

Ready to code ?

checkout our issues and start your pull request

If you are going to work with the Mobile App first run this:

git update-index --assume-unchanged Mobile/Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs
Code guidelines
  • All variables, classes and methods will be named in english
  • We suggest you go and read these two books The pragmatic programmer and/or Clean Code, anyways someone will probably correct you during codereview so reading them is not 100% necessary.

Pull request (PR)

  • Clone the repository solve an issue and create your pull request.
  • Make sure your cloned version of the repository is up to date.
  • Checkout the branch develop.
  • Make sure an issue related to the feature you are going to make already exists, if it doesn't, create the issue and wait for feedback.
  • Create a feature branch. Remember to follow the convention of gitflow worflow for feature branches e.j. feature/issueNumber-feature-name.
  • Before pushing your branch make sure to do an interactive rebase and squash your commits.
  • Push your branch and make the PR from that branch.
  • If you make UI changes, include as many screenshots as possible. A before/after comparison is ideal, but showing the final look will suffice in most cases.

Before merging your pull request we do code reviews. Unless your pull request is a hotfix you will need at least 3 "thumbs up" reactions in order to merge it. Getting the 3 thumbs up doesn't guarantee that your PR will be merged right away, be patient.

Code Reviews

The best part of working on a open source project is that everybody can see your code, but don't be shy, if someone see something that need to improve, they tell you, and you will get better.

You can also do code reviews, just go to a pull request, see the code and make your comments when you see something that can be improved, if everything is ok you should add a "thumbs up" reaction. Before starting code reviews checkout this guidline.


Go to and if you see something that need to be fix or a new feature that you feel needs to be added, don't be afraid and create the issue. Before creating the new issue though, make sure that there is not another similar issue, if said issue exist go ahead and comment about your idea.