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AGU 2021 Open Science in Action Tutorials: Intro to Python Data Visualization

This repo a tutorial on python libraries for interactive and geospatial data visualization. To get started choose one of the installation options below. You can run the notebook remotely using MyBinder and locally using conda.

Hosted presentation is:

Remote execution with MyBinder

Click: Binder and wait for a cloud-hosted jupyter lab to be deployed using environment.yml.

Local execution using Conda

  1. If you don't have conda (either with Miniconda or the full AnacondaDistribution) already installed we recommend installing miniconda for latest Python 3.
  2. Then clone this repository and, at the root directory, you will find the environment.yml file. That files is basically the list of packages we are going to install.
  3. Now create the environment with conda env create --file environment.yml
  4. activate the environment with: conda activate python-dataviz
  5. call jupyter notebook and open tutorial.ipynb to get started! Happy hacking!!

Creating slides instructions

git checkout gh-pages
git merge main
jupyter nbconvert tutorial.ipynb --to slides --stdout > index.html
git commit -am "Updated slides"
git push -u origin gh-pages


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