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Object detection in satellite images. Focused first on crater mapping for Mars and the Moon


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Divot Detect

Autonomous crater mapping on Mars

Scope and Goal

The aim is to create and apply an ML model capable of detecting and outlining craters on Mars. Crater mapping is important for a number of reasons including:

  1. mapping terrain for eventual human exploration
  2. dating geological features,
  3. acting as a way to geolocate on a planet (since we don't yet have GPS-providing satellites), and
  4. monitoring for new craters. Most places on Mars suspected of having liquid water occur on crater walls or gully walls.

After training a model to find craters in imagery, the goal is to apply that model to both Mars and the Moon. Once mapping is complete, these results will be uploaded into Arizona State University's JMARS platform for public use.

The rest of this README describes how to train and deploy ML models for crater mapping. It assumes reasonable experience with ML and cloud infrastructure tools (including Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, and Kubeflow).

Model Training

This repo relies on the Tensorflow Object Detection API to train models. TF's OD API allows relatively quick training of object detection and instance segmentation models. It supports a wide variety of architectures.

Our data comes from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's (MRO) as well as the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) and is best obtained through NASA's PDS Image Atlas. The DREAMS lab led by Prof. Jnaneshwar "JD" Das is spearheading the labeling effort using their DeepGIS tool.

Model training relies on the Kubeflow Pipelines tool.

Model Deployment/Inference

After training, the model will detect craters for both Martian and Lunar imagery.

Technical Training Notes

The below walks through model training on Kubeflow. See divdet/docs/STTR_TrainingSoftwareGuide.pdf for more details and tips.

Build OD API training Docker image

Before running the below, update paths in the shell script to match your desired image file location. Also update od_export/component.yaml and od_train/component.yaml to match the location of this image.

export BUILDS_DIR=<path_containing_divdet_directory>

Setup Kubeflow

Full instructions for setting up the Kubeflow cluster can be found within Kubeflow's documentation here. The two more important steps are described in detail below.

Create management cluster

The management cluster helps setup instances of Kubeflow. Full setup instructions here.

Example values for management cluster Makefile:

	kpt cfg set ./instance mgmt-ctxt management-cluster

	kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/gcp name kubeflow-app-v5
	kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/gcp gcloud.core.project divot-detect
	kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/gcp us-east1-c
	kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/gcp location us-east1-c
	kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/gcp log-firewalls false

	kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/stacks/gcp name kubeflow-app-v5
	kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/stacks/gcp gcloud.core.project divot-detect

	kpt cfg set ./instance name kubeflow-app-v5
	kpt cfg set ./instance location us-east1-c
	kpt cfg set ./instance gcloud.core.project divot-detect
	kpt cfg set ./instance email

Create management cluster

To deploy an instance of Kubeflow, see the guide here.

export MGMTCTXT=management-cluster
export PROJECT=divot-detect
export KF_NAME=kubeflow-app-v5
export ZONE=us-east1-c

kubectl config use-context ${MGMTCTXT}
kubectl create namespace ${PROJECT}
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace ${PROJECT}

export CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id>
export CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret>
make set-values
make apply

After cluster setup is complete:

# Verify cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${KF_NAME} --zone ${ZONE} --project ${PROJECT}
kubectl -n kubeflow get all

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding divot-detect --role=roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor

# URI information
kubectl -n istio-system get ingress
export HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get ingress envoy-ingress -o=jsonpath={.spec.rules[0].host})

# After model training is initiated
tensorboard --logdir=gs://divot-detect/experiments/27/train

Add GPUs to the cluster

export GPU_POOL_NAME=gpu-pool
gcloud container node-pools create ${GPU_POOL_NAME} \
--accelerator type=nvidia-tesla-p100,count=1 \
--zone ${ZONE} --cluster ${KF_NAME} \
--num-nodes=1 \
--machine-type=n1-standard-16 \
--min-nodes=0 \
--max-nodes=1 \
--enable-autoscaling \
--node-taints mlUseOnly=true:NoSchedule \
--disk-size 20GB

kubectl apply -f

Run the TF OD API pipeline

  • Open the Kubeflow UI page and navigate to the pipelines section
  • Upload the pipeline .tar.gz file created after executing a python script in /kfpipelines

Building Kubeflow Pipeline

python divdet/kfpipelines/

Launching Kubeflow Pipeline

See divdet/docs/ for a more detailed walkthrough on this section.

Reasonable defaults/examples for pipeline parameters:

Parameter Example
pipeline_config_path gs://divot-detect/model_dev/model_templates/mask_rcnn_coco_v1.config
model_dir gs://divot-detect/experiments/1
num_train_steps 50000
sample_1_of_n_eval_examples 10
eval_checkpoint_metric loss
metric_objective_type min
inference_input_type encoded_image_string_tensor
inference_output_directory gs://divot-detect/model_export/od1/1

Clean up

kubectl delete namespace kubeflow

cd "${KF_DIR}"
make delete-gcp

# Make sure disks are deleted under Compute Engine > Disks

Create Servable

After downloading the saved model files from the Kubeflow Pipeline output, create a TF Serving image that wraps your saved model as below:

cd /Users/wronk/Builds/models/research/object_detection
export MODEL_DIR="<path_to_model_dir>"
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Users/wronk/Builds/models/research:/Users/wronk/Builds/models/research/slim

python \
--input_type encoded_image_string_tensor \
--pipeline_config_path ${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
--trained_checkpoint_dir ${MODEL_DIR}/01 \
--output_directory ${MODEL_DIR}/01/export \
--config_override " \
            model{ \
              faster_rcnn { \
                second_stage_post_processing { \
                  batch_non_max_suppression { \
                    score_threshold: 0.25 \
                  } \
                } \
              } \

Technical Inference Notes

The below walks through inference using Kubernetes. See divdet/docs/STTR_InferenceSoftwareGuide.pdf for more details and tips.

Create the user and database, change connection, add and verify postgis

We have used Google Cloud's SQL API to create and run a Postgres database with the PostGIS extension. However, this could be run locally or on other platforms as well. Just make sure the IP address of the database is accessible by the compute resources of your inference pipeline.

\q  # if logged in to postgres user
dropdb craters_ctx_v1  # Or `DROP DATABASE craters_ctx_v1;` if logged in
psql -d postgres;
CREATE DATABASE craters_ctx_v1 OWNER postgres;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE craters_ctx_v1 TO postgres;

\c craters_ctx_v1 postgres

# Add and check PostGIS extension
create extension postgis;
SELECT srid, auth_name, proj4text FROM spatial_ref_sys LIMIT 10;

Push messages to PubSub

# First modify the raw image metadata to prep for message creation
python /Users/wronk/Builds/divdet/divdet/inference/ \
--input_data_fpath /Users/wronk/Data/divot_detect/ctx.csv \  					# Path to CTX image list containing all image metadata
--output_data_fpath /Users/wronk/Data/divot_detect/ctx_augmented.csv 			# Path to output CSV containing desired/augmented metadata

# Modify the below parameters to your liking. This will generate messages for PubSub
# See script for help messages on each CLI flag
python /Users/wronk/Builds/divdet/divdet/inference/ \
--input_data_fpath /Users/wronk/Data/divot_detect/ctx_augmented.csv \
--output_message_fpath /Users/wronk/Data/divot_detect/ctx_messages.csv \
--csv_url_key=url \
--csv_volume_id_key=volume_id \
--csv_lon_key=center_longitude \
--csv_lat_key=center_latitude \
--csv_instrument_host_key=instrument_id \
--csv_sub_solar_azimuth_key=sub_solar_azimuth \
--prediction_endpoint=<your_prediction_endpoint_IP_address> \
--scales="[0.5, 0.25, 0.125]" \
--batch_size=2 \
--min_window_overlap=128 \
--center_reproject=False \

# Push messages to PubSub
python \
--input_fpath /Users/wronk/Data/divot_detect/ctx_messages.csv \
--gcp_project divot-detect \
--pubsub_topic_name divot-detect-ctx \
--pubsub_subscription_name divot-detect-ctx \
--service_account_fpath <Path_to_your_service_account>

Prepare the inference pipeline parameters

First update the parameters for the following files:

  • inference_gpu_pool.yaml
  • inference_job_ctx.yaml
  • service_account.yaml

Basic descriptions are in divdet/kfjobs/

Then build the Docker image that will serve as a worker template:

docker build --no-cache -t "<your_project_name>/inference-pipeline-worker-ctx:v1" -f Dockerfile_inference_runner_ctx_v1 .
docker push<your_project_name>/inference-pipeline-worker-ctx:v1

Launch the inference pipeline

cd divdet/kfjob

# Initialize the cluster with nodes and add a GPU pool K8s deployment

# modify the below Kubernetes secret, which contains DB connnection information
kubectl create secret generic k8s-db-secret-ctx-v1 \
--from-literal=username=<enter_your_DB_username> \
--from-literal=password=<enter_your_DB_username> \

# Launch the inference workers
kubectl create -f /Users/wronk/Builds/divdet/kfjob/inference_job_ctx.yaml

You can now view your status on the GKE landing page, watch message processing rates on PubSub, and check DB usage (if using Google's SQL API).


Object detection in satellite images. Focused first on crater mapping for Mars and the Moon







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