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drewbo committed Sep 18, 2018
1 parent 3e0bf3b commit d907ef8
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 150 deletions.
153 changes: 3 additions & 150 deletions
Expand Up @@ -13,161 +13,14 @@ _satellite imagery from [Mapbox]( and [Digital Globe](ht
## Installation

pip install label_maker
pip install label-maker

Note that running this library this requires `tippecanoe` as a "peer-dependency" and that command should be available from your command-line before running this.

## Configuration

Before running any commands, it is necessary to create a `config.json` file to specify inputs to the data preparation process:

"country": "togo",
"bounding_box": [1.09725, 6.05520, 1.34582, 6.30915],
"zoom": 12,
"classes": [
{ "name": "Roads", "filter": ["has", "highway"] },
{ "name": "Buildings", "filter": ["has", "building"] }
"imagery": "{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN",
"background_ratio": 1,
"ml_type": "classification"

- `country`: The [OSM QA Tile]( extract to download. The value should be a country string matching a value found in `label_maker/countries.txt`
- `bounding_box`: The bounding box to create images from. This should be given in the form: `[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]` as longitude and latitude values between `[-180, 180]` and `[-90, 90]` respectively. Values should use the WGS84 datum, with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees.
- `zoom`: The [zoom level]( to create images as. This functions as a rough proxy for resolution. Values should be given as integers.
- `classes`: An array of classes for machine learning training. Each class is defined as an object with two required properties:
- `name`: The class name
- `filter`: A [Mapbox GL Filter]( to define any vector features matching this class. Filters are applied with the standalone [featureFilter]( from Mapbox GL JS.
- `buffer`: The number of pixels to buffer the geometry by. This is an optional parameter to buffer the label for `object-detection` and `segmentation` tasks. Accepts any number (positive or negative). It uses [Shapely `object.buffer`]( to calculate the final geometry. You can verify that your buffer options create the desired labels by inspecting the files created in `data/labels/` after running the `labels` command.
- `imagery`: Label Maker expects to receive imagery tiles that are 256 x 256 pixels. You can specific the source of the imagery with one of:
- A template string for a tiled imagery service. Note that you will generally need an API key to obtain images and there may be associated costs. The above example requires a [Mapbox access token](
- A GeoTIFF file location. Works with both local and remote files. Ex: `''`
- A [WMS endpoint]( `GetMap` request. Fill out all necessary parameters except `bbox` which should be set as `{bbox}`. Ex:
- `background_ratio`: For single-class classification problems, we need to download images with no matching class. We will download `background_ratio` times the number of images matching the one class.
- `ml_type`: One of `"classification"`, `"object-detection"`, or `"segmentation"`. For the final label numpy arrays (`y_train` and `y_test`), we will produce a different label depending upon the `type`.
- `"classification"`: An array of the same length as `classes`. Each array value will be either `1` or `0` based on whether it matches the class at the same index
- `"object-detection"`: An array of bounding boxes of the form `[xmin, ymin, width, height, class_index]`. In this case, the values are not latitude and longitude values but pixel values measured from the upper left-hand corner. Each feature is tested against each class so if a feature matches two or more classes, it will have the corresponding number of bounding boxes created.
- `"segmentation"`: An array of shape `(256, 256)` with values matching the class_index label at that position. The classes are applied sequentially according to `config.json` so latter classes will be written over earlier class labels.
- `imagery_offset`: An optional list of integers representing the number of pixels to offset imagery. For example `[15, -5]` will move the images 15 pixels right and 5 pixels up relative to the requested tile bounds.

## Command Line Use

`label-maker` is most easily used as a command line tool. There are five commands documented below. All commands accept two flags:
- `-d` or `--dest`: _string_ directory for storing output files. (default: `'data'`)
- `-c` or `--config`: _string_ location of config.json file. (default `'config.json'`)

$ label-maker download --dest flood-monitoring-project --config flood.json

### Download

Download and unzip OSM QA tiles

$ label-maker download
Saving QA tiles to data/ghana.mbtiles
100% 18.6 MiB 1.8 MiB/s 0:00:00 ETA

### Labels

Retiles the OSM data to the desired zoom level, creates label data (`labels.npz`), calculates class statistics, creates visual label files (either GeoJSON or PNG files depending upon `ml_type`). Requires the OSM QA tiles from the previous step. Accepts an additional flag:
- `-s` or `--sparse`: _boolean_ if this flag is present, only save labels for up to `n` background tiles, where `n` is equal to `background_ratio` times the number of tiles with a class label.

$ label-maker labels
Determining labels for each tile
Residential: 638 tiles
Total tiles: 1189
Write out labels to data/labels.npz

### Preview

Downloads example satellite images for each class. Requires the `labels.npz` file from the previous step. Accepts an additional flag:
- `-n` or `--number`: _integer_ number of examples images to create per class. (default: `5`)

$ label-maker preview -n 10
Writing example images to data/examples
Downloading 10 tiles for class Residential

### Images

Downloads all imagery tiles needed for training. Requires the `labels.npz` file from the `labels` step.

$ label-maker images
Downloading 1189 tiles to data/tiles

### Package

Bundles the satellite images and labels to create a final `data.npz` file. Requires the `labels.npz` file from the `labels` step and downloaded image tiles from the `images` step.

$ label-maker package
Saving packaged file to data/data.npz

## Using the Packaged Data

Once you have a packaged `data.npz` file, you can use [`numpy.load`]( to load it. As an example, here is how you can supply the created data to a [Keras]( Model:

# the data, shuffled and split between train and test sets
npz = np.load('data.npz')
x_train = npz['x_train']
y_train = npz['y_train']
x_test = npz['x_test']
y_test = npz['y_test']

# define your model here, example usage in Keras
model = Sequential()
# ...

# train, y_train, batch_size=16, epochs=50)
model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, batch_size=16)

For more detailed walkthroughs, check out the [examples page](examples)

## Contributing

### Installation

Install in development mode using
pip install -e .

### Testing

Tests are run using `unittest`. Unit tests are at `tests/unit` and
integration tests are at `tests/integration`.

You can test a single file like:
python -m unittest test/unit/
or a folder with
python -m unittest discover -v -s test/unit
Full options [here](
## Documentation

Full documentation is available here:

## Acknowledgements

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