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This is a basic implementation of a chatroom using websockets. Embedded in this project is also a custom logging library

Build Status Docker Pulls

Overview GoDoc


    go get


To use the logging library, call this snippet preferably in the init

    import (
    func init() {
        // name the log file "test.log" and write to it in append mode
        def_writers := custlog.DefaultWriters("test.log", true)

    func main(){
        custlog.Info.Println("This is just information")
        custlog.Warning.Println("This is just a warning")
        custlog.Error.Println("This is just an error")

To run the project,

    cd $GOPATH/

    # run the project in develop mode
    go run *.go

    # generate executable for current os
    go build

    # run the executable

For using the binaries only, read Binaries usage

Example Interaction

Example interaction


  • Incorporate a standard Golang ORM
  • Include User and Message models
  • Extend chat interface to include login and signup
  • Include face avatar on every message
  • Create a Rudeness API that can detect how unsensitive a statement is
  • Kick avatar out after every 3 overly rude messages
  • Deploy on Linode server
  • Linode deploy should be linked to Travis pipeline

License (MIT)

This project is opened under the MIT 2.0 License which allows very broad use for both academic and commercial purposes.