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STM - Security Token Master

(ERC20-Compatible Commodity/Cashflow Token)


  • Recommended environment is Linux/OSX/WSL: scripts are not currently Windows/Powershell compatible.


  • cd sol
  • npm i
  • npm i truffle -g
  • npm i ganache-cli -g

Configs / Target Environment

Create the following .env config files, using the .env.example as a template:

`.env.local` => localhost, debug instance
`.env.DEMO` => DEV AWS, DEMO instance
`.env.UAT` => DEV AWS, UAT instance
`.env.DEV` => DEV AWS, DEV instance
`.env.AC_TEST_1` => TEST(AC PrivateNet), Test1 instance

Set with env var: INSTANCE_ID: e.g. export INSTANCE_ID=local to control pre-processor, contract deployment prefix and contract database.

Pre-processor process_sol_js and migration script 2_deploy_contract.js use this env var to load config from .env files, e.g. .env.local, .env.UAT, etc.

Run local node

`ganache-cli --accounts 1024 --networkId 888 --mnemonic "educate school blast ability display bleak club soon curve car oil ostrich" --gasLimit 7800000`

runs with a large number of accounts (the tests require more than 10 built into truffle develop) runs with custom network ID 888 runs with gas limit ~= reported default geth Ropsten-connected node gas limit runs with InstaMining by default OR (better, for individual dev account separation by networkId): from repo root: yarn ganache after change NETWORK_ID=xxx in .env files.

(1) Pre-process & compile

Invoke process_sol_js to pre-process .sol and .js files, based on supplied .env CONTRACT_TYPE:

`node process_sol_js`

Pre-process, compile & output bytecode sizes (see StMaster.sol re. 24k bytecode limit):

`node process_sol_js && truffle compile --reset --all && grep \"bytecode\" build/contracts/* | awk '{print $1 " " length($3)/2}'`

(2) Pro-process, compile & migrate (Deploy) Contracts

`export INSTANCE_ID=local && node process_sol_js && truffle migrate --network development --reset`
  (ganache-cli local node)

`export INSTANCE_ID=DEV && node process_sol_js && truffle migrate --network ropsten_ac --reset`
  (Deploy AWS DEV instance using AirCarbon's Ropsten Geth node)

`export INSTANCE_ID=UAT && node process_sol_js && truffle migrate --network bsc_testnet_bn --reset`
  (Deploy AWS UAT instance using Infura Ropsten)

`export INSTANCE_ID=DEMO && node process_sol_js && truffle migrate --network bsc_testnet_bn --reset`
  (Deploy AWS DEMO instance on AirCarbon's privnet)

Whitelist & Seal Deployed Contract

For setup of deployed contract ready for use, see 04_Web3_INIT_MULTI_DATA_AC.js web3 test(s) to add addresses to the contract's whitelist, seal the contract and optionally submit test transactions/data.

Run Tests

`export INSTANCE_ID=local && node process_sol_js && truffle compile`
  or (undocumented) `... truffle compile --reset` if it keeps recompiling when there aren't any changes in the Solidity

`export INSTANCE_ID=local && node process_sol_js && truffle test --network development`


  • npx soldoc --output html ./contracts/interfaces/docs/soldoc ./contracts/Interfaces
  • npx solidity-docgen -i ./contracts/interfaces -o ./contracts/interfaces/docs/solidity-docgen --contract-pages
  • solidoc ./contracts ./docs ./ true
  • Remix Plugins: EthDoc Generator and EthDoc Viewer

Remix Code Import

  • remixd -s --remix-ide '\=false\&runs\=200\&evmVersion\=byzantium\&version\=soljson-v0.7.1+commit.f4a555be.js'\
  • On Remix: Connect to Localhost

VS Code Extensions

[Solidity Visual Developer] (

  • Flatten /contracts/StMaster/StMaster.sol
  • Generate (class) graph,
  • Generate contract interaction graph
  • Generate inheritance graph
  • Export as UML; or
  • Import to [] ( Menu --> Arrange --> Insert --> Advanced CSV

Dbg - misc


security token master project







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