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Database Seeder


composer require devian2011/seeder


Simple usage

php ./vendor/bin/seeder.php seeder:fill-data --templates-dir=$(PWD)/examples --mode=predefined --params=$(PWD)/.env
Param Definition IsRequired
templates-dir Comma separated paths to directories which contains definitions for fixtures. true
params Path to env file. Also it supports get variables from $_ENV Global false

Advanced usage

You can use seeder in your code for extend expressions, change output wrapper or add event listeners.

Package uses symfony/expression-language
For create your own functions you can write extensions

$seeder = new \Devian2011\Seeder\Seeder(
    ['/path/to/notations/one', '/path/to/notations/two'], // Required param
    ['/path/to/env/file/.env', '/path/to/env/file/.env.local'] // optional param, it can be empty

    new \Devian2011\Seeder\Output\SymfonyConsoleOutput($output), // Output wrapper
    new class implements \Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface {
        public function getFunctions(){
            return [
                new \Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunction('plus', fn() -> return;, fn($ctx, $a , $b) -> return $a + $b)
    }, // Expression Language extensions
        new class implements \Devian2011\Seeder\Events\EventHandlerInterface {
            public function getActions() : array 
                return [\Devian2011\Seeder\SeederEvents::EVENT_SEEDER_CONFIG_LOADED] 
                // List of events You cann see all events in \Devian2011\Seeder\SeederEvents
            public function handle(\Devian2011\Seeder\Events\EventInterface $event){
                echo $event->getMessage(); // Event handler
    ] // Array of event handlers


Better way for configure seeds it uses yaml notations

Database connection configuration

Seeder must contain databases section which is used for connect to databases and mark database connections.

  - code: seeder # Unique database code. It must use in tables definitions
    dsn: "env('MARIADB_DSN')" # PDO dsn
    user: "env('MARIADB_USER')" # Database user
    password: "env('MARIADB_PASSWORD')" # Database password
    options: # PDO options for database connect 

Table configuration

For create fake data this package uses - fakerphp/faker

tables: # Required section name 
  users: # Table code (it can be overwritten by another config)
    database: seeder # Database connection code.
    name: users # Table name
    rowQuantity: 5 # Fixtures row count
    primaryKey: id # Primary key
    columns: # Columns which should
      - name: id # Column name
        value: "auto_increment" # If field with 'auto_increment' value it will not been filled
      - name: login
        value: "" # Expression language has faker. For call faker functions you must write faker.METHOD(...$params)
      - name: password
        value: "faker.word()"
      - name: balance
        value: "400"
      - name: balance_old
        value: "context.balance - 200" # Package has context support. Context works with current row. For get column value for this row you must write context.column_name
        depends: # If column value depends on another columns. You must write **depends** section which have a list if dependant columns 
          - balance # This column depends on balance value
    relations: # If table has relation to another tables. You must set this block
      - name: role_id # Column name which should contain related value
        database: seeder # Database for relation table
        table: roles # Relation table
        column: id # Relation column
        type: manyToOne # Type of relation. Supports manyToOne and oneToOne relation
      - name: info_id
        database: seeder
        table: info
        column: id
        type: manyToOne
        fromDb: true # If column have relation with already loaded data. For it works, table with loaded data must have annotation
    fixed: # If we need to fill predefined data. Everything works like columns section 
      - - name: id
          value: 1
        - name: login
          value: admin
        - name: password
          value: 123456
        - name: balance
          value: 400
        - name: balance_old
          value: "context.balance - 100"
            - balance
      - - name: id
          value: 2
        - name: login
          value: manager
        - name: password
          value: 654321
        - name: balance
          value: 200
        - name: balance_old
          value: "context.balance - 100"
            - balance


Database seeder based on PHP







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