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Guide to Ink Script Choices

Headphone Taco edited this page May 14, 2023 · 2 revisions


These are the custom choices added to Ink Script. For more information on Ink itself, see Inkle’s guide.

If you want to pull down and modify the DomSim ink scripts, have a look at the DomSim Guide to Github for more information.

Player Identity

[character-choice:<choice>] Determines the player’s body choices in the Hallway scene.

  • male--- Chooses the male voice, body, and pronouns.
  • female--- Chooses the female voice, body, and pronouns.
  • pet--- Chooses the female voice, body, and pronouns, but with a penis.

Player Downtime

[continue] / [continue:<seconds>] A ‘wait’ choice that is usually used represents no pause.

Waits for then selects the [continue] choice. Default is 0 seconds. This is sometimes used in the middle of a long section of dialog to break up the text when testing in the editor. It is also used to ‘scope’ choices. For example, the [yes] and [no] choices will be tracked and detected before the character has finished speaking. If there is a lot of dialog, then the player might accidentally trigger [yes] or [no] earlier than desired. By using a [continue] choice, the [yes] and [no] are scoped down to just the lines after the [continue] choice.

[distracted] / [pay-attention] These two choices are driven by the Focused Character’s head and whether or not it is inside an area around the center of the player’s field of view.

A 1-second timer determines if they are ‘distracted’. (Looking away from the Focused Character for more than 1 second or ‘paying attention’ looking at the Focused Character for more than 1 second).

  • [distracted] - If this choice is available, it is triggered by the player looking away from the Focused Character for more than 1 second.
  • [pay-attention] - If this choice is available, it is triggered by the player looking at the Focused Character for more than 1 second. This is usually used after the player has triggered the [distracted] choice to see when they look back.

[timeout] / [timeout:<seconds>] A ‘wait’ choice that is used as a way to tell when the player is indecisive. Waits for then selects the [timeout] choice. Default is 7 seconds.

[wait] / [wait:<seconds>] A ‘wait’ choice that usually represents a short pause or used for explicit timing. Waits for then selects the [wait] choice. Default is 1 second. If used as the only choice, this acts exactly the same as using the /wait command.

Player Actions

[hold] / [roll] These two are used in Nega’s dice game.

  • [hold] is selected when the player grabs the dice from Nega by pulling the trigger/pressing the mouse button.
  • [roll] is selected when the player releases the dice to roll them by releasing the trigger or mouse button.

[move] / [move:<location>] / [move:<location> (<status>)] Triggered when the player moves to a location.

The choice itself also determines if the move location is visible. All move locations are hidden until a [move] is available. If is specified, then only those locations matching the name are visible. When a player move to those locations, it selects the associated [move] choice.The portion allows the move location to show it’s current status. If the [move] choice isn’t there at all, then it is invisible and disabled.

  • unlocked--- Available for the player to use it. (default)
  • under_construction--- Currently unavailable with a lock on it and an ‘under construction’ tag.
  • early_access--- Shows with the ‘early access’ tag. Available if the early access code has been entered or will ask for the code if it hasn’t been entered yet.

[react-success] / [react-fail] This is used for testing the player for a ‘sudden jerk’ such as testing it the player is reacting appropriately to being slapped or spanked.

  • [react-success] is chosen when the player reacts in time.
  • [react-fail] is chosen when the player fails to react in time. (Like a very short [timeout].)

[yes] / [no] These two choices are the default yes/no options for the player.

  • [yes] responds to the player’s head nod (up and down)
  • [no] responds to the player’s head shake (left and right)

-Created by Deviant Dev et al.