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Alex Canales edited this page Oct 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

Sometimes, a company will update their logo or you spotted an error in the SVG/icon that needs to be fixed. This means the current icon in our repository might need an update.

If you want to point out the issue:

  1. Open a new Icon Request Issue and explains the update/issue
  2. If it's an update, include a link to the new logo/announcement.

If you want to fix/update the icon:

  1. Create a new commit to fix the SVGs.
  2. Open a pull request based on the `develop` branch.
  3. Rather than naming the PR new icon, name the pull request update icon: IconName (versions). Basically, follow the Overview on Submitting Icon but replace the new with update in name of request with the above.
  4. Follow the rest of the steps as laid out in Overview on Submitting Icon.