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Security: devilcove/plexus




Transport Level Security is used for web and nats server endpoints. Certmagic is used to obtain certificates via Let's Encrypt

TLS security can be turned off by setting the configuration variable secure=false. For example, if the plexus server is to be installed behind a reverse proxy. See for more information.


Web ui users passwords are hashed with [bcrypt]( crypto@v0.21.0/bcrypt)

Initial User

On startup, plexus-server checks to see that at least one user with admin permission exists. If not, one is created with username/password from config file or default values.

User Types


Admin users have the additional capability to create new users and edit existing users


Normal users can only edit their own user account (eg. change password). Normal users cannot create new users nor edit other users.


In addition to TLS security between agent(s) and server, Nkeys (a new, highly secure public-key signature system based on Ed25519) are used to control access to publication and subscription topics.

Once an agent has joined a server it can

  • Publish
    • to topics beginning with its ID (WGPublicKey)
  • Subscribe
    • to topics beginning with its ID (WGPublicKey)
    • all network updates

Nats is also used for communications between the plexus-agent cli and the plexus-agent daemon. The connection is not encrypted with TLS but the daemon only listens for NATS connections on localhost so only nats clients on the same host can connect.

There aren’t any published security advisories